Tuesday, October 24, 2017

The problems of DEW (Directed energy weapons)

U.S NAVY Laser weapon
(Source: CNN)

Kimmo Huosionmaa

The major technical problem of direct energy weapons like laser guns is overheating. The laser element rakes very much heat, and that's why it must have an effective cooling system. That's why navies of the woŕld are the first users of laser guns. Ships are rounded by sea, and seawater can be used in cooling systems of laser weapons.

Those Laser guns are the same type of lasers that are used in metal industry, and most of them are carbon monoxide lasers, what give extremely powerful radiation in the infrared area of the electromagnetic spectrum. Naval laser systems are working as a replacer of a normal anti-aircraft cannon. They simply cut off wings of attacking airplane. The problem of gas lasers is it is a tube filled with gas, what makes it a little bit hard to install to portable systems. Gas leak in the tube causes malfunction of the system. But why military men around the world are interesting with lasers?

The reason of developing of that kind of systems is that laser has limitless ammunition capacity. If a soldier uses laser gun he doesn't need any ammunition at all, and that makes laser very effective if it works.  Only thing what the user of laser gun needs is light to laser element, that the weapon will work. If we are talking about the problem of laser rifle, the major problem is that laser element must stand for strikes and hard handling. The problem with that limitless ammunition capacity is security. If laser gun goes to wrong hands, the problem is that those men don't need ammunition.

They must only get acetylene for that gun's YAG systems acetylene lamp, and after that, they are free to shoot. That causes problems with public security because nothing puts limits to shots. And that is a very bad thing if those weapons go in wrong hands. And if those weapons are used in criminal actions, the user can't be tracked by rifle picture on bullet or DNA what leaves to patrons. That will make those weapons extremely dangerous.



Laser bullets are next generation equipment for assassins

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Have you ever heard a term "laser bullet"? That means single-use laser weapon, what might shoot from rifle or cannon. Those equipment are normal patrons, what are filled with flashlight powder, and in the middle of that patron is a crystal stick, what is made of glass or sugar. The idea of that structure is that patron works as a miniature laser.

Ends of that stick is a mirror, which is normally used in lasers. In another mirror is a small hole, and between those mirrors consists a laser ray, what means coherent light. The problem with that ammunition is that flashlight powder doesn't make enough exhaust gas to operate automatic weapons lock system. One way is to modify a gun for the electric operating system when there will be no need to worry about the pressure of the powder gas.

There is very easy way to fix that problem. Just stick a grip to the gun, what can move feedback system, and pump action laser gun is ready to use. Or just modify those patrons suitable for shotguns, where is pump mechanism ready. The problem with laser bullets is that ammunition is untrackable. That makes laser weapons so dangerous. That ammunition is pure light, and that's why officials can't track them any specific weapon. But if we are talking about "real laser guns", what might look like the normal assault rifle, but inside that weapon is a laser element what is made with special glass.

Many people think that those guns need lots of electricity, but YAG-technology makes possible to build very powerful lasers, what doesn't need more power than a 5-volt battery. That technology bases with acetylene lamp, what pumps energy to laser element. That element could be made with pure carbon, what is converted to a very huge pressure to one kind of diamond. The trigger is working as the switch, what turns on and off the electric circuit when the user will pull it.


Is this an ancient sacrificial stone?

Kimmo Huosionmaa

The picture above advances a strangely shaped stone in southern Finland near capital city Helsinki. Its strange shape makes me think is that an old sacrificial stone from the pagan age of Finland. That will not so far away from truth than people normally think. Finnish landscape is moraine, and there is full of quite small stones. That stone what is in this picture is so-called black granite, what is very strong mineral. And stones doesn't face much erosion in this kind of places. An erosion is a very common thing, what destroys relics, but if the stone will crush by trees or ice, that erosive material must get its way inside that stone.

And if there are no scars in stone, the ice can't break it. That's why this stone might be very old sacrificial stone because it looks like handmade an object. Of course, it might be a stone from the old building site, what workers have throw to the forest, but that will not explain that kind of shape of that strange stone. Here on the southern coast of Finland is a very old tradition for settlements, because Estonian coast is so close, that in ancient times tradesmen sailed across Baltic Sea, to change their stuff from central Europe to squirrel fur and another kind of pelts. And of course, when Russian empire rises, the sea route to Tallinn was grown more important, because relations between Sweden and Russia were not very good during 15th. to 18th. century.

In those times Finland was a part of the kingdom of Sweden. And that time has much influence of nowadays Finland. When we are talking about the pagan time of Finland, we must remember that old tradition does not disappear in one night, and I'm quite sure that old pagan cults were in the mind of people long after crusades of Swedish in the 14th century. Those crusades officially ended paganism in Finland, and punishment of those rituals was execution, that kind of traditions are strong in people mind.

