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Showing posts from April, 2018

Thoughts about the fog and forgotten things, what are wanted to keep secret Kimmo Huosionmaa In the island name "Runit" is a giant concrete structure, what hides very much radioactive material. In 1980's the United States authorities collected all radioactive waste from that island, and stored it under the giant concrete structure.  If that material would go to hands of terrorists, the results would be horrifying. That radioactive waste is from nuclear tests what were done in 1950's and early 1960's. The island of Runit is, of course, prohibited area, but I believe, that terrorists would not actually care about that thing. Those nuclear tests lost from the mind of people, and now in those islands is only silent and peaceful air, and some debris to remember people those high-power nuclear tests that were done in that area. Also somebody afraid that polluted material would steal from places like Chernobyl, and that material would use for terror strikes a...

The way to think is the key to creating texts Kimmo Huosionmaa Philosophers are sometimes very interesting persons, and of course, they meet another interesting people. In the stories and writings, philosophers travel around Europe and meet many well-known artists and spend their time in European courts. They always have very much friends and they have of course many connections with European intelligent persons. But when we are thinking about the position of René Descartes as the member of the royal court of Sweden, we must say, that his position as the "crown's official philosopher" was the little bit extravagant. Of course, philosophers want to be that kind of persons, who spend their life in courts of Europe, but then we must say something, if those philosophers would really live in the royal courts, their life would be very short because the rulers would not always like philosophers ideas. One of the ideas, what was not very ...

Writing about "the Henge" mystical structure in Poland

The Henge (Picture I) Kimmo Huosionmaa There is a mysterious Stonehenge-style structure in Poland, what was made by Waffen SS. There are many explanations for that strange structure, and here I'm writing something about them. The purpose of that strange structure is remaining secret, but the reason for that is expected to be that this system should be the simulator for "Stonehenge". The most common explanation for the reason for making that structure might be that Nazis tested there the aircraft, what was used electric vortex for flying. The purpose of this structure was to pull the aircraft up and down like the yo-yo, and that would load the batteries of the airplane. But as you see I don't believe simple explanations, and if we are thinking about Nazi leaders relationship with occult and shamanism, we must think that maybe the "Henge" was meant for the G...

What means free mind and freedom to think? Thoughts about Druids, Julius Caesar, and Aulus Hirtius

White Cliffs of Dover (Picture I) Kimmo Huosionmaa Somebody always asks, what actually mean term "freedom to think"? Freedom to think is the key element in the writing, what has only one purpose: to make text, what maybe has some kind of influence. The freedom of think means that person can product own thoughts about some things, and in this case, that does mean, that the text what the writer does must not have connections with science or other evidence. The freedom to think means, that if we use the Julius Caesars book about the war of Gaul (Gallic wars) as the source, and look where the text about the "Bridge of Druids", what Julius Caesar mentioned in his book, we might give that thing three explanations. One is the normal or conventional way to explain that kind of things. By using this mode the mean for the term "Bridge of Druids" can be actually the regular boat...

Why Russian navy has only one aircraft carrier?

Russian aircraft carrier "Admiral Kuznetsov" (Picture I) Kimmo Huosionmaa Some people always, ask why Russian navy has only one aircraft carrier? The reason for that is simple: the war in Europe means that the prime mission of Russian navy is to cut NATO's convoy and support lines to Europe. And this means that Russians have more need for submarines, what can shoot high-speed cruise- and ballistic missiles to the targets. The mission of those submarines is also destroyed NATO surface battle units like carrier groups. The reason why Russians have the aircraft carrier, what have effective missiles what can be used with or without aircraft, is the question, what many people always ask. The Admiral Kuznetsov, what is the name for Russian only aircraft carrier have P-700 "Granit" (SS-N-19 "Shipwreck") missiles on board, and it has about 41 for use aircraft in...

Who was René Descartes? Kimmo Huosionmaa This writing is meant for thinking about the personality of Renè Descartes who was the great philosopher and thinker. I always thought that maybe this name was meant for hiding identity of this remarkable thinker, and because I have lived in Finland long time, I have sometimes thought that maybe this person's real home language was Finnish. Maybe this helped him hiding his identity from the royal police.  Philosophers are professional thinkers, who always think the things like "why my professor has always the glass of water with him when this person would start to keep lectures? Is that because my professor wants to drink that water at the midpoint of the lecture? Or is it meant the mark, that professor is selling the answers to the examinations? Or is the reason for keeping that glass on the table meant for some kind of water clock, what mission is to show, how time is running during the l...

