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Showing posts from August, 2023

Can we ever complete TOE (Theory of Everything)?

 Can we ever complete TOE (Theory of Everything)?  TOE (Theory of everything)  Can we someday make a collective theory that closes all other physics and quantum theories inside it? That is a really good question. TOE (Theory of Everything) is much more complicated than MOND (Modified Newtonian dynamics).  That complicated thing means that in TOE researchers must interconnect fundamental particles and fundamental interactions into one entirety. That is the thing that makes TOE so interesting. The route from iron wire models to theories is long. And maybe we ever see the final version of TOE.  The key element in TOE is that all fundamental particles or elementary particles are the same particle. The energy level of an elementary particle determines its shape. So Higgs Boson just turns to the Top Quark and then to another Quark. And there is a possibility that the Higgs boson is very close to the hypothetical chameleon particle.  Chameleon particles are hypoth...

The gravitation has no limit.

 The gravitation has no limit.  Gravitational waves are extremely interesting. Gravitational waves tell that the thing that sends those waves is not stable. The wave in wave movement forms when the energy level in the object that sends waves changes. Same way when the energy level in graviton or the source of gravitational waves changes compared to the environment changes the gravitational center sends gravitational waves. The object sends wave movement when it must release its extra energy. And that happens when an object's energy level rises higher than its environment.  In the traditional gravity model gravitation will turn precisely weaker in distance square. And that means there is a limit in the range of gravity. That thing is against the law of information persistence. This term means that information cannot vanish. We can think of the gravitational fields as a series of gravitational waves. And the primary gravitational center sends them. The primary gravitational...

A new observation about WR or Wolf-Rayet stars is that they can transform into magnetars.

 A new observation about WR or Wolf-Rayet stars is that they can transform into magnetars.  The magnetars and WR stars are things that interest fusion developers. The high-energy blue stars can give tips on how to keep high-energy plasma steady in fusion reactors. The WR stars can also give tips for making new types of plasma-based magnets that can be used to control plasma in fusion reactors.  Wolf-Rayet stars are blue supergiants formed of helium. The Wolf-Rayet stars are extremely strong magnetic fields and they are extremely hot. There is a model that some magnetars, lightweight neutron stars with extremely powerful magnetic fields can have origin as Wolf-Rayet stars. When magnetic power lines of Wolf-Rayet stars are traveling around its core magnetic fields harvest energy. Mainly that energy comes from WR star. But some part of that energy comes from WR Star's entirety.  In this model is a possibility, that the magnetic field around the WR star becomes more and ...

Does an electron have poles?

 Does an electron have poles?  The quantum entangled electrons created a quantum magnet or triplon. That quasiparticle caused an idea about the question: Is there some kind of asymmetry in the electron's poles? Electron is a negative particle, which has multiple negative poles. That thing causes spin 1/2 that is common for one, or monopolar fermions. Because an electron has multiple poles that deny its full rotation.  Artistic illustration depicts magnetic excitations of cobalt-phthalocyanine molecules, where entangled electrons propagate into triplons. Credit: Jose Lado/Aalto University ( Triplons: Scientists Create Artificial Quantum Magnet With Quasiparticles Made of Entangled Electrons) "A single point in space can rotate continuously without becoming tangled. Notice that after a 360-degree rotation, the spiral flips between clockwise and counterclockwise orientations. It returns to its original configuration after spinning a full 720°." (Wikipe...

Can we someday replace the Haber process, (also called the Haber-Bosch process) as an ammonia source by using nano- and biotechnology?

Can we someday replace the Haber process, (also called the Haber-Bosch process) as an ammonia source by using nano- and biotechnology?  Haber-Bosch synthesis is the prime method for making ammonia. Ammonia is the primary nitrogen source for plants. The problem with the Haber-Bosch process is that it requires lots of energy. Another problem is that ammonia is a poisonous gas.  Biotechnology can maybe replace Haber-Bosch process.  There is a possibility that nitrogen-fixing bacteria can released to the ground before farms will sow corn. The other version is that the nitrogen-fixing bacterium  (Diatzotoph)  can connect to the plant's roots by using small nanotechnical robots. Those robots will transport the hollow "pearls" where those nitrogen-fixed bacteria live to the roots of those plants.  The nitrogen-fixing bacterium can isolate nitrogen straight from the air. That means the pearls where those nitrogen-fixing bacterium live may connect to the plant's roo...

