Gravitational interaction tells researchers that dark matter and visible matter have similar structures.
Gravitation and dark matter are interesting things. Sometimes somebody asked, could graviton solve the question of dark matter? The fact is this. Because dark matter interacts through gravitation there is some common structure between visible material and dark matter. And that common structure could be a hypothetical graviton. The problem is that nobody has seen dark matter yet. The atom-size atom clocks can search dark matter gobs or glimpses. If there is a dark matter structure somewhere. The extremely small atom clocks should react with that thing. Those very small atom clocks can form the compound eye that searches gravitational waves and dark matter gobs. The sensor bases the idea that dark matter gob causes local time dilation. And if two atom clocks see the same type of time dilation in different places gravitational waves cause those anomalies or slows in time. If time dilation is local the reason for that could be gop of dark matter. In some models, theoretica...