Free your mind, and think free, it is the key to the real philosophy

Ancient Greek temple at Paestum (Picture I) Kimmo Huosionmaa In the beginning, I must say that we haven't got a single hard evidence about the advanced technical civilizations, what has lived on Earth before human race has started to dominate the world. Here I must mention, that, of course, there is a story like Plato's "Atlantis", where is mentioned that there have been secret cities what were populated by people, who had squamous skin. Sometimes I think that maybe Plato wrote pure fiction, and the story of the powerful state, known as "Atlantis" was pure science fiction. In that case, this Mr. Plato, of course, decorated the story more attractive, and he told the story about the "Egyptian priest" who told that first. In the time of Plato people were traveled so much as today, and the "Egyptian priest" was the person, who gave this s...

Spring is the time for luck for little birds like Eurasian bullfinches

Try to find Eurasian Bullfinch from this picture Kimmo Huosionmaa Springtime is the time when we will see many little birds. The main reason for ruffling their plumes is of course, that the bird, what is looking for the spouse is that bird wants to seem as big as possible. The big size means that the young birds get the best genes, what is available.  But that is not the only reason for those birds are puffing out their plumes. And sometimes the reason for that is cold weather. The picture above the text portraits Eurasian bullfinch, what maybe want to play an Apple. The reason for that behavior could be in the noise, what is in the air. The behavior, when birds turn their plumes like the balls makes birds invincible for echo sounder, what some beasts use for their hunting. But this behavior is also very simple purpose, the plumes of birds are very stiff, and their mission is to make those sm...

The nasty tricks, what only the criminal mind can do Kimmo Huosionmaa When we thinking about the situation, that somebody has left bayonet in the chest of a victim, we must consider one thing. That bayonet or knife can be shot to the target by using the crossbow. Normal people would not suspect that the knife would not be the strike to the victim by using the hand. The situation that knife has been shot to the victim can murderer use to mislead the officers of the law to watch another way, and that would leave the criminal change to flee away. This is one of the ways to look at the thing, why crossbows became popular in Europe. Of course, they were very effective in the use by cavalry, and if they have feet-iron under the weapon, could the cavalryman use that weapon by single hand. And that is the reason, why Wilhelm the Conqueror won the battle of Hastings in 1066. But when we are thinking the very nasty ways...

The identity of "Jack the Ripper", might be uncovered

Was this man James Maybrick "Jack the Ripper", and did his wife helped him to make his crimes? Picture I Kimmo Huosionmaa The identity of "Jack the Ripper" might be uncovered, and that might be feeling the very interesting thing for some historians. His maniac and terrible laugh and letters "from hell" are made him one of the most sadistic murderers in history. Here I mean murderers who operated without government acceptance. His brutality is still as an example of pure evilness. And by the way, who said that this murderer was a man? And sometimes investigators afraid that somebody wants to copy those actions.  But if the identity of "Jack the Ripper" would uncover can this cause, that some serial killer candidates would let they attempt undone. That man, who brutally murdered seven women in Lon...

Simple answers to questions are sometimes forgotten from some articles Kimmo Huosionmaa When we are talking about UFOs and spaceships, we are forgetting simple answers to the question about the questions "why somebody saw spaceship hanging over their house"? The has could be simpler than you ever thought. If some person have tested drugs like Amphetamine or Psilocybin, that person could see many things, what other people won's see. In some cases young people test those mushrooms, they can eat corns what are polluted with ergot from the cornfields, and then they would get very bad hallucinations.  In this case, some clouds could seem like spacecraft. In that case, there is no mystery at all, when we are thinking the sign of spacecraft. Sometimes the ghosts would make the house burning, and in fact, many times the ghost has been uncovered unqualified electrician, who have made the connection for electric wires. Sometimes those connections cause the arc inside ...

Clouds are fascinated people during all the history. Kimmo Huosionmaa Clouds are interesting things because they can get the very strange form, and one explanation for UFO:s is strange looking cloud objects. The objects in the sky might look like the space shuttle or STEALTH-aircraft. The reason for that is not actually have been explained, but sometimes the forms of the clouds are probably caused by some strange energy field. I mean that making forms to the clouds is actually very easy, and the technology that is used is the normal radio transmitter, what has two synchronized targeted radios, what operates at the same frequency and same time. That system can cause the electric arc in the sky, and that might cause reports of UFO-phenomenon. Those electric arcs might make for making rain because of that phenomenon would cause the forming of drops. And that electric arc can be very dangerous if some aircraft fly thru it. Use of those systems must be done by under control o...

