Friday, November 4, 2022

Could the dark energy be the result of a vacuum around the universe?

In some wild theories. Dark energy or dark wave motion forms when the tachyon hits this dimension. Dark energy is wave motion that rips the universe into pieces. 

Sometimes the source of dark energy is explained as when the quarks inside the protons or neutrons are oscillating they send wave motion. The reason for that oscillation is gluons. 

Gluons are traveling between quarks. Whenever gluon hits the quark it takes energy from it. And when a gluon that transports the strong nuclear force travels between quarks it releases its energy. 

And there is some yet unknown particle that locates between gluon and quark. When a gluon that travels between quarks impacts that yet-unknown particle. It sends radiation that wavelength is the same as that yet unknown particle. 

Is this the idea of Gran Unified Theory (GUT)?

But why strong nuclear force is so strong? The area where that strong nuclear interaction effect is very small if we are comparing it with gravitation or electromagnetism. And the idea of the GUT is this. The diameter of the affected area determines the name of the force. 

So the idea of the GUT is that every four fundamental forces, gravitation, electromagnetism, weak- and strong nuclear forces are the same force. 

A strong nuclear interaction is an interaction between gluon and quark. There is a possibility that this interaction happens when the superstrings are starting to travel between quark and gluon. When one superstring is turning to spiral and forms a quantum tornado. That effect will pull another superstring inside it.

 Then that quantum spiral starts to input energy to the quantum string that is inside the quantum spiral. That system works like a laser and the radiation that comes ends of the internal super- or quantum string pushes the particles away from the ends of that quantum channel. And that thing is the form of dark energy. 

Tachyon is the hypothetical faster-than-light particle that would not be possible in our universe. But outside the universe where nothing can slow particles, the tachyon could exist. The reason for that is simple. nothing can travel faster than light in our universe. In our universe quantum fields are slowing the speed of all particles. 

But outside our universe is no quantum fields. That means there could be tachyons. So are tachyons particles that source outside the universe? When that kind of particle hits the quantum field. It releases its energy as wave motion.  That interaction transforms the tachyon to some other particle immediately. 

So if the tachyon comes outside the universe and hits this plasma ball it sends radiation. And there is the possibility that tachyons are ordinary particles that are hitting our universe from outside it. When we are thinking of conditions that those hypothetical particles are facing when they hit our universe from outside it they are traveling faster than any particle in the universe. Gravitation accelerates them. And when they hit the plasma and quantum fields. They send radiation because their speed is too high for our universe. And that idea is that the particles that origin is outside our universe are tachyons. 

Anyway, even if tachyons existed. Their existence rests in an extremely short moment. And if tachyons are dark energy and dark matter that explains why we cannot measure those things. When tachyon comes to our universe it will immediately turn into a Higgs boson or some yet unknown particle. So that tachyon would send radiation when it turns to som another particle. And could that thing explain why the source of dark energy is unknown? If tachyon existed. Its lifetime is shorter than Higgs boson's lifetime. 

There are three places where we could find those hypothetical tachyon particles. 

1) Outside the Universe

2) Near Black Holes

3) In Boötes Void. 

In that great nothing, every particle travels faster than outside it. So when that hyper-speed particle hits the outer edge of the Boötes void that thing sends radiation. And that radiation pushes particles away from each other. So that kinds of areas can cause cosmic inflation or expansion of the universe. 

When tachyons hit the quantum field they change their form immediately, because they release energy quantum. And that makes it very hard to detect them. The theory goes like this: When a tachyon hits the quantum field, it releases its kinetic energy to that quantum field. That energy impulse covers other tachyons behind it. 

And even if tachyon existed, that particle is a very small and short-living thing. So there is the possibility. That tachyon sends radiation that wave motion is unique. And that radiation is dark energy. The gravitational effect of tachyons is dark matter But confirming this thing, is extremely difficult. And that means the tachyon can remain a theoretical particle. 

The idea of this thought is simple. Because the universe expands the energy travels from it. To the vacuum that is around it. The reason for that is that energy in the universe is higher than in the vacuum around it. And the quantum system is always attempting to reach the minimum energy level. The universe is the largest known quantum system. But there is a vacuum around it. 

And that thing causes that energy flows to that vacuum. The vaporization of material causes the energy level in the universe to rise in comparison to the material. The vaporization means that the material turns to wave motion or superstrings. So superstrings are extremely thin bites of the wave motion. 

There is a possibility that dark energy is a virtual force. That thing forms when at the edge of the universe is nothing that limits the speed of particles and light. In this text "edge of the universe" means the most out plasma the Big Bang released. And outside our universe is no quantum fields and the material is extremely sparse. In that area where the universe impacts with great nothingness material and light travel faster than anywhere else. Otherwise, the gravitation of the universe slows those particles. 

When those particles and superstrings are traveling away from the universe gravitation affects those objects. When giant galaxies are in a straight line with each other. That slows the speed of superstrings and particles. When that thing happens those things are releasing their kinetic energy as the wave motion. 

The thing with gravitation is that it's not stable in the universe. When super-heavy objects are in line gravitation is stronger. And that slowing the speed causes energy impulses. When some particle sends wave motion it sends a little bit of its mass. But the wave motion that the particle sends pushes quantum fields around the particle away. And then another quantum field must fill that thing. 

In another version, the extremely fast particles and wave motion cause an effect that there is some kind of vacuum behind them. If there is a small electromagnetic or quantum tunnel behind particles or superstrings that electromagnetic tunnel will fill by quantum fields. 

When that thing happens those fields impact each other. That thing forms virtual particles. Virtual particles act like real particles. And that could explain why we cannot see dark matter. In that theory, dark matter is the strong quantum field that acts like visible material.

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