And maybe somebody still believes in those old gods. I know that this sounds quite crazy, but there are rumors that somebody has been sacrificed to some ancient gods even in nowadays. That might be some kind of joke, but there are stories, that in somewhere in Lapland have people found ritual executed animals. But those stories might be only jokes or rumors. But it is bad to say what is persons right attitude of religion.

Those sacrifices might also be some kind of Wicca or something else new-pagan hobbyist work. That kind of rumors doesn't mention when those ritual sacrifices have been done, but they are interesting to hear. somebody says that they happened in to begin in the 20th century and wildest rumors say that they were from the 21st century. But who wants to believe those things is that person's own business. But they could give a strong subject to some Hollywood's movie manuscript, where the hero finds old cults from modern society.


Nanotechnology might bring cure for dangerous animals and fix injuries in human body.


Kimmo Huosionmaa

When people get infection in the blood, they are in very bad risk to die, if antibiotics don't take effect to that organism. The problem with amoebas and worms is that that protozoan is that they are so huge in front of our leukocytes. That's why they will eat our leukocytes, and only thing, what is left for destroying those protozoans from our blood are huge doses of antibiotics. The mission for those antibiotics is to kill those animals from our blood. But the problem is that those antibiotics will kill also our normal cells and that's why they are dangerous to use. The solution of that problem might be found from nanotechnology.

Nano-machines can destroy those very dangerous things with making holes in their body, and by forcing them to die. Those new type of intelligent nano-machines can communicate with, microchips what are implanted to the human body. But nanotechnology can do much more with human health. In some accidents and poisoning, cases will oxygen level in the human body can decrease in extremely low level, and some people see nanotechnology as a solution for that problem. In this scenario in the human body will inject tiny balls, what is filled with oxygen. Those little balls will be carried to cells, and there they will release oxygen. 

Nano-robots might use in accidental cases to carry cells to the target. Those cells might be grown outside of the human body, and small robots will carry them to the right place of victims body. That will help fix those injuries very fast. Those cells will inject to person's body, and there those little robots will begin to carry them to bones and muscles what are damaged in that accident. In the wildest dreams, those tiny machines give the person a super-immune-system. In those visions, that kind of machines can even replace human leukocytes and in some scenarios, those machines will defend us from an attack of bears and snakes. If a bear or some other species attack a human, those nano-machines will attack against that animal and make it body liquid.

But there are more impressive visions about what technology can be made for human cells in the case when there is a problem with oxygen level. The vision is to use genetic manipulation to increase human performance. It would be done with specially modified viruses, to transfer the genetics what makes photosynthesis possible from vegetables to human cells. After that, there could be possible that human skin will start to use photosynthesis in the human body. That, of course, will rise oxygen level in that person's skin. That biological advantage can increase human performance very much. 

Monday, October 23, 2017

Why media will handle only a negative part of the life?

Kimmo Huosionmaa

The problem with media is that there will ever be introduced an average person's life. A person who is the main character in documents and movies is always some kind of ultimate version of people what represented of some lifestyle, what is introduced in those programs. Do you think that Pablo Escobar is some kind of an average version of the drug dealer? That man had billions of cash, but does some so-called “street level"'drug dealer that kind of money, or does he even dream about that, when that person hangs around some shopping center and sells some crack-capsules. What made Escobar so frightening person, was his money.

He could hire mercenaries to support his reputation. But I always thought that Escobar was only a shield man for some other actors in that dirty business. If people have money, he could do almost everything, but if he want’s to hire a mercenary, must he have the right relationships. Nobody wants to get smoked that the person has been worked as a mercenary. That’s why they take jobs only from agents who they trust. And being mercenary in somewhere Africa is the little bit different than making murders in normal western State. If a person will smoke that he is an assassin, will he or she punish by the court of law? The line of that kind of people is extremely tough. Those prisoners ever get out from prison.

But in those cases like Escobar, we might see what is the direction, where media sometimes goes. I don't know why they are not writing about guys who were in gangs and after that, they began to live a normal life without any problems. Why the objective of those documents is always so negative? They always begin that kind of problems with interest, but soon after intros, the journalist really begins to show really bad attitude for that case. They just are beginning to find some errors in that case, and sometimes the information what has been given to people is very grotesque.

They bring in front of the public eye some that targets friends, who might be in jail. But they never tell to people, why those people were arrested and what was a crime, where convictions came. And of course, they never tell to people, how long those "criminals" were been in jail. Only thing what is mentioned, has been that those persons are convicted for some crimes. If we see that kind of journalism realistic, we must be naive.

There is always news where drug user brutally killed the people who helped them. But when we are taking a focus in those stories, we must realize that narcotics users might be very dangerous and unpredictable because they have hallucinations. But when we are talking about those cases, there have been only a couple of that kind of cases in the Europe. And didn't anyone told those people, that if somebody uses drugs, he might be blackmail by his fellows to let them in?

