"The inside of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment at the Large Hadron Collider. Rochester physicists working at the detector have observed spin entanglement between top quarks and top antiquarks persisting at long distances and high speeds. Credit: CERN" (ScitechDaily, Faster Than the Speed of Light: Information Transfer Through “Spooky Action at a Distance” at the Large Hadron Collider)
The reason why the information traveled faster than light between two high-energy particles is not a mistake. The energy level in the quantum entanglement between the top quark and its antiparticle anti-top quark is so high. This thing forms the electromagnetic wormhole around the particle pair.
The energy flows away from the quantum entanglement. And that denies the side effects disturb the quantum entanglement. In that high-energy system. The energy that flows out from the quantum entanglement denies the outside energy fields touch that quantum entanglement.
When physicists say that information travels faster than light they mean that the photon travels in space, there it can travel faster than outside that space. There is the possibility of using the twisted light to make the electromagnetic wormhole, the channel that isolates its inner structure from the outside world. The electromagnetic or acoustic tornado denies energy leaks to the sides.
The gravitational wormhole acts with the same principle as the electromagnetic wormhole. The radiation wavelength in those wormholes is the thing that determines if it is a gravitational, electromagnetic, or acoustic wormhole.
The thing that causes the effect that the speed of light is crossed in a wormhole is simple. Photons or light travel faster in the wormholes than outside it.
The energy or wave movement behind the object pushes it forward. The thing that puts this structure operating is the electromagnetic low-pressure or vacuum at the front of the particle. When information travels in the wormhole the lower energy area at the exit-side pulls quantum fields into it. If that pull is strung enough it forms the electromagnetic vacuum that turns deeper and deeper ahead of the particle.
The energy wave behind the particle pushes it harder and harder. The difference between energy Walley at the front of the particle and energy wave behind it turns deeper and deeper. And the speed and energy level of the particle rises. The reason why particles can cross the speed of light is that there is no crossing quantum field in the Einstein-Rose bridge that can pull energy out from particles.
Particles are not crossing the speed of light in the Einstein-Rose bridge. The theory of Relativity says that the speed of light is relative. And that means light travels faster in the Einstein-Rose bridge or wormhole than outside it.
Electromagnetic wormholes can also make it possible for light to travel faster in them than in the medium. In quantum systems, quantum channels form wormholes closing outside effects out of that channel. And that forms the wormhole where photons can travel faster than outside those channels.
Information traveled faster than light in LHC. That causes a question about the speed of light. The speed of light is the cosmic speed limit, but how can information travel faster than light? The answer is that the speed of light depends on the medium. The speed of light is higher outside the atmosphere than in the atmosphere. In the atmosphere, information travels faster than in water.
The fact is that crossing the speed of light is easier than people think. The thing that slows the photon's speed is the scattering effect. When a photon travels in the medium, the scattering effect or the low-energy quantum field pulls energy out from the photons. So the thing is that if the system can form a tunnel across the air, where there is no air, that allows photons to travel faster than usual.
Things like laser rays or phonons can also make needed channels through the air, and because there are no molecules or even no atoms, that vacuum channel can make information travel faster than light. Or actually, information travels faster than it travels out of that channel, which we can call an acoustic or electromagnetic wormhole.
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