Friday, October 14, 2022

The complex and collective behavior of particles is making a new way to think about robotics.

"MIT engineers have designed simple microparticles that can collectively generate complex behavior, such as generating an oscillating electrical current that could be used to power tiny robotic devices. This is an abstract artist’s concept, not an actual video of the microparticles." ( Particles Work Collectively To Generate Complex Behavior)

The emergent behavior is the thing that is more interesting than the enzyme-based solutions. The emergent behavior means that the particle cloud can oscillate at the same frequency. So that ability makes it possible to create a large structure of nanomachines that can interact and exchange information with each other. 

That thing makes it possible to create a cloud of the nanomachines that are acting together and form the physical cloud that acts like one large hard disk. The emergent behavior makes the simple actors act like one macro-organism. And even if one of the participants of that kind of system cannot complex behavior. That allows the system to connect the participants of that swarm to one entirety.  

In that version, every system's participant knows little part of the operation. And when the mark for beginning the emergent behavior comes those participants can connect their skills to entirety. So the things that the swarm must do are stored like pieces of the puzzle. And emergent behavior connects that puzzle to one entirety. 

Theoretically, that thing makes it possible to create intelligent insect swarms. In that system, each participant of the insect swarm learns a small part of the operation that the swarm must do. And then those insects will be connected by using wireless microchip technology. The emergent behavior means that when the large group of participants of some swarm or group gets the signal "attention danger" the swarm starts to act as one entirety against danger. That kind of behavior is typical for insects like ants and bees. Now MIT researchers are making that thing for non-living particles. 

The next-generation miniaturization can be an atom-size quantum computer. 

The emergent behavior makes also possible to create the next-generation miniature technology. The next step for miniaturization could be quantum technology. In those, still hypothetical machines, which size is smaller than an atom. The qubits and things like hadrons and quarks are the tools that act like extremely small nanomachines. In those systems, hadrons can be the core of the system. And the system can create quantum entanglement between two quarks or even two gluons. The quantum machine can move by moving the electrons ahead of that hadron. 

But then to the more traditional nanomachines. In the nanomachines can be star-looking structures at the front of them. That thing makes a cavitational bubble that pulls the machine forward. 

The nanorobots are small bites of molecules. And if the system can program those molecules to act a certain way. That thing brings a new type of complex nanomachines possible. Those new intelligent molecules can react with other molecules. And they can also make many complex things. But the problem is how to program those molecules to act a certain way in certain situations. 

But the problem is how to make the molecule turn or otherwise react to certain stress. The researchers can find that answer from the hard disks. Magnetization makes it possible to make small plates. That jump in and out when certain chemical stress is impacting to nanomachine. 

The thing that launches the reaction would be an enzyme that is released when the nanomachine faces chemical stress. When an enzyme impacts the nanomachine that causes an electrochemical reaction that makes the nano-plates or molecule bites jump outside. 

Or if there is a star-looking form at the front of the molecule that molecule can start to rotate. And then the cavitation bubble pulls it forward.


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