Everything that we see and feel happens in the past. When information of some case reaches our senses that thing already happened. So when we are talking about quantum teleportation we mean the system that brings data of cases before others.
So the idea of this thing can seal in the phrase " my photons are faster than your photons". And the term ability to see the future means that information that comes from some cases reaches the target will reach the observer before other actor's photons can reach that actor.
The spooky action in distance makes quantum teleportation possible as there are many times mentioned. And quantum teleportation makes it possible to see to the future. Or actually, that thing does not give an ability to see to future. But it makes it possible that the user of this thing can get the information before other actors. The quantum entanglement removes the effect of distance.
And that means if the particle is superpositioned and entangled and something moves another part of this particle pair another part of this thing also moves. Because those particles are moving immediately. That means they are moving before photons can travel that journey which means quantum teleportation is like a moving stick.
So if we want to know immediately what happens at Alpha Centauri before others we must just make quantum entanglement which other side is at Alpha Centauri. And another side of that quantum entanglement is on Earth the data can travel faster to Earth than photons can carry from Alpha Centauri.
There is introduced an idea that we could see what happen in the future. This thing is possible by sending a group of superpositioned and entangled particles to space. The idea is those particles will send to the let's say about three light-years away from Earth. Then those particles will superposition and entangle to the laboratory. The photon travels that journey in 3 years. But that superpositioned and entangled particle pair is acting like they are the stick. That means information is travel faster than light for those particles.
But does that thing make it possible to see in the future? The answer is no. It would not make it possible to see to the future. But it allows getting information before others. The thing is that the effectiveness of this kind of system depends on how far they are. The capacity of that system increases when the distance is growing.
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