Sunday, October 16, 2022

Cosmic antimatter mystery.

The antimatter is a mystery. At the beginning of the universe, the Schwinger-Effect created particle-antiparticle pairs. And one of the most interesting things in history is why only material remains. Why there was a little bit more material than antimatter? The interesting thing is could things like neutron stars form material from radiation. And could there be the Schwinger Effect in the modern universe? 

If there are magnetic fields in the universe that forms material, that thing could be one of the most revolutionary things in physics. And the principle of the Schwinger Effect is that when an electromagnetic field forms material, it forms particle-antiparticle pair. 

There is suspicion that some part of antimatter is forming during supernova explosions. In that case, the giant and extremely powerful shockwave travel through the universe. And there is a possibility that this effect turns the spin of electrons or even hadrons and forms antimatter. Or at least the supernova explosions are enough powerful that the radiation can make that thing. 

But an interesting thing is that also weaker magnetic fields like neutron stars and their radiation pikes can make that thing. Antimatter is forming in the atmosphere. When cosmic radiation turns the spin of some electrons. And that means also the atmospheres of other planets and plasma fields are the source of cosmic antimatter. 

Sometimes is introduced that some part of dark energy forms in an annihilation reaction where particle-antiparticle pairs are impacting each other. When we are talking about the annihilation and particle-antiparticle pairs we are not always talking about electron-positron pairs.

 Also, other elementary particles have anti-particle pairs. And maybe some part of dark energy forms when things like gluon-anti gluon (or boson-anti boson (or quark-anti quark)) pairs are annihilating. That thing is annihilation, similar way with the electron-positron pairs. 

But that kind of annihilation sends energy. That has a different wavelength than electron-positron annihilation. The fact is that also short-living bosons. And other high-energy particles that are short living can also make annihilation reactions. Maybe that kind of reaction is the source of dark energy, that rips the universe in pieces.


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