Monday, September 26, 2022

Vacuum energy is an unlimited energy source. If there is a system that can turn it into electricity.

Vacuum energy is an unlimited energy source. If there is a system that can turn it into electricity. And creating that system is quite difficult. The problem is that system must collect more energy than it uses. If we want to use it for energy production.

The perpetual motion machine is anyway useless because there should be some energy for delivering to wires. The perpetual motion machine just recycles energy. Because the system cannot create energy from nothingness. 

If the system just recycles energy, it cannot deliver electricity to an electric network. Perpetual motion machines are impossible on Earth because of friction. But there should be some kind of energy overload. That causes the system can conduct energy to the electric network. Otherwise, that system is useless. 

 The idea of that kind of hypothetical system is that they are not making energy from emptiness. They transform the energy from the original form to another form.  

The existence of something doesn't mean that the thing is useful. Vacuum energy is sometimes misunderstood only as dark energy. Most of that energy is "dark". But there are also things like radio- and other electromagnetic radiation. 

 Vacuum energy is much more than just dark energy. It means all radio and electromagnetic fields in the universe. From the point of view of energy production, the interest is in the radio and microwave fields. 

A big part of the visible vacuum energy comes from the material or particles that turn to wave motion because of cosmic inflation. 

When the universe's expansion continues. The power of the quantum fields that press material in its form turns weaker. And that causes the particles to turn to wave faster and faster. That thing means that cosmic inflation accelerates all the time. 

Vacuum energy is the name that means energy fields in the universe. That energy is everywhere in the universe. And theoretically, it's quite simple to use as an energy source. Theoretically, systems that use vacuum energy are very simple to make. But the practical solutions are more complicated than people think. 

Vacuum energy is an unlimited energy source. If we can use that energy. The idea of vacuum energy is simple. Energy always travels to the system that is a lower energy level. That means the difference between energy levels makes electrons or electricity flow on the wires. That's right. Electricity travels on the core of the wire. 

The system works like this: At first, the energy load will rise the energy level of the electrons at the point where electricity comes to the wire. And then it starts to flow between electrons that are at the higher energy level. The reason why electricity travels on the wire is that the beginning point of the wire is a higher energy level than the end of the wire. If we think that the point where electricity starts to flow is the beginning point of the wire. 

So the electrons are forming a thing called the energy hill. Energy travels in the wire because the energy level turns lower at the end of the wire. One thing that causes energy loss is that a little bit of electricity will miss the next electron. The oscillation of the electrons causes resistance. 

A theoretical "vacuum energy" system can use maser technology for making electricity. The idea is that when energy travels through the tube that collects radio waves from its environment. When electricity travels in from the outer core of that tube to energy flow it increases its power. 

There is a theoretical system that can collect vacuum energy. 

The simplest system is just a two-layer system. Where is the superconducting stick inside the superconducting tube? The stick will act as the radio antenna. And the electricity will travel on that stick. The outer layer will collect wave motion. Then wave motion can conduct to that stick inside it. 

The idea is that those two layers are acting as the maser system. The wave motion conducted from the outer tube increases the power of the electricity or wave motion that travels in the stick. 

That thing acts by using maser-emission (synthetic radiation emission)to increase electricity's power. The same system can use to increase the power of radio waves that travel through that collector tube. Radio waves can conduct to the electric network. 

The idea is that the donut-shaped electric fields that travel in the tube. Those power fields will send to the tube simultaneously and the idea is during those breaks the electromagnetic fields drop between those energy fields. And the energy field that travels in the tube collects that falling wave motion with it. 

When an electron oscillates it pushes its quantum field against the incoming electric flow and forms the short-term standing wave motion. That thing causes oscillation in the wire which rises the temperature. 

The vacuum energy is not formed from emptiness. Its energy flows to an object that is a lower energy level than other objects. There is the possibility that the stick that is at a minimum energy level will be put in the tube. 

And electric fields travel between those layers. Then from the front of the tube will be shot the ring-shaped wave motion impulses. The idea is that this system will collect the wave motion that falls to the hole in the outer core. This kind of system can collect energy from electromagnetic fields. 

There is the possibility to create an electromagnetic vacuum by using quantum cathode rays. That quantum cathode ray will put electrons in a row. That system creates an electromagnetic vacuum between those electrons. And that causes the case where that thing pulls electromagnetic fields or wave motion between those electrons. 



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