Springtime in Espoo

Electronic warfare is the complex thing

EC-130H "Compass Call" Picture I Kimmo Huosionmaa A couple of days ago the communication between support groups and EC-130 ”Compass call” platform was cut down in Syria. It's good at the crew of that plane reported that communication cutting. This is, of course, remarkable thing, and proves that electronic warfare consists multi-layer environment, what would consist jamming impulses, malware software and Anti Radiation Missiles use against jammer platforms. Many people believe that jammer-systems are always installed in airplanes, but they can also use in mobile or fixed ground stations and warships. The fixed system's mission is to disturb incoming missiles and bombers radars and communication systems, what can make the coordinated operation of that task-force very difficult. The easiest way to block the communication is just send electronic noise, what has more power th...

Privacy and national security are complicated combinations Kimmo Huosionmaa Privacy and national security are complicated questions, and they are the very large operational area for IT-specialists and lawmakers. The major problem with connecting privacy and national security involves the question ”whose security is national security”? This means that nobody actually ever mentioned, is ”national security” only the security of national leaders, or is it serving also public security and regular people. When we are thinking about the situation, where ”national security” allows to censor all data, what is not serving the rulers of the government, we think that we are going to wrong way. When we are thinking about data collection, we must notice that nobody cares that thing before the German top politician Angela Merkel was eavesdropping by NSA, and then the newspapers were very shocking about this case. But before that nobody actually cares, how much priva...

Was famous hijacker "D.B Cooper" CIA operative and Vietnam Veteran? And did he ever made that parachute jump?

"D.B Cooper's" warrant (Picture I) Above and below the text links to the speculations about the only unsolved hijacking case in the history of United States. In this case, the hijacker claimed to jump out from the Boeing 707 passenger plane at the altitude 4000 meters. This case has been caused many speculations, that the hijacker has died or he was actually SPETSNAZ-man, whose mission was to get money, where were FBI:s security markings and send that money to Moscow, KGB headquarters, where the specialists would investigate those banknotes, and then make own fakes of those dollars. But when we are looking about this story from the Vintage news, we must say, that those writers might be right. That kind of operation needs the man, who is trained, parachutist. When we are thinking about this hijacking, we must say that nobody actuall...

Soviet "Brain radio" Kimmo Huosionmaa At below of this text is a link to the video, where is introduced the man, who created an idea of “brain radio”. This man was circus worker Bernard Bernandovich Kazhinkiy, and he made experiments by this kind of things in 1922 with the circus animal trainer Vladimir Durov. This man targeted dogs by low-frequency radio signals and tried to make them do, what this man thought. But as we might know, this system didn’t work perfectly, and this program ended even if it was introduced to the Soviet military as a psychological weapon. The problem with Kazhinskiy attempt was that he couldn't make so powerful radio waves, that they could induct the electricity to the neurons. And that’s why this system didn’t work in the hands of Soviet scientists. The Soviet military afraid that thing, because it can use to the brainwashing any person in the Soviet land. If that machine could be targeted to the...

How some genomes become dominating allele?

Charles V Habsburg (Picture I) Kimmo Huosionmaa The genomes order our physical shape, and they are responsible for many things like color blindness and many other things are genetically heritable features. But the question is how some gene becomes dominating? The reason for this phenomenon is that there is a group of genomes, what is starting enriching. That situation can happen when some family becomes the power of the nation. In this case, this family would become the very popular group in their own society, and other families would get their spouses from this powerful family. In that case, the family, of course, gets very much children, and then happens something, what people would not actually mention. When a couple of generations would pass away, those grandchildren would become second cousins together. And in this case is juridically legal that those persons get married. When we a...

About use of EC-130 "Compass Call" electronic warfare platform

EC-130 "Commando Solo" Picture I Kimmo Huosionmaa There are many variants of C-130, what are marked as "EC-130". Normally this marking means "Compass call" electronic warfare platform.  Jamming enemy communications radio broadcasts and radars are the key roles of EC-130 "Compass call" platforms. And they have not very much effect against troops, who would not use electronic equipment like Walkies-talkie radios. The main problem with those platforms is that they are good targets for Surface-To-Air missiles, what are modified to home the radio transmitters. The jamming capacity of EC-130 is meant to make enemy transmissions longer, and that would make easier to target them. Also, the mission of jamming platforms is to make the electronic shield attacking fighters and bombers. The jamming capacity is also effective against drones and data communication...