Thursday, October 20, 2022

The new honeycomb-like quantum material has new kind of abilities.

The image above introduces how the new honeycomb quantum material behaves. The text below the original image goes like this "By exposing a honeycomb-like material with a specific kind of magnetic field, yellow arrow, researchers can create order among the loop currents, light blue, within that material. Electrons, in green, can then pass through the material much more easily. Credit: Oak Ridge National Laboratory" ( Beehive: Physicists Probe “Astonishing” Morphing Properties of Honeycomb-Like Quantum Material)

The next generation of quantum materials can make layers invisible and allow them to make crafts that act like UFOs. And that thing makes quantum technology more powerful than we ever imagined. 

Quantum materials can also use in quantum computers where the quantum processor is connected to the core material. And that makes it possible to create long-distance probes where the entire craft is a quantum computer. That kind of system can operate at Kuiper Belt. 

The thing is that this kind of material can be key to even more astonishing materials where all electrons are in synchronized positions. But what happens, if all electrons on the material's core are precise at the same position comparing their atoms? 

That thing would create a new type of material that can conduct energy and light in a certain direction. The diagram of that material could be similar to the image above, but the blue arrows would be electrons that are orbiting their atoms synchronized. 

That thing makes it possible to conduct electromagnetic fields and photons through that kind of quantum version of the Gauss track. If that kind of structure is at the outer layer of the disk-shaped object that thing allows the creation of the system that makes the object invisible. 

The idea is that the system uses counterwaves to suspend the echoes from its core. And that kind of quantum stealth system can operate in the area of visible light. So that kinds of systems can make an object invisible. 

The quantum layer makes the new type of ion systems possible. 

But there is a possibility that this kind of system can operate as a quantum ion engine which can change the direction of ions wherever the system operator wants. That kind of system can pull ions over its layer. And that means the craft doesn't need traditional ion engines. The ion flow over the layer will make the craft move. 

That kind of technology makes undersea systems and flying machines more capable than ever before. The quantum layer can operate in both roles, stealth, and engine. 

That kind of futuristic technology can be possible someday in the future. But the fact is that quantum is the technology of tomorrow. It can change the game in every possible way. That kind of quantum material can revolutionize technology in both civil and military systems. And the only thing that limits innovation is the lack of imagination.


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