The image introduces how gravity or gravitational waves form when black holes orbit each other. Those black holes pile energy between them. But. How single black hole can form gravity waves?
Can gravity form When an object spins? And that spin turns the electromagnetic field into kinetic energy?
Can we make a black hole simply by putting the fast-spinning ball in the plasma ring?
We can think that a black hole is the structure where a plasma ring surrounds the ball. The plasma ring closes radiation and energy in the structure. And that thing makes the black hole so interesting. We can say that even in this text the black hole's core is described as a ball that transforms electromagnetic energy into kinetic energy, the black hole's core can also be the gravitational tornado.
The idea is that there is a spiral-shaped structure that makes the whirl. The energy level in the whirl is lower than around it. And that makes the outside energy fields travel in that whirl.
Whirling fields can also transform outcoming quantum fields into kinetic energy. The interaction is similar in the case where a black hole is the ball that the plasma ring surrounds.
A black hole is the singularity. The ball that binds energy from around it inside its structure. In this model. That ball turns radiation that the plasma ring sends into the kinetic energy. The idea is that the fast-spinning object inside the plasma ring can harness so much energy that it falls into a black hole. The idea is that the fast-spinning object inside the plasma ring binds energy from that plasma inside it.
That thing means the ball inside that plasma doesn't bind energy. It transforms that energy into the kinetic energy. That means when the energy level in plasma is high enough that increases energy in singularity or structure in this structure.
When the energy level in the plasma ring decreases. That makes the ball energy deliverer. And we see that energy as gravitational waves. Every gravitational wave is a wave movement. So in this text, gravity waves and gravity radiation are the same.
Black holes are interactions between plasma around them. And the ball that binds energy if its energy level is low enough. But when the energy level in the plasma ring decreases that makes the black hole send gravitational radiation. So those gravitational wave bursts don't form when a black hole pulls material like a star inside it. They form when that material flows to the plasma ring ends. That makes the plasma ring's energy turn weaker and it lets energy come out from the black hole.
Does gravity form when some spinning particle turns quantum fields around it into kinetic energy? When that particle or object spins it haness energy around it. And then that energy transforms into spinning movement or otherwise saying, kinetic energy. When an object binds energy inside it it makes it spin faster. And the same time the outcoming energy tries to fill the hole that the energy that object transforms into kinetic energy leaves behind it.
When we think that gravitation is an effect, where something pulls quantum fields inside it, and then those quantum fields transport particles into the black hole we face one interesting idea. Does the fast spin make the black hole? In that case, the high-speed spin in the extremely thick object transforms those fields around it into kinetic energy. So if a particle spins fast enough it pulls energy into it. And then. That energy transforms into kinetic energy.
In that model, gravity waves are radiation or superstrings whose source is very small. This thing rises the energy hills at their top. Same way the gravity waves or gravity radiation are not solid. There are little breaks in those energy impulses. That makes those energy impulses act like thermal pumps. The hilltop of those energy fields turns higher. And that increases the energy flow to the energy walley. That effect pushes energy Walley lower. And that causes the pulling effect.
Can a black hole look like this: The ball and plasma field around it?
Those gravitational beams or energy beams that we call "gravitational waves". Will be the thing that pulls energy fields inside the black holes. The thing that forms the whirls around that structure is cases in which there are small holes in the black hole's structure. Those holes touch the fields and start to make a spiral-shaped structure. We see those structures as the material disks and galaxies. So we can think that the spiral structure continues behind the event horizon. The black hole simply binds energy inside it.
So, gravitational waves or gravitational radiation is quite similar thing as synchrotron radiation. The difference between gravitational radiation and synchrotron radiation is that the gravitational radiation wavelength is so short that it simply turns into a pulling ray. So, if we can make the plasma ring there the radiation simply travels into that ring. That makes the effect that the plasma ring starts to harness energy inside it. That thing causes an effect on the plasma starts to harness energy from outside it. And that causes the pulling effect that we see as gravity.
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