Image 1) Neutron
When we are looking at the spin of hadrons of baryons that thing drives electromagnetic wave motion away from that structure. And that wave motion causes that sooner or later the existence of the particle ends and it turns to wave motion.
The spin of all baryons and electrons is 1/2. The thing is that the electrons also have a spin that is 1/2. The question is why particles like neutrons that have north and south poles cannot have spin 1? Spin 1 means that the particle can rotate like the planet.
The reason why the spin of baryon or fermion particles is pumping energy out from them is easy to explain. There is the water-molecule-shaped structure of quarks inside the proton and neutron. When the speed of the spin of the particle increases. The bottom pair of those particles are starting to turn more distant from each other. That thing pulls the quarks to the lines and that spinning line of the quarks is sending wave motion. And whenever those quarks are sending wave motion.
They are sending electromagnetic waves moved away from the edge of that structure. The spin of those particles cannot be limitless. When the speed of the spin of the baryon increases there is formed electromagnetic vacuum behind that spinning structure. The effect of the fast rotating baryon is similar to the fast rotating propeller.
Behind that structure is forming an electromagnetic vacuum that slows the spinning baryons. When the quark line's rotation speed reaches a certain point energy starts to flow to the quantum vacuum behind those quarks. The quantum vacuum behind that structure pulls the quarks back And then sooner or later the quark structure starts to spin backward. When a particle sends electromagnetic wave motion. It loses part of its mass.
Faster than the speed of light travel.
For centuries the speed of light has been the cosmic speed limit. Somehow people thought that it was impossible to cross that cosmic speed limit and that was the thing that protected us from things like aliens. Aliens couldn't attack us because crossing the speed of light or traveling faster than photons was against Einstein's Theory of Special Relativity. The black holes caused the situation that the researchers must re-appraise that thing.
The event horizon is the point where gravitation starts to pull photons and wave motion into the black hole. The only place in the universe where crossing the speed of light was a black hole. But then the researchers created an idea about the warp drive. The warp drive is the thing that should make it possible to cross the speed of light. The idea is that the electromagnetic vacuum around the craft denies the effect of crossing quantum fields. And that makes it possible that all particles can travel at the same speed.
The name of the event horizon means that after that point we cannot see that object which travels through the event horizon. Or actually, we should think that when the object crosses the event horizon the black hole raises its energy level to the level where we cannot see that object anymore.
The electromagnetic fields are causing the Doppler effect and short the wavelength of the wave motion ahead of the particle. That electromagnetic field denies the possibility that the particle is crossing the speed of light because the electromagnetic vacuum behind it pulls the particle back. So if somebody can remove the electromagnetic effect of the quantum fields that thing makes it possible to create the conditions where all particles are traveling at the same speed.
But what happens if the object reaches the speed of light? The energy flow to the object will be the same as the energy flow away from the object. And that denies aging of that thing. So that thing stops the time in the object. The Doppler wave ahead of the object denies that the object cannot travel faster. But there is a possibility that the system can removeDoppler fields at the right moment. The craft will just be pulled to the fourth dimension.
The effect is similar to the case of the event horizon. The event horizon is the point where the escaping velocity reaches the speed of light. And after that, the object vanishes. The fact is that the fourth dimension will not pull an object inside it.
The fourth dimension just injects energy into the object. And when the energy level of the object is high enough it vanishes from the eyes of the observer, as I wrote before. The energy level of the object rises so high that we cannot make contact with it.
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