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Showing posts from March, 2023

Black holes, information, and states of material: the new gravitational model.

 Black holes, information, and states of material: the new gravitational model.  Can superstrings that act like heat pumps explain gravitation? If we think that the information is the new state of matter, we could call the information the name "superstring". The superstring is a very thin electromagnetic field. In some theories, the superstring can turn straight. And then it can transfer information, like a stick between stars.  In that model, the superstring just moves back and forth and it can transmit information over long distances. But the superstring can also act like a heat pump and make the object in its route colder.  When a superstring travels through the gravitational center it pulls energy out from it. Electromagnetic fields are creating onion-looking structures around the objects. And those fields called superstrings to travel through the middle of that thing. So gravitational field should act similar way to all other electromagnetic fields. When those f...

What are fission and fusion?

 What are fission and fusion?  When neutrons impact, they form quantum-size kilonova.  Why are heavy atoms so short-living? The reason for that is that they are large atoms. When radiation or wave movement impacts large atoms it fills them with free energy. Free energy is that thing that causes a thing called fission.  Of course, everybody knows that fission is splitting heavy atoms. And fusion is to connect nuclei of light atoms. But what happens in those reactions? When free neutron impacts to atom's nucleus, it impacts another neutron. The result is like quantum-size kilonova. That impact fills the nucleus with free energy. And then that thing splits the atom into two or more parts.  Free energy is the thing that causes natural fission. But when outcoming neutron impacts with another neutron that thing sends massive energy impact through the atom. The quantum fields that connect protons and neutrons to an atom's nucleus are stretching. During that process, th...

Are quantum fields energy?

 Are quantum fields energy? Many times people ask that question. The answer is that quantum fields are material, and material is one form of energy. If we think like that, we must say that quantum fields are energy, but it's in those quantum fields energy has a state that we cannot use it. In that case, I mean that we don't have an antenna that we can use to inject energy from the quantum fields that surround atoms.  And I know that oversimplified that thing. Paradox is this material is the state of energy. And wave movement is material that turned to wave movement, and we use wave movement every day as an energy or information transporter. So this case material is wave movement and wave movement is information. We use quantum fields as energy in some of their forms. When we use material as an energy source, we use quantum fields as an energy source.  When radio waves travel in space it's one version of the quantum fields. The idea of the great unified theory is that all ...

ER=EPR and teleportation.

ER=EPR and teleportation.  Sometimes somebody introduced that ER=EPR means that information cannot copy itself at the same time in two locations in the natural space. The information must travel between points before superposition is possible. That means the ER is the information when it starts the copy process. And then the EPR means that the effect or "point" in the middle of that superpositioned information makes it impossible that the information can be in two places at the same time. The thing that denies the superposition of the information in the natural space is the disturbance. So for making superposition, the sender or dominating part of the system must transfer the stick that adjusts the frequencies between receiving and transmitting particles to the same level and the same form.  The thing is that the frequency in the superposition is always the average of the energy levels of the superpositioned and entangled particles. The reason for that is that both particles ...

ER=EPR quantum entanglement, information, and black holes.

 ER=EPR quantum entanglement, information, and black holes.  ER=EPR is the formula in quantum physics that introduces things like wormholes. Wikipedia introduces this thing like this "ER = EPR is a conjecture in physics stating that two entangled particles (a so-called Einstein–Podolsky–Rosen or EPR pair) connected by a wormhole (or Einstein–Rosen bridge) and is thought by some to be a basis for unifying general relativity and quantum mechanics into a theory of everything" (Wikipedia/ER=EPR)  So wormhole is forming between superpositioned and entangled black holes. And that means: all other energy bridges between superpositioned and entangled particles are Einstein-Rose bridges. But why only black holes could create stable quantum entanglement between them? The thing is that those black holes can stop their spin. And that keeps the wormhole in a stable position.  The reason why the quantum entanglement has limited existing time is the spin. The spin of those particle...