Saturday, November 6, 2021

Does time cause gravitation?

We can say that the expansion of the universe is causing the thing called time. While the size of the universe is growing. Its temperature is turning lower. That thing means that quantum fields are limiting the expansion of the quantum fields. Of the particles are getting weaker. And that thing causes that the energy or wave movement starts flowing to the vacuum from the particles. 

If we would take particles in the absolute emptiness they would turn to wave movement immediately. Another thing that people should remember is that the visible material is interacting only with other particles of visible material. And only interaction between dark matter and visible material is the gravitational interaction. 

The idea is that when material oscillates it sends radiation. The energy level behind those gravitational waves is lower than in other places of the universe. And that means energy is moving in that lower energetic area. 

So is gravitation the effect where the particles that are in the gravitational wave are sending wave movement to the lower energetic area like some kind of outboard engine? And could that wave movement explain the form of the gravitation?

When we are thinking time and its form always when the material is sending photons. It loses its mass. So when the mass of the atom turns lower. Its quantum field would go larger. And its size is turning larger. All material is sending gravitational waves but normally those waves are impossible to detect. 

And only things like colliding black holes or neutron stars are capable send strong enough gravitational waves. That gravitational wave detectors can observe them. 

When that thing happens. The quantum field around particles pushes other quantum fields and sends the wave through the universe. That means the area around the quantum field of the particles is turning lower energetic and that means the other quantum fields are filling that lower energetic area. 

So that means gravity is the pushing effect of the quantum fields. The thing is that the other quantum fields are pushing particles to the gravitation center. 

The thing that we are calling time is the expansion of the universe. When the energy is traveling outside the universe. Because energy travels to the lower energetic area that means the universe is losing its material. When we are thinking that the universe is in absolute emptiness there is nothing that can limit the expansion. 

All material and energy are released in the universe during the Big Bang. That means when the ball of the universe is getting bigger. The level of energy is decreasing. And that thing means that the universe is freezing. 

When the size of the universe is turning bigger the force of the quantum fields that are pushing the other quantum fields to the atoms and particles is turning weaker. Material is one form of energy. And wave-particle duality means that all material is turning to wave movement. 

The other way to explain the particle is that is only the denser wave movement. And because particles are more energetic areas in the universe than pure wave movement. That means energy travels from the particles and quantum fields that are surrounding them to the universe. So when the universe expands the particles are steaming the photons. And sooner or later, the particles are sending gravitational waves.  

The reason why researchers are talking about quantum fields when we are talking about the power fields that are surrounding particles is simple. The main effect is, of course, electromagnetic. But the quantum gravitation and other fundamental forces affect those fields. And that means that thing causes that the power fields around the subatomic particles and atom-sized objects are called quantum fields.

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