In this text, the focus is that if the planet is extremely cold. And there is not even volcanic activity. That thing could make the planet invisible. There is of course possible that "Planet 9" is some kind of glimpse of dark matter. But there is a possibility that it's the large object of Bose-Einstein condensate. Nobody has seen that planet yet, but it has given ideas to material researchers. On how to make material invisible. That answer could be in "Planet 9" if it exists.
Researchers are interested in the mythic "Planet 9" because that kind of object would give information about the possibility to find ultra-cold planets and other objects. Which temperature would be near zero kelvin. Nobody found "Planet 9" yet. But there is suspicion that "Planet 9" is ultra-cold gas or water planet that has its origin in some other solar system.
The thing explains why the planet is invisible. Is the possibility that this kind of object can be extremely large bites of Bose-Einstein condensate? And that means those atoms in that kind of planet would be at the minimum energy level.
So, the distance of those atoms would be maximum. That thing could make it possible that electrons. Or even quarks inside hadrons can turn into a straight line. So, there is an ultra-cold material that is different from the material that we know.
Of course, we can create Bose-Einstein condensate in laboratories. But we cannot make a planet-size bite of that condensate. In extremely low temperatures is a possibility that low energetic electrons can be locked in stable positions.
Image 2
If electrons on electron cores of atoms or quarks inside hadrons are turning to straight lines, that could turn material invisible. That form the energy channels in that hypothetical material. So those quantum pikes are acting like masers. And they can send the radiation back to impacting radiation. So that kind of thing can turn the incoming radiation away from the surface of that planet.
And that thing makes it possible, that the extremely cold planet can drive light, and other electromagnetic radiations bypass the planet's denying the reflection from the planet's surface. So, those radiation pikes would make the light act like radiowaves that flow over the surface of the stealth bomber.
That quantum system acts like an Earth's magnetic fields (Image 2), where radiation pike splits incoming radiation. Or reflection between particles that are standing between hypothetical planet 9 and the sun causes reflection that turns light away from the planet.
So light acts like radio waves. The idea of plasma-stealth is coming from the planet's magnetic field. That plasma drives incoming radiation to pass the planet and if that thing is made over aircraft the plasma drives incoming radio impulses over the object. And that denies the radar echo.
Same way if there is lots of particles or particle cloud between the observer and target. If in that cloud is a side-way reflection that radiation network can deny that radiation cannot pass that radiation field. And it covers the weak echo that forms by the backward-coming radiation. But the counter radiation denies incoming radiation reflection by turning the course of radiation by using counter radiation.
And then the radiation or quantum pikes that are rising from that planet's core push the incoming radiation away from its core. So that thing makes radiation flow backward of that hypothetical planet. In those theories, Planet 9 is the roque planet that nova- or supernova eruption pushed away from its solar system. There is no radioactive material left.
So it's the ice ball with a temperature of three kelvin. And there could be little difference between day and night side temperatures. That thing causes small energy flow over the core of that hypothetical strange world.
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Image 2)
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