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Showing posts from October, 2021

The gravitational interaction between objects.

Is gravitation an independent force? Or is it "only" some "special" version of electromagnetism? Have you ever thought about why gravitation has a long-distance effect? Why do the weakest of the fundamental interactions have long-range interaction? Why do other natural forces like strong-nuclear force have only a short-distance effect?  And why the distance of the fundamental interaction increases when the scale of the effecting particles increases? The strong nuclear force affects only on the scale that is smaller than proton or neutron. But the electromagnetism effects also between the atomic groups. The difference between electromagnetism and gravitation is neutral.  Gravitation is the non-polar force that effect is not depending on the poles of the particles. The electromagnetism pushes and pulls the objects depending are the same poles opposite together. The thing that causes the pulling is the electron flow and electromagnetic fields around the magnets.  And t...

The small addition to the qutrit teleportation text

This is a small addition to the qutrit teleportation text. The idea of this test agreement is that the annealing of the first chamber is transported to another chamber. And the easiest way to make that thing is just making the quantum annealing of the quantum fog in chamber 1. Resonate the particles of quantum fog in chamber 2.  Researchers can create that quantum superposition by using two similar particle groups. When the first particle group will get the energy that thing will resonate with the particles in the second chamber. The term superposition or quantum teleportation means. The oscillation of those particles is transferred to other particles. In the cases of electromagnetic fields, superposition means that two electromagnetic fields are oscillating with the same frequency. When two electromagnetic fields are facing and their wavelength is the same but the other is stronger. The stronger electromagnetic field would synchronize the lower energetic field with it. And they ar...

Could a hypothetical quark star be invisible?

  There is the possibility that there are so-called "stealth stars" in the universe The hypothetical quark star is one of the "should be" objects. But there is no single observation of that type of star. Theoretically, quark stars are the medium between neutron stars and black holes. But why we cannot see that thing?  Could the reflection that comes from free quarks have a wavelength that we cannot observe? The free quarks will send the radiation that has so short wavelength that we cannot observe that radiation because we have no object that resonates with that thing. What if radiation comes straight from the surface of quarks? Normally the radiation comes from the quantum fields of atoms or protons and neutrons. But if there are free quarks somewhere in the universe, those quarks would send radiation that has so short wavelength that we cannot see that thing. So does that thing explain, why we have no observations about the hypothetical quark stars? Are those obje...

Quantum physicists are teleported "qutrits" for the first time.

Image I Qutrits are giving superpowers for a quantum system. Qutrits are giving superpowers for a quantum system. In the most conventional case, the data is transported in the form of qutrit. But if the computer or quantum computer starts to use a ternary system that makes them even faster than they are. The ternary system allows making the virtual layers inside every state of the qubit. Qutrit or quantum trit is the cubit equivalent of a triangular number system, the ternary system. A trit is the bit equivalent in a ternary system. And that means if the quantum computer uses qutrits their power will increase.  X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X The qutrit(1) can give extreme power to quantum computers.  The qutrit means that the quantum computer uses the ternary numeric system in each layer(2). That will give the quantum computer extreme power in data handling.  Normal quantum computers use qubits where the data is packed in many layers. The ...

China's new quantum computer has a million times the power of Google's.

  China's new quantum computer is the most powerful calculation unit in the world some researchers say. And that thing makes quantum computers very interesting. The Chinese quantum system is programmable and that makes it flexible. The thing in quantum computers is that they are turning more common. And they are the most powerful tools for driving artificial intelligence.  The new quantum systems mean that the data security of the internet is dangered. And there is the possibility that the main part of the protection based on RSA cryptography will break soon. Or are already broken. The AI is a powerful tool. And even the researchers of that thing are not know all its capacities.  The AI can observe areas if it is connected with a sensing neural network. That means the AI can search for things like common clothes. It can find out the favorite color of skirts of certain ethnic groups. But it can also search is there some common clothes like a certain type of slips. That peo...

