The use of man-shaped remote control robots as space explorers is one of the most interesting ideas. In that case, the controller can sit at home and control the robot that walks around on another planet. But the problem is that the speed of light gives limits on the communication between that robot and the ground station.
There is the possibility that somewhere in the future we will travel to other solar systems or at least to other planets without spacecraft. If we could make the "faster than light" communication by benefiting the quantum teleportation or tiny quantum-size wormholes. We could travel to other planets without leaving home.
Or actually, we could make virtual flights to other planets quite easily. The probe must just travel around the surface of the planet. And then it can send the information about that thing to the Earth by using radio waves or a USB stick.
Then that information can use to make a virtual reality where people can walk and search for things on the virtual planet. But we could also get real-time information from another planet. The problem is that the time that radio waves are traveling to Earth takes little time.
The idea is simple. The person who is making this kind of virtual journey to another planet can simply control the robots on the other planets or even in other solar systems by using this kind of communication system. In that case, the system simply uses robots as external bodies on the other planets.
In the cases where some futuristic astronauts will reach the other solar system and find habitable planets, they would research that planet by using remote-control robots. Those remote-controlled robots can be living bodies whose nervous systems or brains are replaced by using computers. The purpose of those biorobots would be to uncover dangerous species that can risk the possible colony.
Another way to travel to another solar system is to use cloned crew. In that case, the astronauts would send to journey as fetuses. The system will freeze those morulas to a temperature that is near absolute zero kelvin degrees. And when the craft will close its destiny those fetuses will be grown to adulthood and robots and Artificial intelligence will teach them.
The advanced systems can also use cloned cells. In that case, things like some bacteria or fungus will use to produce needed cells. And the crew is stored in the form of the DNA samples or digital mode. The DNA structure would be in the hard disks and nanotechnical robots will just change the cell's genomes. Advanced nanotechnology allows for the creation of synthetic DNA.
One of those most fascinating ideas is that biological computers will control futuristic spacecraft. That means the computer can be the living neurons that can think like humans. That spacecraft can be more intelligent than humans.
The fungus and neurons can be hybridized. Also, there is the possibility that that structure will connect genomes that allows the fungus can be photosynthetic. The idea is that photosynthetic fungus feeds the neurons in the neural network. In that case, the spacecraft would be a robot that is controlled by artificial brains. Maybe this type of solution is not yet possible or tolerated. But the fact is that the future can be different. The culture and attitudes are changing.
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