While radio waves travel in the universe they are traveling through billions of the quantum fields. Some of those quantum fields are extremely powerful magnetic fields around the neutron stars and black holes. In some visions, SETI-program (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) can simply receive the radio signal that is made U-turn around the neutron stars or black holes. The magnetic fields are changing the direction of the radio wave.
So there is one possibility that the Proxima signal Breakthrough Listen Candidate 1 or BLC1 is the radio signal whose origin is on Earth. The plasma field can turn the direction of the radio signal. But is there so powerful a magnetic field that it can cause the radio signal from Earth makes a U-turn and return home?
The energy amplification by stimulated emission of radiation is the thing that makes lasers possible. The idea of the simulated radiation emission is simple. When the wave motion that is traveling in space will impact with the wave motion that has the same wavelength stronger wave motion pulls weaker wave motion with it.
That weaker wave motion raises the energy level of stronger wave motion. The same effect which amplifies laser rays amplifies all other wave motions like radio, gamma, or microwaves. Term maser means microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation and that is the name for coherent microwave radiation.
The laser or light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation means the coherent light. So laser is the maser system that operates in optical areas. Radio masers are the systems that are making coherent radio waves that can use as communication tools that are hard to eavesdrop from sideways.
Virtualization of the laser means that the energy will pump to the laser ray. That kind of system can be extremely powerful. If the laser system is virtualized there is no limit to its strength. The virtualized laser system can mean that a large group of satellites is shooting their laser rays into one stronger laser ray.
The optical telescope can be equipped with virtualized laser systems. At the bottom of the telescope would be a quite small laser. And then the laser LEDs are pumping energy to that laser ray when it travels through them. Things like holograms can also use to increase the power of the laser ray. When a laser ray travels through the hologram. It catches the energy from it. The same way the anneal of the stars and plasma are acting when radiation travels through them.
And when radio wave travels through galaxies they increase their power. That means that even if we hear radio signals which seem coming close. The origin of that signal can be very far away. So the famous "Proxima signal" can come from farther than we expect. There is the possibility that this signal came through billions of magnetic fields. And the extremely strong magnetic fields of neutron stars also cause the direction of the radio wave changes. So the origin of that signal is a mystery.
Radio and other radiation strengthen in nature the same way as they get stronger in the laboratory. When the radio pike from the neutron stars are impacting with another radio pike that comes from another neutron star. That thing makes the radiation stronger. Same way when magnetic fields are impacting. That thing raises their energy. When a radio wave travels through a magnetic field that will increase its energy.
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