Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Can the dark energy be the reflection from the edge of the material ball called the universe?

The source of dark energy is unknown. There is the possibility that dark energy is reflection radiation that comes from the edge of the material that forms the universe. In this text, the material that is forming the universe is called the universe. And the space where that material is is the space. So the universe is a giant plasma ball where are galaxies and stars.

There is the possibility that dark energy is the reflected radiation that comes from the most out layer of that system. When that energy impacts that plasma it travels between those plasma particles. And then it starts to flow back into the universe. That thing makes the energy level of the universe higher than it should be. 

When did that reflection happen? And, does it happen all the time is a mystery. But the idea is that the dark energy reflects from something and that forms a similar effect to the mirror box that surrounds the candle. That thing reflects the energy inside the universe. And the reason why there is too much energy in our universe is that it reflects. In some other explanations, other universes are the source of that energy. 

There is no edge of space, where the universe is. But there is the most out edge of the material. When the Big Bang send a shockwave across space there was a total vacuum. Nothing limited the speed of that shockwave. Except for one thing gravitation. The gravitation slows the speed of that first shockwave. And then the incoming radiation reached that shockwave. Behind that shockwave, the superstrings followed it.

And then the incoming electromagnetic radiation reached that bubble. The form of that bubble could be electromagnetic wave motion or a giant group of superstrings or some kind of plate of quarks and gluons. That bubble sends wave motion also to the inside of the universe. That wave motion united in the focus of the center of the universe.

 So if the point where the Big Bang happened was some kind of black hole. That thing causes the increase of the energy level in the middle of that black hole. And there is the possibility that the black hole detonated. If there is radiation that travels to the most out plasma of the universe. That thing causes the reflection where all radiation impacts the same point in the middle of the universe. 

Why do some researchers believe that a black hole is in the middle of the universe?  The reason for that is that all galaxies in the universe seem to travel in the same direction. That thing is called cosmic fluid. But confirmation of the existence of that hypothetical black hole requires that researchers can detect the gamma-ray pillars of that object. And that thing is not seen yet. 

So if the hypothesis of the giant black hole or mass center in the middle of the universe is true that thing causes energy flow to the plasma. That should surround the most distant galaxies. And then energy flows across the entire plasma ball. 




Image: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_flow


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