And why reporters only take this kind of crimes on the front pages of newspapers? In here I must ask, is the help what came to those persons so altruistic at all? Why they bought a cell phone to that guy? I know that these are the most brutal worlds, what anybody can write, but didn't anybody tell to those people, that money should ever give drug user or alcoholics. They just buy more drugs with that money. When narcotics control the person, he or she might not able to control his or her actions, and that's why those people might be dangerous. But why media tells stories about only those cases, what ended sadly way?


Everything is not always how it seems in the first sight

Kimmo Huosionmaa


When we are talking about using information telephone's location for tracking some people, we must remember that that thing basis the cellphone. Nobody knows, who carries that cellphone. So anybody could take the cellphone the room table or something and walks away from the flat before the murder.  They might think on the court, that that cellphone was in the hands of somebody else.

Those tracking information proof that cellphone was in somewhere. And it can be given to somebody else. That cell phone could be in somebody else's than it right owner's hands.  Anybody might have that SIM-card or cellphone, and a problem for the defender is that he took a part of that violence.

The problem is in the background of those people. In the court, they must think that cellphone or the SIM-card what was used in the collection of the tracking data was in hands of somebody else than this man, who says that he is innocent. It would be nice to know is that SIM-card a prepaid or normal telephone subscription. And that other person's might claim, that they got that SIM-card from this man for something like paying the bill.

They were narcotics users and perfect targets for that kind of set up. If they took some drugs before the crime, they might not remember even remember how many people were in the flat. In the justice system, there is a problem in this kind of cases, that everybody tells lies when they sit in the court hall, and also judges and police officers hear all the time stories about some "unknown man", who slipped out the murder place.

Is the story about Luther and his theses literally true?

Martin  Luther

Have you ever noticed a strange thing in the picture of Martin Luther? His left eye seems not always painted in the same direction with the right eye, what might mean that his left eye might be blind. Or probably he had strabismus in that eye, but why the painter had put that thing so visible in his painting of the man, who became famous for his work as the church reformer and the man who created the Lutheran church. Is that eye injured something in his younghood, and does that presumable injury have something to do with his antisemitism?

When we are talking about Luther, we always forget, that nobody borns in age 40. So did he went to fight with some jews, and did something that happened in that fight cause that hates Jews? Or was Luther cover something with his hate? I read from some book that Luther had Jewish friends or at least mates, who visited at his home. So what Luther might cover, when he began to write anti-semitic writing named as “About Jews and their lies"?

Was he make business with Jews, and if theologian will uncover that he lends money from jews will everybody laugh to him. Or was the thing more serious? Was there something that drove that priest to break his connections with catholic church? Something that might cost his life. So was Luther a man who changed a place with somebody else? Was real Luther killed by that man hand, and did he took a place of his victim? Is that reason why he created a new church, where priests use people's language when they speak to normal people?

What was his motivation to begin that process, to start the reform for the church? Did he really want to establish the Lutheran church?  But there is one thing, what every investigator must know about this man, and other famous people in history, There are many text and fact about them, what is not literally true. Some texts for their life have written after their death because to protect that person’s real identity. So we might only guess where Martti Luther actually lived when he made his translation of Holy Bible. The biography might be true, but it might also be colored.

The facts what we read today might be written by some propaganda writers during 30 years war, where the King of Sweden and other protestants wanted to break catholic leagues lines by claiming that Luther was made translations of the Bible under the protection of some German prince. So when those writers wrote his biography, the outcome could be something, where Luther can’t even recognize himself. And that’s why those biographies are not always followed real life of that person.


What actually means "neutron bomb phenomenon" in business life

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Are you ever called a term "neutron bomb effect" when people are speaking about the industrialism or economics? The name of this phenomenon causes a weapon what is called the neutron bomb. That weapon kills people and leaves the material untouchable. And this is a route of modern car manufacturing technology. Companies want's to maximize their profits, and that's why they want to operate with the minimum workforce. There is a man in the USA who is called as a "Neutron Bomb Jack".

He is a leader who began to transform car factories production lines for full automatized robots, and after his work, there was a situation where workers still were unemployed, and robots worked in factories. Guess how much profits those companies could get, because they can make robots to work 24 hours per day without any brakes of production. The robot worker doesn't need medical attention, payroll or social security. If robot has malfunctions the company just carries it to recycling bin

That's why human workers are replaced by robots. This means that power of labor union will not any more work as a pressure method in discussions of rules in a  financial environment. When robots replace human workers in the car business, the company has no need for humans as a workforce. Robots don't make strikes and they don't take coffee brakes during the working day. And they don't need a salary of their work.

The only price what the company must pay is electric bill and of course a price of the robot. This advancement of industrialization makes possible to produce just so many products, what will be sold. But this kind of thinking makes human workers unnecessary for the company. Only in some design jobs are placed, where mankind is a necessary part of the process, and those places are manly in jobs where creativity is a key element for success in work and production's success. Robots are awesome says company's leader, because he or she must not recruit one single worker to that company.

