Sunday, October 16, 2022

The star Wolf-Rayet 140 sends strange energy waves around the universe.

Above: Wolf-Rayet 140 with its material rings. 

There is a strange fingerprint around the star Wolf-Rayet 140. That star produces circles of shockwaves around it. Those shockwaves are visible in the James Webb-telescope images. 

The Wolf-Rayet 140 is a very hot star. Its surface temperature is about 20 000 Kelvin. And maybe that thing is the reason why that star sends those waves around the universe. The energy production in this star is very powerful. And there is the possibility that changes in energy production are more visible than in so-called "normal stars".

The Wolf-Rayet 140 is 5000 ly. away from Earth. That star is two stars that are orbiting each other. And there is the possibility that those dust rings are forming when the star that orbits the rare Wolf-Rayet star pulls material from the surface of the central star. Then that orbiting star impacts that material that increases its energy production. But there is another theory about the form of those rings. 

Every star has a cyclic sequence. When a star produces energy that energy pushes its core or surface outward. And when the pressure in the nucleus of the star decreases. Its energy production decreases. And the surface of the star starts to fall to the middle of the star. 

 So whenever a star expands because of its energy production it stops that expansion. When the surface of the star turns to fall in. That effect can cause a situation where the cloud of ions would remain over the star. And when energy production in the star's nucleus increases. That radiation pushes those ions to a longer distance. 

That thing pushes radiation to that ion layer. When radiation decreases the ions send the radiation impulse. And then that ion layer will send energy impacts to the universe. So maybe that thing would explain why Wolf-Rayet 140 sends those energy waves to the universe. 

When we are thinking about extremely hot stars like Wolf-Rayet 140. There is a theory about the form of that kind of star. In that theory, the energy that comes from the nucleus of the star, along with its gravitational field makes it possible for the extremely hot and bright star locks the electrons in its plasma to a certain position. 

That thing would be an incredible thing if it's right or true. And that thing could be possible in cases where the radiation and gravitational fields of the star are much more powerful than regular giant stars. That thing turns those electrons and atoms' nuclei into the quantum-size antennas that are driving radiation away from the star differently than in smaller and cooler stars.


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