Sunday, November 24, 2024

When the most advanced tool becomes the enemy of advance.


Above this text is the image that is not made by using AI. I took that image yesterday evening. That thing required a little bit of trouble and time. Walking into that point, taking my cell phone, and taking that picture took time. When I looked at that picture I realized why people use AI in many things. AI offers easy things to get the job done. That easy tool allows people to make thousands of lines of code in minutes. 

That is possible if the person uses some code libraries. And that makes a person effective. But that thing is not good for advancement and innovation. Also, that way of making programs is not good for data security. If some hackers get those code libraries that allow them to break the systems those codes are used. 

We know that thing. But we ever ask why person makes that thing? Why does that person use libraries and copy-paste? Why that person uses code, that somebody gave to the hard disk? The answer is this something forces a person to make things like that. The nice, well-done code in the hard disk makes work effective. And we can say that generative AI, large LLM, or whatever we call that thing is only to those libraries. 

We can be effective and always use that method to make things. That can make an impression. But then we can say that this method doesn't allow us to advance our programming skills. And that means the AI kills productivity and skills. But is the AI guilty? 

Do we bark the wrong tree? Should we prosecute the need to be effective for that thing? People use AI and code libraries because they have no time to learn things. People are so hurry, that they have no time to learn things. And if they make mistakes they are fired. That forces people to use AI. 

The biggest problem with algorithms is they use existing information. They don't call any telescopes or particle accelerators to create experiments that they can produce new things. They just seek existing information and reorder it. If we start to use AI more and more to become effective we are facing situations in which we don't get new innovations. 

New innovations are things that make the world more advanced. But when we make innovation. We process thought into the product. Without thought is not innovation. Because our mind is to bind to memories we are in trouble with new things.  That means we should create a mind that is not dependent on memories. But that thing is not very easy to make. Almost everything that we make is bound to memories. 

Algorithms do not create things. They just connect existent data into new entirety. And the question is this: do we let ourselves turn into the AI's? Mechanical minds can search existing information but cannot create anything new. 

If we don't let people innovate that means that we will not create new things. Innovations require time and space. And that thing is not a thing that fits into the idea of productivity and effectiveness. 

Algorithms are tools that make many things faster than humans. That is the reason why we use them. The question is always this: do we someday make algorithms that rule people? When we make things by using algorithms we can find an easy way to make things. Algorithms make our lives easier. They search for things from databases. Then, AI can make many things better than we can. We are afraid. That AI helps people to make things. 

Like fake doctoral theses. We are always afraid of that. People lose their creativity when they use AI. We ever ask why we leave our work to the AI. We see that things happen, never asking "why"? 

The problem with the algorithm is that AIs don't make anything new.  They just collect information from the networks. AIs build new entireties using information. That already exists. And that is the problem with AI. The problem is that the system requires effective working. During working days people don't cheer programmers and other people to make new decisions. The requirement for effectiveness is the thing that destroys creativity and advancement. 

People are afraid of remote working because it destroys innovation. But how many hours in week do we use for innovations? Do we really make innovations in our offices? Or do we just read newspapers and reports and make things that have been made 1000 times before? 

Many people think. That innovation is the case, where one person talks and the other listens. The problem with innovation and creativity is that people are afraid of failure. Failure is somehow a non-accepted thing, and that means we make many times things that we made many times before. 

Because. People are afraid of things like grammar mistakes they think that they must let the AI make their texts. Programmers are afraid of mistakes.  Fixing mistakes steals their and other worker's working time. That is the reason why the working environment forces people to use AI. And that is the best way to destroy productive thinking and innovation. 

The AI makes people look like effective. But that system uses only existing information. That is the limit of the AI. Even if we want to make images using AI, we must give orders to it. The AI is like the drawing program that follows orders that we give. That allows us to create new worlds. But that thing doesn't advance our painting skills. 

The memory makes humans effective. Imagination is the thing that connects memory bites together new way. That allows us to create new things. Memories and the connections with existing memories are the things that limit the imagination. The requirement for innovation is an idea, that doesn't come from emptiness. 

Memories are stored in our memory cells. When we use imagination we just reorder those things that we can call memory pixels into the new entirety. Those things are like puzzles that we can reorder. 

The big advance would be the mind. That is not connected with memory. The memory-independent mind is something that we cannot imagine. We use memories to create new entities. And it's hard to even imagine a tool that doesn't use memories. That thing is the tool that can make the next step for innovations and society. 

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