This is a way what makes traditional work concept old fashion way to handle a business. That is the thing what our political leaders must understand. Companies can kick people off when they don't need them, but those kicked of persons will drop to society's price. State or government can't kick those persons somewhere. That's the difference between the company and public government. The only reason why the company exists is making the profit for it stakeholders and that's why robots are very popular in car factories.

Even if there will come sudden orders for that product's the company does not hire extra-workers. They just give orders to manufacturing robots to increase the production and that means that there will not open new workplaces. This is a key in "neutron bomb phenomenon". Even if the economic situation turns to fast rise it doesn't mean new workplaces. This is what has been happening in the USA and many other countries. Production increases but none workers will hire. The worker in the industrial hall is an army of robots, what made human workers unnecessary for company.


The media is the greatest opportunity and the greatest threat for democracy


Sunday, October 22, 2017

About John F. Kennedy's assassination

Kimmo Huosionmaa

When we are talking about conspiracy theories one case will rise above them all. The president of the United States of America, John Fitzgerald Kennedy was shot to death during his campaign for the second season for the presidential election. The suspect was shot in the garage of Dallas police station, and the theater was ready for conspiracy theories about the conspiracy inside government. The murder of the man who was named for shooter Lee Harvey Oswald made those theories. Many conspiracy theorists believe that Oswald was one of the shooters or worked alone for somebody. And who was that "somebody". One theory is published what might be interested in some investigators.

That conspiracy theory involves the theory about the target of the shooter was Jacqueline Kennedy or the governor of Texas who were in the car. The reason for the shooting was that  JFK ever can survive on TV contentions, after what he did during the first period of his presidency. That's why his father Jack Kennedy hires Oswald to shoot governor or Kennedy's wife, that JFK could avoid those TV contentions. And Jack Kennedy forgot to say who was a target, and then Oswald shot a wrong person because he thought that the target was the president.

The reason for those rumors is Kennedy's actions in Bay of Pig cases, where he left Cuban voluntary regiment without air support in combat, what caused when CIA trained refugees landed on Cuba for kick off Castro and his revolutionary and communistic government. And of course, nuclear test ban was not satisfied everybody in the USA. And if the president would be in shock, might he avoid those TV contentions. But this is only theory.

If we are speaking of reason, why Oswald was first arrested, the reason was that he was a suspect in shooting the police officer, and after that man became a suspect in the murder of JFK, because that famous Mannlicher Carcano rifle found in his house. And that weapon connected that man to the murder of the president. But I will not write what happened or what could have been happened that day in Dallas. I'm writing about conspiracy theory what rises up when the suspect was shot to death.

If we are focusing Oswald's personal history, we might see him as a perfect enemy for the state. He might be had schizophrenia or paranoia, and that's why he might be made that murder. But if he was schizophrenic, why he didn't cut off Marines? And there will come a strange thing in my mind, that if some man or woman, who knew about his condition, might that person utilize that, and capitalize that thing against JFK. But in this theory must this person have access to Oswald's psychiatric papers. Now the president Trump's government will release more papers about this case.

If Oswald had psychiatric problems and that's why he killed the president, this case shows quite clear, why those medical papers must keep in secrecy. If Oswald's service mates saw those papers, and then they began some game with him to claim that Kennedy was a communist, might Oswald go "over the line" as sometimes is said. But what we might say about that kind of thing, that Trump's government will release more papers about that case? The major problem is that this very complicated case will make more papers inside the government.

And the truth what is in those papers might change many times. So there will be ever a solution what gives a pleasure for everybody. Rumors are grown as a giant dimension. Somebody has seen Oswald in Vietnam and other persons have seen him in the middle of Helsinki. Those things are very harmful to investigations. They cover the real truth, what might be different, what those theorists tell you. But this particular case will fascinate people again and again.



The problems of SETI-program

Kimmo Huosionmaa

SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) program is one of the most dangerous programs in our planet. Even if we haven't get contact or signal from extraterrestrial intelligence, the telescopes might get it in next night. Or they can get contact beyond 1000 years. Some people think that waiting for a contact is like waiting for a train or something like that. SETI program is not so simple because we can't know when the first message is coming.

Or does it come in our lifetime? When we are talking about that project. If we will get the signal from other civilization, but we might ever take contact to those civilizations. They might be so far there, that we ever can't message together because the civilization might be in Andromeda galaxy. That proves the existence of alien civilization, but that doesn't mean that this civilization has ever meanings for us. That civilization would be so far, that even if they jump in their UFO:s right now, our sun would be turned a red giant before they arrive.

Problems of SETI program is that if we will get contact to other civilization, we might get under attack. But if we use the right technology we can hide our existence from aliens. We can cover our entire planet holograms, what makes humanoids to believe that our civilization does not exist. And of course, radio telescopes might use as a gigantic ECM-system, what makes our planet seem like there will not find any interesting. The system will be sent back waves to humanoids transmission, that they can’t see our planet's surface with radar and they can’t get repulses in their telescopes.  

