Next-step to creating medical care for people whose nervous system is damaged is to put the artificial or cloned neurons in damaged neural areas. The researchers successfully transferred lab-grown human neurons to rat brains. And those neurons are making networks.
Skills are a series of memories. And this technology allows the transplant of memories between humans. That thing makes it possible to transplant memories and skills between people. The only necessary thing is that necessary skills are transferred to those neurons by stressing them by using the EEG.
That thing makes it possible to hybridize the nervous systems of animals. The ability to create organisms that have a hybrid nervous system makes it possible to make intelligent pets. And increase the intelligence level of other species.
Intelligent pets could be useful assistants for people who have limitations. But that technology is useful also in the hands of the military.
But that kind of biotechnology have also threats. That kind of neural hybridization makes it possible to create the human-dogs or so-called "dog soldiers". If the neural structures that make wolves follow their leader and dogs loyal to their masters are transferred to human brains. That thing makes it possible to create people who always follow their orders.
The idea of dog soldiers or "monkey soldiers" that are willing to follow their leaders always when they want without excuses is a dictator's mad dream. And there is a legend that mythic werewolves are the result of the hybridization of dogs and humans.
The Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin ordered a man named Ilya Ivanovich Ivanov to research the possibility to create dog- or monkey soldiers. And Ivanov is the person who transplanted the heads of the dogs into another body. That research pleased Nazis and some SS doctors worked with experiments where humans tried to hybridize with dogs or wolves.
But the success of those experiments was poor. But then researchers found the DNA. And then by using nanotechnology is possible to connect genomes over species. That thing causes things that were pure imagination in the 1940s to turn true. So by using modern technology is quite easy to make human-dog hybrids.
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