Monday, May 30, 2022

Are all four interactions the same force?

The particle physics extended model with hypothetical graviton. 

The problem with connecting four fundamental interactions, strong interaction, weak interaction, electromagnetic interaction, and gravitational interaction is that gravitation is neutral. 

Gravitation affects all particles in the same way. But we cannot make the connection between those forces. This is the reason, why we cannot make things like Theory of Everything (TOE) and Great Unified Theory (GUT). 

The reason is that researchers cannot connect gravitation to the other three interactions. So could the graviton be the low energy area or hole that is pulling material and wave motion in it? The wave motion could be like a carpet that pulls particles with wave motion. 

There is introduced an idea about the form of gravitation. The idea is that the gravitation is the low but large hole near atoms. And that large size causes. That wave motion will fall in it slowly but filling that hole takes a longer time. And that makes the gravitation effect in long distances. When the end of wave motion will start to fall in that hole. That is similar to the electron hole it pulls other wave motion behind it. 

Or could gravitation be the energy that travels behind the particle? And push it forward? 

So gravitation is the energy flow from the higher to lower energy space. The idea is that gravitation is wave motion. And when that wave motion hits the particle it forms the electromagnetic shadow behind it. 

Energy or wave motion starts to travel to that electromagnetic shadow faster than it can travel to the front of the particle. And that effect where wave motion travels faster to the electromagnetic shadow or lower energy area pushes the particle forward. 

The strong interaction is the interaction between single fermion and gluon. 

The annihilation is the interaction between the particle and its antiparticle.  In that reaction, the entire material turns to wave motion in that case. And that makes annihilation so powerful. 

In that case, the strong nuclear interaction turns opposite. So the repelling part of the strong interaction causes the material turns into energy. The annihilation can form in the case where the fermions called quarks are oscillating. And that oscillation will transfer all over the atom. And if that oscillation is strong enough that thing turns material and antimatter to wave motion. 

So could W-boson be the group of gluons? 

So if we are thinking that all interactions are the same. We can think that the transmitting particles of the forces called bosons are only a certain size of the groups of the gluons. The single gluons are the particles that transport strong nuclear interaction. And they are jumping between quarks that are forming protons and neutrons. The W-bosons (W-plus) and (W-minus) bosons transport weak interaction. 

The similarity between the weak and strong interactions gives a tip that the strong and weak nuclear interactions are the same force. The short lifetime of the W-boson also supports the theory. That its actually the cloud of some other elementary particles. And the best candidate for that particle is the gluon. 

Could photon be the ring-shaped remnant of the W-boson collapse? 

The electromagnetic interaction is the thing that connects the electrons to an atom's nucleus. The transportation particle of that interaction is the photon. So could the photon be the ring-shaped power field or virtual particle? Or is it similar to the electron-hole? In that case, that photon can be like the smoke ring-shaped power field. That is left when the W-boson collapse. 

So finally the mysterious graviton. The mysterious graviton could be the electromagnetic hole that forms when electron cores or the quantum fields around the atom are changing their position. In some theories, the graviton is the electromagnetic low pressure. That is forming at the edge of the atom. 

So, the graviton could also be a similar phenomenon to an electron-hole. The size of that hole or electromagnetic low-pressure could be larger than the electron-hole. But its area is larger. That thing causes that energy and wave motion will fill that hole longer time. But the speed of filling that hole is slower than the electron-hole. Because the gravitation hole is large-size that thing causes the wave motion that drops in that hole affects from a longer distance. 

See also:


Fundamental interactions



Great Unified Theory (GUT)


Theory of everything (TOE)

The standard model of physics.

W Bosons

Image 2:)

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