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The new telescopes give new data from the early universe.

The force awakens: new telescopes saw the dramatic awakening of the supermassive black hole. 

"In late 2019, a previously unremarkable galaxy suddenly started shining brighter, suggesting the sudden awakening of a massive black hole at its core. Astronomers using data from multiple observatories noticed dramatic changes in brightness that hint at unprecedented astronomical phenomena, further highlighted by new X-ray emissions detected in early 2024. (Artist’s concept.) Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Real-Time Revelation: Witnessing a Massive Black Hole’s Dramatic Awakening)

Some people ask: does the quantum entanglement allow systems to transport information faster than light? The answer is yes and no. The idea of quantum teleportation is that there is a quantum shadow or quantum channel between two particles. The system forms a quantum show by illuminating another particle from backward. That forms the electromagnetic shadow or quantum channel between particles. 

In quantum teleportation, the information is not traveling faster than light. Information travels in a quantum channel, where the wall or shell removes part of crossing quantum fields. That means less energy travels out from particles. And that causes situations where photons travel faster than they otherwise travel. 

"The ATLAS and CMS experiments have observed entanglement between top quarks and their antiparticles, confirming this phenomenon at high energies. This opens new avenues for quantum research, supported by large data samples from the LHC and enhanced by modern analytical techniques. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Einstein’s “Spooky Action at a Distance” Between the Heaviest Particles at the Large Hadron Collider)

The gravity wave is like an energy Walley or energy ditch at the front of a particle. That energy ditch pulls particles and wave movement forward. All wave movement acts the same way. There is a small lower energy area at the front of the wave. And then the energy that comes backward pushes waves forward. 

In quantum channels, the energy wave behind particles turns higher. And that pushes particles harder. So wormholes are the extreme versions of the quantum channels. The thing that differs between the Einstein-Rose bridge or "Wormhole" from electromagnetic wormholes like hollow laser rays is that the Einstein-Rose bridge is so thin, that it will not allow radiation to travel out from the energy- or quantum channel. 

Because energy cannot go out from the quantum channel it is packed behind particles. The energy pressure pushes particles forward. That packed wave movement denies the wormhole collapse. And then somewhere that energy bridge ends. Or otherwise saying, it starts to leak and that collapses the wormhole.  

The new Einstein telescope is the tool that observes gravity waves. The depth of that telescope is 250 meters. And it helps to get brand-new information from the universe. 

"The Einstein Telescope is being built around 250 meters underground. With interferometers in the three tunnels, each ten kilometers long, it will measure collisions of black holes in the early universe. Credit: NIKHEF" (ScitechDaily, Einstein Telescope: Unlocking a New Era in Astronomy From 250 Meters Underground)

The new observations give information about the early universe. And maybe they can answer the question, what came first, material or black holes? In theories, the early universe formed giant kugelblitz-black holes. Researchers hope that the Roman telescope gives information about this effect. The idea of the Kugelblitz black hole is that there is a ring-shaped electromagnetic field. And the outside energy hits that energy ring. Then the ring focuses that energy in the middle of it. And that forms the black hole. 

Those black holes formed straight from energy or wave movement. And then those black holes caused a disturbance in wave movement. That disturbance or crossing wave movement caused the Schwinger effect and formed the elementary particles. 

In the early universe were giant black holes that orbited each other. The information about those double quasars helps researchers understand field-based quantum entanglement better. And that information helps to create new quantum computers. The long-distance quantum entanglement gives new accuracy for the gravity wave sensors. As well as it will also revolutionize communication. 

In quantum entanglement or quantum teleportation, information travels in a quantum channel. The quantum channel that can be a hollow laser ray photon can travel faster than it usually travels. The reason for that is this electromagnetic wormhole removes part of crossing electromagnetic fields. 

"The experiment was pictured drawing a fiber Sagnac interferometric scheme inside a magnifying inset starting from a local position (Vienna, Austria) of the rotating Earth. Two indistinguishable photons are incident on a beam splitter cube, entanglement between them is created, and then they are coupled in the fiber interferometer. Credit: Marco Di Vita" (ScitechDaily, Shattering the Limits of Classical Physics: Quantum Entanglement Measures Earth’s Rotation Like Never Before)

The reason why the quantum entanglement between large particles is interesting is that it allows researchers to create larger electromagnetic shadows or quantum channels. These kinds of quantum channels can be longer than quantum channels between smaller particles can be. The superpositioned particles. That transport information can be inside the electromagnetic shadow or quantum channel between those larger particles. 

When the system pushes the transmitting part of the entanglement, it sends a wave through the quantum channel. In some other models, the system can push and pull the dominating side of the entanglement. And that turns the quantum entanglement into a formation. That looks like a gramophone stylus. That last version requires almost straight wave movement. 

Or so thick energy structure that the system can transfer the other side of the quantum entanglement when it transports other. These kinds of things are suitable only for long-distance communication. The system benefits from those solutions only if the information transfer must happen from other planets. That thing makes remote control of probes easier. 

But the communication through quantum channels makes it possible to create the systems that warn Earth about the new threat. That threat is gravity waves. The gravity wave can disturb quantum entanglements in quantum computers. If there is a gravity wave sensor at the edge of our solar system is. Quantum teleportation helps to send information faster than gravity waves and it gives about a couple of seconds to turn radio- and optical telescopes into that point.


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