Monday, August 27, 2018

Why humanoids seem to be naked?

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Have you seen the most modern bioprotective suits, what are invented at MIT (Massachusetts Institution of Technology)? Those protective suits are very thin, and they seem like latex. The mission of the thin structure is to pressure the body of the user, and that would give the user a limited space walk capacity. Only the holes of the body must be protected from the emptiness, and the structure must keep empty space outside of the body, and that suit could be used in an emergency situation if the spacecraft would get the leak.

Of course, those astronauts must use normal space suits because of radiation and cold, but that suit can give them a couple of seconds or minutes more time to get in the better space suits. And those protective suits are giving protection against biological threats, or they can also decrease the evaporation when those persons would not have to drink so much. They can also protect the skin from abrasions and make the use of normal clothes and space suits more comfortable. The idea of those suits is, that there would be no space between skin and suit, and in some cases, the skin of the user would be sterilized, because that would deny the skin infections. Those suits have brought the thing in my mind that maybe the humanoids or creatures, what are seen in cases of abductions, might use that kind of suits.

Here is writing about the extraterrestrial things for this day. In this writing, the word "humanoid" means the creatures, what have been seen in the cases of abductions. This is about the question, why humanoids seem to have no clothes in the abduction cases? If those creatures would exist, the reason, why we would see only the creatures, what seems to be naked, but who would not have sex organs, might be caused because those creatures would have thin protective overalls over their bodies. Those protective overalls deny, that the bacteria would not be contacted with the skin of those creatures.

The thin shape would make those overalls safer because the costume would not rupture if it would be stuck to some nail or something like that. The material, what is used in that suit might be some kind of mylar, and one reason, why it's thin, would be that the user would not need to drink so much. Thin structure denies the evaporation. And also abrasions are denied by using this kind of structure. But those kinds of overalls denies also leaving the DNA in the place.

If those abductors would be some extraterrestrial habitats, the reason for missing sex organs might that they are removed, because those aliens would not be wanted to deliver their DNA to the places, where they operate. And that kind of things can also create by humans by sterilizing the skin of those operators. If the used sterilizer would delete all bacteria from the skin, that would cause the situation, that if the operator would not use the protective clothing, the bacteria or mushrooms would kill this person immediately. So this kind of protective clothing could be used to keep some persons in control, and they cannot go anywhere in secrecy.

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