Monday, September 19, 2022

Universe, multiverse, and dark energy

"Starry night" by Vincent van Gogh (Wikipedia) 

Can external energy sources explain dark energy? But what is the energy source that can be outside the universe? 

The idea of a multiverse comes from dark energy. In quantum systems, the system cannot itself form energy. The universe is the largest known quantum system. And the dark energy means that universe is too warm. So the external energy source can simply explain the dark energy. 

The multiverse is not even a theory. It's philosophical conjecture that the next step from the supergroups of galaxies is another universe. Another universe could explain the dark energy. That thing means that energy flow from another universe brings energy from outside the system called the universe. 

That means the external energy source could explain why there is too much energy in the universe. The external energy source can explain why the energy level of particles is too high. And that rips the universe into pieces. 

Can the source of dark energy be some yet unknown particles? And could those particles be hypothetical gravitons? 

In that model, hypothetical gravitons that are the source of the gravitational waves are like monopolar particles. If gravitons are like magnetic monopoles that thing means that gravitons can repel each other. So that means that if there are clouds of "negative (or positive) gravitons". They push each other away. 

But then we can think that the source of dark energy can be internal. That means the missing particles that we don't yet know are the source of that mysterious radiation. Or is the answer so simple that we want to believe it? In the universe are empty bubbles like Böotes void, where the plasma has a lower density than other places. 

In those bubbles, the speed of light is higher than in other places in the universe. Maybe the particles that are flying across those bubbles are traveling at too high a speed. And the impacts with another quantum- or plasma fields are forming energy loads that are more powerful than researchers calculated. 

But there is a weakness in that theory. Energy cannot form from emptiness. That thing means that the kinetic energy is the case, where the object will travel across quantum fields. And then those energy fields transfer energy to that object. So that thing means that the Böotes void cannot and other cosmic bubbles cannot explain the dark energy. 

And then we can go to think about the speed and energy. Kinetic energy is the thing where energy moves to the object. When the object impacts the quantum field. That thing means the energy from those fields will transfer to that object. We are facing one interesting question. 

Is there speed or temperature outside the universe? 

Well, there is no limit to the universe. But we can say that the limit of the universe is the plasma ball that formed in the Big Bang. If there are no particles or no energy (or quantum fields) there is nothing that can limit the speed of the object. There is another remarkable thing. If there are no quantum fields. There is nothing that limits the vaporization of the particles. So the material turns to wave motion very fast because time dilation ends. 

In the regular universe, time dilation means the case where an increase in the energy level of the object causes the vaporization of the object turns slower. The quantum or energy fields are the thing that makes time dilation. When energy travels to the particle its speed increases. 

At the speed of light, the particle will not vaporize because energy will not travel out of the particle. Or energy travel between particles and environment is in balance. So crossing the speed of light requires that there is something that transfers energy to that particle. 

But if there is nothing that interacts with the particle it vaporizes immediately. Outside the universe, all particles, wave motion, and photons all travel at the same speed. The thing that can save the particle is that if it travels in the same direction as the wave motion that denies the vaporization or turning to energy. 

In that case, the wave motion denies that energy will not travel outside the particle. So if the particle travels in the photon capsule. That thing denies wave motion travel outside that particle. But there is nothing that can limit the speed of the particle. 

In black holes, the gravitational waves are so tight that they can transfer energy to particles. And that's why particles can cross the speed of light in the black hole. In that case, the gravitational waves can replace the energy that comes out from the objects. 


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