That radiation makes the radio waves or their echoes weak, that they can’t go back to the transmitter. Or otherwise the signals what will be sent back to humanoids would be so powerful that they would think that this will be gigantic super earth, there will be no life forms exist. But this scenario is pure fiction if published information is true.

But everybody knows that federal authorities are not talking true all the time. SETI is one of the most complicated missions on Earth science community. If you want to investigate extraterrestrial civilizations you have nothing where to start. There is not even one single message what is proven that is coming from another star. If somebody believes extraterrestrial intelligence, that does not mean that he or she believes little green men, or why that person wouldn't believe that some people might have green skin. There is one great “if" in those scenarios.

If somebody has put the genetic what causes photosynthesis in the flora to human DNA, that will make the human skin transformation to green. But what kind of technology that speculative humanoid civilization might have. They might have the technology to create “wormholes", but the problem with wormhole travel is that that kind of stuff will need two black holes, what will put resonate to same frequency, and after that those black holes must be separated and another will pull to the place, where that civilization wants to travel. That will take very long time for that civilization, and success of that project can see until the trip is done. That’s why aliens must be sure that there is something interesting.

Otherwise, the trip is made for nothing. And it can take even thousands of years. But there is always artist’s freedom to use imagination about other civilizations. They might have gigantic Dyson spheres, where could be floating “island” in the middle of that colossal ship, what might be the size of a planet. That island would be in the area, where is not gravitation field, and that area might use for production, what needs absolute zero-gravity condition. There might be nano-technological and biotechnological research areas, where they create nano-robots and other that kind of stuff.


What if the human can talk with other species?

CIA:s Project "Acoustic Kitty" 1960's

Kimmo Huosionmaa

What if the human body can communicate with microchips and via that equipment with other species? That will cause the revolution for medical and another kind of sciences. That technology would allow our brains to communicate with microchips that are implanted in the human body, and those microchips might send data of infections and damages of the human body to brains or even via mobile telephones to hospitals, and that makes so systems so fascinating but same time so frightening. It can allow that the person will be under control 24 hours per day.

So doctors of tomorrow might know if we will get influenza before we will yourself know that. Those microchips might control miniature submarines in our body tomorrow, and those nanotechnological submarines can remove tumors or single tumor cells from our bodies, and it can make observations of wealthiness about our body. It can communicate with other systems, and that support system might give pieces of advice to people, how they must change their lifestyle and what kind of food is optimal for any situation. But this kind of technology is very fascinating for other things, what we always wanted to do. That microchip technology will give us an opportunity to communicate with other species.

This requires that those animals have the same kind of microchips than a human has, and after that communication between species will be done via radio transmission. That system allows a man to communicate with animals with EEG transmission. Those will be marvelous opportunities for people, who want to see deeper things about animals, what the only picture can be transmitted. But that equipment, what allows the communication between animal and human will create some frightening things in my eyes.

There will be change to take an animal to control by a human, and that will be more effective way to control any animal than any acoustic systems ever can be. Nowadays there are' acoustic systems, what transmits the picture to surveillance teams screens, and they can use voice files, what human can’t copy, to control their animals like robots. That system might be used by joystick, and all directions where that thing moves gives different voice signal.

Those voice signals are trained as commands to those animals like dogs, and somebody believes that those dogs, what were used in Osama Bin Laden case had that kind of system. Many people think that some birds are also trained to attack against enemy snipers, and those animals might be Eagles and another kind of big species, what can make serious injuries even for humans. CIA had a project called "Acoustic Kitty". That project's target was to implant a cat with radio-telephone an in-ear channel put microphones, that it could be controlled by agents. "Acoustic Kitty" system transmitted the voice from walkie-talkies loudspeaker to cat's ear via scull.

That project shat down in 1960's and some rumors say that those systems are tested with humans. If that rumor is true, CIA will make a very effective psychological weapon, which they can use with jihadists or some other people. And do you know what that equipment can be done with people who don't even see television or ever read of those things? Those devices are extremely dangerous in wrong hands because it can be used as a motivator for suicide terrorists. In that scenario, those types of equipment will put inside target's head in secret surgery. And if the person does not even know that he could be implanted with loudspeaker will that cause terrible things if those systems communication equipment goes in wrong hands.

But rumors tell that there will be projects where those birds are implanted with control-chips, what makes them work like robots. Some rumors are about the test where birds brains are connected with UCAV:s like X-47 B's computer system, and operators will test how this kind of animals EEG might help those drones to survive in all situations. In those tests, hawks or other birds will connect to that drones computer with EEG-systems. And decoders will turn those birds EEG to control signals for that plane's computers.

But if an animal is implanted with microchips they will be taken under more effective control than acoustic systems will allow. And that kind of special microchips will be used via normal cellphones. After that, those operators might take reptilians and another kind of strange animals under a control, and that will give more effectiveness to biological- and special warfare departments to use animals as a weapon. But that will make horrifying visions in our sights, what will the high level of computer technology make in hands of criminals.


