Sunday, May 29, 2022

The new error-free quantum computer can revolutionize computing.

Image: Artist impression of gate operations on logical quantum bits, that are protected from faults by means of quantum error correction. Credit: Johannes Knünz (ScitechDaily/Fundamental Breakthrough: Error-Free Quantum Computing Gets Real)

The new error-tolerant quantum computer uses two qubits where seven atoms are connected. Those qubits are exchanging information. And that thing makes it possible to create the quantum computer that has the working error-handling and detecting protocol. 

The fact is that if somebody asks, what is the most powerful tool in computing? We might answer that the network of quantum computers. The error-handling protocol is a necessary tool for successful computing. 

In large-scale systems, the protocol can make by using multiple quantum computers that are in different places. And then if the answer that those machines get is the same the answer is true. The error-handling protocol can support by highly advanced AI that can keep a book about things like gravitation waves. Those waves can cause an error in the qubit because that energy affects the qubit. 

If the quantum computers are running the programs or algorithms that use fuzzy logic those computers don't need so high accuracy. The system must have three parts. One is the "Judge" connected to sensors with two other parts. If those two other parts are getting the same solution. That thing is the decision of what system follows. Or if there is a difference, the "Judge" chooses the better decision. 

The thing is that quantum computers are the most powerful and safest systems in the world of computing. The superpositioned and entangled particles are transmitting data in that system. That thing is called "quantum teleportation". If somebody wants to steal information from the quantum entanglement causes that the energy level of that particle pair decreases. And that thing causes alarm in the system. 

Scientists are making quantum teleportation over the rudimentary network. The research continues with this thing. The ability to make quantum teleportation over the complex network structure makes it possible to create quantum computers that have the power of human brains. 

The complex 3D quantum network is the thing that is working in human brains. And the ability to make precise quantum teleportation to a certain point of the 3D neural structure. If the system can make it possible to create the series of quantum teleportations of the information that makes it possible to create more powerful computers than human brains can be. 

In some visions of the computer-neuron hybrid systems is the living neurons whose axons are replaced by using a series of nano-size optical cables and laser LEDs. That kind of system can make it possible to create new types of microchips.

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