Thursday, May 19, 2022

What would it be to ride with a beam of light?

Sometimes the famous physicist Albert Einstein asked: "what if I rode with a beam of light? The fact is that when a person or object would ride with the beam of light that means the aging of that particle ends. The object rides with the speed of wave motion. So the wave motion would not escape from the object. 

When energy travels out from the object it gets old. If the expansion of the universe continues certain time. The existence of material in a particular form will end. That means the material will turn to wave motion. That thing requires anyway that universe is open. Otherwise, the big crunch will deny that part of ultimate fate. 

Whenever the particle sends radiation it loses its mass. When the speed of the particle increases. That slows the energy loss. And that effect is called time dilation.  

Or otherwise, wave motion would not travel in the object. That means the material in that object will finally get a stable form. The aging process of material ends because energy will not travel in the object and outside the object. The speed of light stops aging. The doppler wave that forms at the front of the object denies that the speed of the object will not increase higher. 

That thing is called "Tau zero" or speed of light. The speed of light is not stable. The reflection is the thing that affects that speed. There is made experimental research about the warp bubbles. The electromagnetic vacuums that are making it possible to create the particles whose speed is higher than the speed of light are outside the bubble. 

In some theories, the warp craft will create the warp bubble or quantum vacuum around it. And then that vacuum denies forming of the doppler waves. So that allows for making a craft that travels faster than the speed of the light. Or actually, the warp bubble makes it possible to create the space where all particles and photons reach the same speed. 

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