How to build an underwater house.

Image source :

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Today we can go to trip and take a room in the underwater hotel. There is no special technology needed when people build underwater experiment stations. Only normal tank what is used for oil storage is enough. That tank can drop to lake or sea by ship, and there might install snorkel system what makes possible to live in that undersea element for long period. If water is not very deep, even lightweight capsules will be enough to keep water out of the station.

The snorkel must make with two pipes which another brings fresh air to tank and other will use for removing that polluted air and exhaust gases what comes from pumps if they are used by combustion engines. Exactly the power supply in that system will be aggregate, what supplies electric power to that underwater house.

This particular system might use an invention called “closed cycle" combustion. In that system, exhausted gases go through the carbon filter, what cleans it from carbon monoxide. It also denies smell of exhausting gasses from the surface and allows the submarine to use diesel motors running deep undersea where it can’t use a snorkel.

By the way, there is another way to produce electricity for underwater stations, and it is the capillary turbine. In that system water what rises from deep accelerates turbines running wheel, and after that, it will roll dynamo or generator, what gives electric supply for that platform. If offshore oilrigs will equip with capillary turbines they might use electrolysis to break water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen, and if that technology will be used to produce hydrogen, the gas in tubes might change as hydrogen, without making any transformations for a tube system. That allows changing worlds power supply for using hydrogen as a fuel.

But let’s go back to underwater houses. Some plans are made, that old diesel-electric submarines will use as underwater bases. Those submarines will equip with pylons what allows it to stand on the ocean floor. There is one story about those underwater houses, or how this kind of system is called.

The story is about the escape of Nazi leader Martin Bormann. This story is that Bormann and some of his mates hides in one small lake in “Seehund" class midget submarine what had a snorkel system. The submarine stayed underwater all the time, and that, why allied patrols didn’t find that small submarine. In that story, this small submarine was brought to Wannsee by truck, and then this vehicle was used by that nazis hiding place.  But there are many stories about those men, and that one was fascinating things what is told about that man, who mystically disappeared after WW2.  


Saturday, October 21, 2017

Saturnian Mimas moon have been inspired the Death Star for Star Wars movies

(Source: NASA)

Some people have a great imagination, and George Lucas or who created a Death Star, a famous part of movie Star Wars, used Saturnian icy moon Mimas as a model of that battle station. But did you know that from that model is created a model of the real model of the space station, what might be done sometime in a distant future? In that model, a space station or spacecraft will be empty ball called "Dyson's sphere".  The ball itself would be made a plastic called mylar.  In this scenario, that mylar space station will be sent to space with rocket and if will fill with gas. In the wildest dreams, those ball-shaped space stations might have even full-scale cities inside them. 

Death Star
(Source NASA)

After that inside of that ball will cover by the net, where builders can inject concrete, where all of those buildings will be made. The idea itself is very old and it worked in 1960's in ECHO-satellites. Those satellites balloons which bigger one's diameter was 32 meters. That giant balloon sent to space and blew full size after it left from the atmosphere. That satellite opened secrets of the Soviet union communication in early 1960's. 

Echo Satellite

The size of that ball was very large if that compiles with Apollo spacecraft. Some of the architects think that kind of ball can be used as a space station. In the inner core of the balloon will build normal houses, where the crew can live like people lives in the Earth. But the outer core of balloon will cover with ice because it's very easy to replace if meteors will harm it. And against cosmical radiation would be used thin gold coating what absorbed cosmic radiation.  That kind of space stations was in some NASA:s members minds in 1960's. 

That kind of space station would be easy to build and sent to space with rockets. Airlocks can be installed to that ball quite easily. In theory of course. And after that NASA would have ball shape space station for their missions.  When that ball rolls around that makes artificial gravity with centrifugal force, and that allows personnel of that station live almost normal life at the space. 

But when we return back to Death Star, we might imagine what kind of space weapon can destroy the even entire planet. The weapon what that space station might use will be ion cannon, what uses antimatter. Antimatter-ions will shoot in the central point of the planet, and the magnetic field will stop them in there. Antimatter-ions will pass material like normal ions without any reactions. But when magnetic field stops them inside planets central point, they will explode nucleus of the planet, and shockwaves what comes up from lithosphere will destroy the entire planet. 

Journalist behind leak of Panama Papers have been killed

Who killed journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia?

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Do you know, why some people still believe in the Nazi gold? The reason is that two journalists who investigated that rumor were killed by shooting them to head. Without those shoots that “Nazi gold" would be a myth. But after those shootings everybody knew a story of hidden gold, what was the sunk bottom of one lake in somewhere in Germany. Those shootings made that gold very popular.

Murders and other serious crimes make things public. They always fill the front pages of newspapers and other media. Reporters publish their information because they think that will protect them from the violence. And if a reporter who writes stories about Mafia, will be killed in purpose all investigators will check those texts to find a connection between mafia and that case.

