Sunday, January 7, 2024

Hunting of dark photons.

 Hunting of dark photons. 

The reason why a photon is forever could be that it recycles energy through it. In that model, the photon gets as much energy as it delivers. And that energy stability makes the photon the only known particle, that reaches the speed of light. Also, still, hypothetical gravitons can reach the speed of light. 

But in some models, a graviton is a static particle that sends only wave movement. So in this model, graviton will not move like photons. It is the static point, and the only thing that is gravitation that moves is the wave movement. In electromagnetism, photons can move as in particle or wave movement forms. 

 In some models, the dark photon is a particle that travels in quantum fields like stealth aircraft. In that model, there should be a double-layer quantum field around the dark photon. The outer layer will make other quantum fields slide over dark photons. In that model, the hypothetical dark photon can be a chameleon particle. The quantum field around the particle looks like a red giant star. Those giant stars have no clear impact point where their atmosphere is turned into space.  

If we want to use that model taken from stars to explain why we cannot see dark photons we can say that there is the point is the dark photons quantum field where its energy level is the same as its environment. That means there is no information change between a dark photon and its environment. The most out layer of that particle would merge with its environment. 

 "Illustration of two types of long-lived particles decaying into a pair of muons, showing how the signals of the muons can be traced back to the long-lived particle decay point using data from the tracker and muon detectors. Credit: CMS/CERN" ( Mysterious World of Dark Photons: Trailblazing Particle Hunt With the Large Hadron Collider)

Researchers believe that dark photon exists. In modern hypothetical models, the dark photon is a particle. That is as fast as a photon but unseen. The idea is that the dark photon would somehow avoid interaction with quantum fields in their environment. 

In some models, the dark photon is a photon the energy level is very high. That thing causes a situation where wave movement escapes from that particle. Then the Schwinger effect turns the dark photon into a photon and maybe a muon. The problem is that because the dark photon is invisible, researchers have a problem determining the point where the decay results form. 

The model of how a hypothetical dark photon decays is taken from Higgs Boson. Many decay productions form when Higgs Boson decays very soon. Things like W and anti-W boson pairs are confirmed. The W and anti-W boson pairs give a hint that the Schwinger effect forms those particles. Schwinger effect always from particle-antiparticle pair, and that thing means that there is a model, that most of the decay produced from Higgs Boson forms in the shockwave interaction between decaying Higgs Boson and its environment. 

There is predicted a muon-antimuon pair that decay of Higgs Boson forms. The idea is that when Higgs Boson splits there forms a quantum tunnel between those splitting halfs. The decay of Higgs Boson may form more than two primary particles. Primary particles are particles, that form just in the decay process. 

Most of those decay particles that source are particles in the top energy levels. Are short-living. Their energy level is very high. And that means that those primary particles themselves form particles that are secondary particles. If we take the timeline from the Higgs Boson. But some of those decay productions are photons. 

Every decay process forms photons. The sensor must recognize if the photon forming in the primary decay of Higgs Boson or is annihilation production or the secondary particle's decay production. The problem is that the W and anti-W bosons annihilating. And that annihilation reaction forms flashes that can cover particles that the primary particle's decay produces. 

The dark photon can decay like Higgs Boson. Or it simply blows its energy away. That energy flow would turn it into a "regular" photon. And the same time it corms the Schwinger effect that forms short-living particles. Dark photons may form in the middle of the Higgs Boson's decay produces. 

When those produces travel outside the decay point, they form a small, short-term electromagnetic- or quantum vacuum. That vacuum pushes superstrings, or extremely thin quantum fields together. And that thing forms the dark photon. And maybe we can someday see dark photons and measure their interactions.

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