Monday, September 12, 2022

The gluons are transmitter particles of the strong nuclear interaction.

The shape of gluons is interesting because the spin of that particle is one. That means gluon can rotate full lap. So there is the possibility that black holes are like gluons. And sometimes in my mind has become an idea that maybe gluons can form stars that are more exotic and heavier than hypothetical quark stars. 

The strong nuclear force or strong interaction is the force between quarks and gluons. The gluon is between quarks and maybe the mysterious and hypothetical graviton particle hides between those particles. 

The reason why gluons spin in 1 could be caused by its location. The gluons are between quarks and maybe they are sending the radiation the same way as black holes. When that radiation hits quarks it causes reflection. And then the radiation would make a channel between quarks. 

The interaction between quarks and gluon is introduced in the next diagram.




0=A gluon

>>or<<=Direction of energy flow. 

[]=impact point of wave motion


0= A gluon-particle that sends wave motion. There is a possibility that this same structure repeats in the interaction between gluon and hypothetical graviton-particle. 

The graviton particle is the particle form of gravitation. In the same way, as the photon is the particle form of the light graviton is the particle form of gravitation. 

>>and<< = Direction of energy. The energy that travels out from the gluon makes the hole in the radiation. That comes from quarks. The radiation is wave motion, and that channel keeps the structure in its form. 

[]=Impact area of radiation that reflects from quark. The graviton may be forming at that point. The gravitation is the wave motion.

And when gravitational waves are impacting each other. That thing makes it possible. That the impacting gravitational waves can form the graviton particle. In that model, the graviton is like a yarn ball of gravitational waves.

8=Quark. In this diagram, there are two quarks. And the reason for that is gluon is so much smaller particle than a quark. 

The interaction of two gluons in the hypothetical gluon star might explain the form of black holes. When those gluons are sending wave motion that is impacting with each other. This causes the wave or energy level of the wave motion is rising until it can transmit somewhere. 

The thing is that sooner or later the wave motion that leaves from the gluons can form the condition where gravitons are starting to grow. In that model gravitation just closes itself in the structure that is called the singularity. 

There is a possibility, that the black hole or some of the black holes are forming gluons. The reason why gluon can spin full lap is that it's in the channel. That channel makes it possible that the gluon will not interact with the outside world. Or that channel can be like a tornado that takes gluon with it. 

The thing is that the quantum field around quarks is also isolating gluons from the outside world. The electromagnetic vacuum in that channel keeps the protons and neutrons in one piece.

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