Do you know what makes John F. Kennedy’s assassination so popular when people are talking about conspiracies? The shoot of suspect Lee Harvey Oswald gave wings to those theorists, and reason, why Oswald was under arrest, was first killing a police officer. He shot one police to death in one movie theatre and after that police found Mannlicher Carcano rifle in Oswald’s house. That connected him with the murder of JFK. But the last thing was the murder of Oswald in the front of TV cameras and mess was ready.

Before that people believed in one lunatic, but why that lunatic was shot by Jack Ruby, who was not a very patriotic person? Somebody thinks that Oswald was worked for Ruby in some cases, where the clients forgot to pay loans back to Ruby, and he was afraid that Oswald will speak to Police about what might be happened to some of those girls who worked for Ruby. Somebody else believes that Oswald was killed because he could connect president's murder to Sam Giancana and Mafia. And in both theories, Oswald is a murderer. At least shoot of that police officer in a movie theatre. But without shooting of Oswald, there will be not a conspiracy theory about that case.

But without killing that two young man would that case of gold only a myth.  Why they did something like blow up a journalist, who made Clinton’s dirty campaign money public? This kind of action is the best way to put the focus on those cases, what that journalist investigated. If somebody writes about conspiracies and dirty business, and after that, he or she suddenly dies by violence, that text will be investigated by officers of the law. And if the cause of death is something like a car bomb, will the investigators begin that some of those texts are the reason for murder.

But why that journalist was killed by a car bomb? Did those persons who made that tried to set investigator’s eye to Clinton's persons, or was a reason for that kind of action in some other texts what that journalist published? So if that person investigated dirty money, what political persons have taken, must murder been a very unthinking person, if those articles were the reason for murder with a car bomb. Do you think that the person who is in the position of Clinton, can order an assassination? What would happen if newspapers will get pieces of information and proof that some leader of the USA will order assassinations from criminals?

Does press keep silent that time? Or what would be done if the president of USA will meet some Mafia guys in real life? That would be a scandal for all nation. If the reason for the murder was in Panama-papers, why murder made after the leak? Who’s idea was to murder that reporter, and does that murderer think that car bomb will not cause investigations because of Panama papers?

What about advanced biological weapons?

(Echis Pyramidum)

Kimmo Huosionmaa

The biological weapon could be snake what poison is used in lethal injections. Those reptilians normally bite some people, and the strike with those animals poison is very dangerous. If an assassin will get snake poison he will be very dangerous. If an assassin wants to cover his murderous action he might pay his target a trip to India, and finds a snake called Efa (Echis Pyramidum).  After that, he must milk that snake's poison and put it with an injection to his victim. I wrote that thing ones or twice, and I must say that I read in from one novel.

When we are talking about biological weapons, we always think about viruses and bacteria what cause lethal infections. But there are many other lifeforms what will use as bioweapons without leaving a trace. Those animals are the most feared beasts in our planet. The simplest way to cause a terrible situation with the small investment if some naval base is in tropic is just fall blood to that harbor and bring sharks in that place. Sharks get mad in that kind of action, and if some unauthorized person swims in that area, that person will be eliminated by sharks immediately.

Same kind of action might be done with piranhas. Those flesh-eating fishes are the most feared animals on the planet. The Same thing might be done with bugs like Wasps and another kind of hymenopteran bugs will cause extremely painful bites even without any stimulants. But in case of hymenopterans, the problem is that those tiny bugs aggressivity is very easy to increase. Just deliver acetone in the air is enough to make those bugs very aggressive.

So system what is needed is so simple that anybody can build it. Only thing what is needed is a hive where is injected acetone. That system can be carried in the operational area by airplane or helicopter, and it can be dropped above targets. Then acetone will release to the tank, where bugs are. But did you know that those animals can use to find explosives?

The key in that process is to grow those bugs o the bed where is explosives, what are used in ammunition. If those bugs will put to that bomb, they will look for people who carry ammunition, and if acetone boosts aggressive behavior of those bugs that will make the very bad situation for some fighters. But also rats and mice can be trained to find things like drugs. It’s enough that when those little mammals are grown with drugs. Those drugs make them narcomaniacs, and after that, they will automatically begin to search drugs and begin to eat those stuff from the hidden places, where they will bite holes to plastic bags and destroy all kind drugs what they can find. But those little troublemakers can be trained very fast to look for explosives.

Just offer captured mouse and rats food where is a very addictive drug, and after that those animals can be equipped with GPS systems,.what helps operators to follow those animals, and that stuff might have miniature cameras, where that military personnel might identify the target before they order airstrike to the targeted explosive warehouse. The food what is needed is a mixture of explosives, strong opiate and some normal food what that kind of animals normally eat. And after that, they will connect explosives to food. Conditioning those animals might take the only couple of hours, and those rats are excellent because people don’t like them.

