Friday, October 29, 2021

Mysterious radio signals are coming from the center of the Milky Way.

The Parkes radio observatory in Australia is mostly introduced as the candidate for the observatory that makes the first contact with Aliens. The reason for that is that the radio observatory is on the southern side of Earth. 

That side is the center of the Milky Way. There are more stars on that side of Earth than on the northern side of Earth. And that's why it's more likely that the first contact with alien civilization is made just in Parkes radio observatory. 

The thing that makes those signals mysterious is that their origin is unknown. There is the possibility that there is some kind of still unknown star type near Sagittarius A the supermassive black hole. The conditions near the center of the Milky Way are infernal. 

And there is the possibility that near the center of the Milky Way are stars that are getting more energy from the accelerating disk around Sagittarius A. We know that kind of effect in some cases where the exoplanet is orbiting its central star. Are hotter than the star that they orbit.  The most known of them is Kelt9-b which surface temperature is over 4000 celsius. There is the possibility that near black holes are a similar phenomenon. 

But the scale of it is different. There is the possibility that the radiation that comes from the black hole is turning the stars hotter than they would otherwise be. The fact is that this kind of thing can cause radio signals which are different than what researchers are known. 

The thing is that the source of those radio signals remains a mystery until they are connected to some other phenomenon. And the thing that is important in the case of unknown radio signals is the information what that signal involves. The most important thing is when the radio signal starts. And how long it takes. 

So is the increased level of Hawking radiation the reason for unknown radio frequency activity in the center of the milky way? Could that mean that some other black hole is making superpositions inside Sagittarius A? There is the possibility that some kind of gamma-ray impulse is hitting the Sagittarius A. In some theories that radiation synchronizes the oscillation of two black holes. That gives them the ability to create the superposition where the energy bridge connecting them to the hypothetical entirety called the Einstein-Rose bridge or wormhole. 

If the signal suddenly begins that means there is some kind of reaction that causes the radio transmission. And one explanation is that the type of material that falls in the black hole is chancing. This thing can cause changes in the radio signals which source is in the accelerating or transition disk. 

The thing that can change the shape of the material is the high-energetic radiation that hits to transition disk. And could the source of that radiation be inside the Sagittarius A? In that case. There is the possibility that the level of energy that is shining out from the Sagittarius A is rising. So does Sagittarius A loses its mass or is it hit the energy ray from some other black hole? 

If the high-energetic gamma-rays are hitting Sagittarius A. That thing can cause radiological phenomenon. Or in some wildest ideas, the other black hole is making the superposition with Sagittarius A. But as I told you, many possibilities can cause the unknown radio transmission. And before the reason for radio anomaly is found nothing should close away from the list of possibilities. 

And I mean nothing. The problem with some researches is that some possibilities closed away from the list. Before the confirmation of the source, strange radio signals are confirmed by connecting them with observations. Those are made by using some other electromagnetic frequencies.


The Proxima signal was not aliens. It was the result of intermodulation of the multiple radio frequencies. 

The Proxima Centauri signal was a false alarm. But the fact is everything that normal people who are not using the radio telescopes that made observation can do is to read that there was some kind of anomaly in radio transmissions from the Proxima Centauri. And that anomaly is the thing that is under research. 

The research must make before nobody can give any answers. And the answer was that the reason for that signal was the "intermodulation". The reason for intermodulation might be that the radio wave is traveling across other radio fields. The source that can cause intermodulation is the satellites, plasma, or anything else.


About the fiction...

Have you seen the movie "Species"?

Do you remember the movie "Species"? The trailer of that movie is over this text. And in that movie, the Parkes observatory makes the first contact with aliens. Then the scientists will get the genetic code of alien DNA and connect it with the human DNA. And in ultimate stress that hybrid what researchers created escaped when they tried to kill their creature.

When we are looking at that film there is one interesting thing. How does that fictional character know how to behave in human society? How does that creature know how to use a computer and buy train tickets? 

These kinds of things are interesting. And there is the possibility that the things about Parkes observatory and that movie are coincidental. But maybe someday Parkes observatory someday makes a real connection to aliens.

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