Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Nanotechnology and artificial intelligence are the ultimate combinations in medical work.

If medicines are equipped with nano-size sensors. That thing makes the system able to observe how chemicals are affecting cells. 

AI can follow the effect of medicine in real-time. That thing requires that researchers will inside put inside medicines the nano-size microchips that can measure things like the electric load of the cells. And those nano-size microchips can also search for things, like changes in the metabolism of the cells and other kinds of things. The nano-size submarines are even more powerful than those medicals. 

The UV-LED can destroy viruses. But it can also destroy bacteria. If the UV-LED slip into the cell it can give radiation to the DNA. And that thing can destroy bacteria as well as it destroys viruses. 

The nano-size submarines can take the miniature UV-LEDs near harmful cells. And those UV-LEDs can destroy the cell. There is the possibility that nano-size UV sources will put in the microchips that are slipping into the cells. And then the UV light will destroy the DNA of the targeted cell. That system can use a battery where iron and gold atoms are given electricity. 

That kind of system can make it possible to destroy bacteria and other harmful cells by using the WLAN or BlueTooth technology. But the nano-size submarines can also transmit images of the cells. And they can search how UV light affects cells that are under radiation. 

Or maybe the futuristic microtechnology can get its energy from the ion pumps. In that kind of system, the nanomachine will touch positive and negative ion pumps at the same time. And that thing can deliver energy to those machines. 

There is also the possibility that the nanomachine puts a small tube in the ion pumps. And that tube will lock those ion pumps open. Or nano-size robot can conduct all electricity from the surface of the targeted cell to itself. And that thing denies the ion pump's ability to work. There are billions of ways how the nanomachine can destroy its target. 

It can slip into the cell and destroy its internal organelles. The nanomachine can simply pull the internal organelles of the cell away. And that kills the cell immediately. Or it can pump the cell full of DNA or fibrine fiber. That thing can make the cell unable to operate. 



Image: https://scitechdaily.com/artificial-intelligence-can-accurately-predict-human-response-to-new-drug-compounds/amp/


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