But let’s go back with bugs. If those bugs are marked with microchips where is RFID radio, those bugs what are grown on explosives might look for mines. That system what puts microchip to bugs bag could be same, what is used to build micro-components. In the door of the hive is system what puts that chip to bugs, and they are followed by nano-copters what are equipped with RFID systems, what is allowed to follow those bugs. And if many of those bugs are coming together, they will show operators a place of hidden explosives. The Same system can be used by searching bodies. Blowflies can be implanted by the same system, and they are effective to look for hidden graves. Most fascinating thing about those systems is use birds as bombers.

The bird can be trained the same way as dogs, and if they will train to take explosives like “frag grenades" with their claws and drop them to their targets those birds might be dangerous even for armored vehicles. Big birds like condors might train to drop HEAT ( High Explosive Anti-tank ammunition) on the tank's surface, and they can destroy even heavy main battle tanks. The system might be radio and the small camera. And by that system operators give orders to the bird when it should release the touch. But this might be still fiction. This opportunity is a very fascinated thing to use birds as bio-robots.


What if business idea doesn't work because of single member of the team?

Source: Internet

Kimmo Huosionmaa

When a business idea doesn’t seem to work must the leader make analyses why that idea doesn’t work. And an idea doesn’t work if money doesn’t come to the cash. Sometimes there is a person in the team who doesn’t want to make money on that team. This person is sometimes called a red king or red queen. This means that this kind of person collects a court, and begin's to talk bad things to dissipate the team. That person's behavior could be very aggressive.

This person might yell to other members of the team, and break a harmony of the team in purpose. In that scenario, we must think that this kind of person makes all team’s work some kind of hell and if the hell is a part of everyday work all team will be destroyed. But if this kind of screaming and yelling focuses only one member of the team, my advice is that publish those things. If another member of the team will do nothing to stop that kind of actions, they will not do that in the future. Just don’t treat them to publish, that doesn’t help you at all.

They will just laugh and say how childish you are. So make a decision what might change your life. Just publish those things, even if daddy says something else. You are an adult person, who has right to write what you want. And even if somebody says that you are not in that company’s lists anymore, I think that you would not be in those worklists anyway even if you kept your mouth closed.  

He or she might just wait for a reason for the shutdown of the company, and reason, why that person is working against of other members reason for that kind of work, must find out.  If somebody doesn’t play a role in the team, or this person sabotages all job what is done, we must ask one single question: did someone else offer another job for him.

That kind of person is very unhappy part of the community. If there is a saboteur in that firm, all jobs will go wrong. Saboteur might order the wrong kind of equipment and make very much worse for their firms. That’s why all kind of actions what will break the harmony of the team must be stopped immediately.

But first thing what group leaders must do, after separation of that person, is a find out the reason why that person worked like he or she worked. Was there some other work offers, and that’s why that person wanted to kill a team. But that doesn’t explain everything. Why didn’t that lion of the team just changed a job?

Was a reason for those actions, what that person did a job offer what consists that firms shut down. And is that because of need some patents of that company? But why offer didn’t just offer to buy that company? Is there something personal, what is covered in those patents. Are some well-known specialists certifications made for other persons?

That doesn’t mean that those certificate from the university is faked. The work what is made for those certifications is made by other people. In this scenario, the wealthy person establishes a company where he or she hires persons to make that schoolwork. When somebody goes that far, that person has a support.


Friday, October 20, 2017

When normal working day turns to hell... (Beware too precise reclamations)

Kimmo Huosionmaa

What should alert the stuff that something is wrong in the company is that reclamations of the job seem to handle only the things what causes employers divorcing from service. In those cases, the target of those reclamations makes only bad mistakes. Every company has confidential memos where is information, what should personnel of company do in situations where something goes wrong.

And if those laments are straight from that book, the reason of that act should suspect, that somebody will make room in the company for some actor, who first may seem like very nice, but then that person might transform as very bad way. If this company handlers information what consist personnel data of children or handicapped persons will reason of that kind of action be something more than getting “own man" to some cleaner’s team.

The reason for that kind of “precision reclamations" might be an attempt to give that data to some pedophiles, who can now get closer to those sick people. In those cases must normally take contact to police or other authorities, who takes control in those situations. The reason, why somebody always causes conflicts at the workplace might be because he or she wants somebody else removing from company’s list. And best thing what that tempter might want do is to troll others and begin to fight with others. That’s how he or she can make workday look like hell in that person’s victim’s eyes.

This last word “other authorities" means that in some states that authority might be specially named other than normal police, and in the USA that official who investigates pedophiles might be the FBI because those rings might operate in many states. And that kind of investigation needs specially trained investigators, who can handle children. That’s why information of that kind of crimes should give straight to those authorities.


Chaos is the thing that limits our range of view things.

The black hole's mathematical shape is a hyperbolic layer.  Chaos or entropy is what limits our view.  We cannot see the other side of t...