The spooky action in a distance and ability to see to get information before others

Everything that we see and feel happens in the past. When information of some case reaches our senses that thing already happened. So when we are talking about quantum teleportation we mean the system that brings data of cases before others.  So the idea of this thing can seal in the phrase " my photons are faster than your photons". And the term ability to see the future means that information that comes from some cases reaches the target will reach the observer before other actor's photons can reach that actor.  The spooky action in distance makes quantum teleportation possible as there are many times mentioned. And quantum teleportation makes it possible to see to the future. Or actually, that thing does not give an ability to see to future. But it makes it possible that the user of this thing can get the information before other actors. The quantum entanglement removes the effect of distance.  And that means if the particle is superpositioned and entangled and somethi...

The electromagnetic tunnels can cause mysterious radio effects that seem like alien signals.

There is the possibility that the earth and even the entire solar system is surrounding the electromagnetic tunnel. The electromagnetic tunnel acts like a particle accelerator. When wave movement or particle is moving in the electromagnetic tunnel it pumps the radiation or energy to those particles and wave movement. There is the possibility that the electromagnetic tunnel will increase the power of the radio signal and it can change its frequency.  There is the hypothesis that the radio wave can turn to travel inside the electromagnetic channel. That can turn to Earth. GRB, XRB's, and FRB (Gamma-,X-ray, and Fast Radio Bursts) are also electromagnetic channels. There is the possibility that this kind of channel can press the radio wave or even the photonic wave movement straight.  Sometimes is introduced an idea that the natural ion or electromagnetic channels can use as natural particle accelerators. The electromagnetic channel is not a wormhole. It's like lightning across th...

Mysterious radio signals are coming from the center of the Milky Way.

The Parkes radio observatory in Australia is mostly introduced as the candidate for the observatory that makes the first contact with Aliens. The reason for that is that the radio observatory is on the southern side of Earth.  That side is the center of the Milky Way. There are more stars on that side of Earth than on the northern side of Earth. And that's why it's more likely that the first contact with alien civilization is made just in Parkes radio observatory.  The thing that makes those signals mysterious is that their origin is unknown. There is the possibility that there is some kind of still unknown star type near Sagittarius A the supermassive black hole. The conditions near the center of the Milky Way are infernal.  And there is the possibility that near the center of the Milky Way are stars that are getting more energy from the accelerating disk around Sagittarius A. We know that kind of effect in some cases where the exoplanet is orbiting its central star. Are...

The quantum microscope revolutionizes science.

There are many types of quantum microscopes. And sometimes researchers mentioned that laser and electron microscopes are also quantum microscopes. Scanning tunneling microscopes are also one version of quantum microscopes.  In those systems, the ion or some subatomic particle like electron or proton is hovering between stylus and layer. The system is sensing the changes in the position of the particle.  And these systems are the sharpest microscopes in the world. Those microscopes are seeing single atoms. The resolution of the scanning tunneling microscope depends on the size of the particle that is used for scanning. The UV-lasers the surfaces from long distances.  But the problem is that the wavelength of those radiation types is quite long for the cases where the observable object is smaller than the atom. Most high-resolution images can take by using gamma-ray lasers. The problem is that the gamma-ray is not reflecting from surfaces.  The resolution of that kind ...

Is the cat dead, or is it living? Thoughts about superpositions

Scrödingers cat and how we see it in real life? Is the entire Universe like Schrödinger's cat? The short tale of material goes like this.  Every single particle in the Universe formed in the Big Bang. The existence of material depends on its energy level. And all the time energy travels out from the Universe. After the Big Bang, the material started to travel in space and time. And in the ultimate end, its existence is not ending. Material is just turning to wave movement.  The material will deliver all its mass outside the universe. So material formed in Big Bang. And after that, it travels to the ultimate fate of the Universe.  Schrödinger's cat is the model of superposition. The cat is living in medium, where it is in a box. It dies if it will come out of the box. And if the box is opened the cat dies. There is also the clock that will launch the poison capsule. Or if that will not work, well cat dies anyway. The Schrödinger's cat is a model of the thing that we know e...