About nuclear fusion: the Holy Grail of energy production.
Nuclear fusion can turn to produce energy sooner than we expect.
Nuclear fusion is a "Holy Grail" to energy production. But the problem is how to make the reactor create more energy than it uses for creating the fusion power. Energy can store in flashing Tokamak reactors to the batteries. And that helps to keep fusion under control.
The flashing fusion reactors are things that are promising tools. A reaction would not happen all the time. When the reactor is producing energy. The system stores it in capacitors. The purpose of those capacitors is to stabilize energy delivery. To the main electric network. While there is a break in the energy production.
And the researchers will stabilize temperature. By removing the pressure. That means fusion doesn't happen all the time. That helps the system keep the temperature and energy production under control. The system can use two plasma beams the positive and negative ions will connect at a certain position. The ionized gases will pull each other together. And that makes it easier to create a fusion reactor.
So this is one version of the fusion system. Tokamak reactors are the most promising tools for nuclear fusion. In those reactors, the plasma can keep away from the walls of the donut-shaped magnetic accelerators. The ignition system aims for microwaves and laser rays to the plasma that orbits the donut-shaped reactor. A fusion reactor is like the artificial sun on Earth.
But the problem is that the Sun's pressure must compensate by using higher temperatures. The temperature in Tokamak reactors is higher than in the nucleus of the Sun.
The temperature of the plasma is billions of degrees. And if there is contact between plasma and the wall of the particle accelerator that causes the system will melt immediately.
The extremely high-temperature plasma would start to rise. And that thing causes the pulling effect that is similar to nuclear explosions. The problem is that if the plasma in the fusion reactor will create too much energy. That destroys the reactor and power plant.
High-temperature plasma has military solutions.
The high-temperature plasma will be a devastating tool in the hands of the military. So this means that the same thing is used for developing high-energetic plasma in Tokamak. Can also use to create high-energetic plasma for plasmoid weapons.
The free-fusion bombs are the new type of theoretical fusion solution. They are simple crossing high-energetic ion and anion flows. The ignition of the fusion reaction happens by using the laser that aimed to cross point ignites fusion or creates the artificial sun in the atmosphere.
Sometimes, fusion development is claimed as the cover-up for the plasmoid weapon development. The thing is that the crossing ion beams that are crossing at a certain point can turn to fusion weapons. In that case, positive and negative high-energy ions will cross at a certain point. Then the laser ray will ignite the fusion at that point. That thing requires only two tanks where are two gases.
Atoms of the first gas will turn to ions. Another gas is turned into anions (negative ions). Those particles will pull each other together. After that then the laser ray will ignite the fusion. This type of system is called a "free-fusion bomb". The fusion is formed in the ion flow.
Image: https://www.energy.gov/science/doe-explainstokamaks
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