The ability to make single photons is vital for quantum computers.

 The ability to make single photons is vital for quantum computers. Controlling complex systems requires that system operators have complete knowledge of the system and its interactions. The problem with error correlation in quantum computers is that the qubits and quantum systems are much more sensitive to outside effects than binary computers. The other problem is that the anomaly that causes a calculation error can also happen during the second calculation. Things like gravity waves are global anomalies that affect all quantum computers. And that thing means that all quantum computers can calculate wrong at the same moment. The big problem is also that quantum computers are the only things that can check and find errors in another quantum computer's solutions. Binary computers make the same 45-year calculations that quantum computers can make in seconds. And that thing means that outside things like torrents of gravity waves can destroy all the results that the Quantum systems p...

The MOND (Modified Newtonian Dynamics)and Beoynd: Can Newton and Einstein be at the same time right and wrong?

The MOND (Modified Newtonian Dynamics)and Beoynd: Can Newton and Einstein be at the same time right and wrong? We cheer for new physics and new ideas about natural interactions. But when we think about General Relativity and Newton's principle that gravitation. Always interacts with particles and wave movement in the same way, there is an area at extremely low acceleration where gravitation doesn't interact with all particles in the same way.  That means there is an exception in both reality and theory. There is a possibility that the exception is visible only in low-acceleration areas. So there is a window in gravitational interaction at low acceleration where Einstein and Newton fall. Did Einstein and Newton's models fall near binary star systems because they just forgot that there are other gravitational interactions than just gravitation? There are no pure gravitational interactions in the universe. Also, other fundamental interactions, like weak nuclear forces and elec...

Fermilab scientists are close to finding the fifth force.

  Fermilab scientists are close to finding the fifth force. There is a possibility that the fifth force is separated from all known fundamental interactions. But there is another model that also makes sense. In that model, the fifth force is the combination of four fundamental interactions. The model is conducted from a model where the researchers can connect things like electromagnetism and weak nuclear forces to electro-weak forces. The idea of that model is that all fundamental interactions have the same source. That thing can be a hypothetical graviton, which transmits energy to gluons. Then gluons transmit energy to quarks, and quarks share that energy with quark groups which are protons and neutrons. Then those quark groups send wave molecules into electron orbitals. So when an energy impulse travels through a bigger particle, like when a gluon sends an energy impulse to a quark, that bigger particle transforms the wavelength of that wave movement. That means the hypothetical...

Fundamental AI and the fundamental plasma-ion engine

  Fundamental AI and the fundamental plasma-ion engine Vlasiator is a fundamental AI-based system that simulates particle flow. The University of Helsinki's Vlasiator computer program noticed interesting things in the plasma pulses in the Earth's magnetosphere. That thing is that the Earth's poles form plasma pulses in a very interesting way. The N and S poles drive plasma ions and anions through different routes. And then those anions and ions impact together. That thing forms a thing called a plasma pulse. The Vlasiator is an artificial intelligence-based program that can also be used for making flow models. And one of the most interesting things is the ion engine that uses solar plasma to make thrust. This is one version of the Bussard Ramjet.  The hypothetical interstellar fusion engine pulls plasma into the accelerator by using magnetic fields. And then the laser system ignites the fusion reaction. Same way in a high-voltage pulsed plasma system nuclear fusion makes pl...

The researchers made photons interact. And that makes it possible to create new metamaterials.

 The researchers made photons interact. And that makes it possible to create new metamaterials. Photon collision is one of the things that is now possible. When photons collide, the higher-energy photon denies that the lower-energy photon continues in its direction. The photon collisions make it possible to adjust the power of the photon impact on other materials with very high accuracy. In this text, I handle photons as material. The ability to make photons and wave movement impact makes it possible to create new types of quantum and optical binary computers. Because wave movement can keep a photon in its position. It is possible. Wave movement, targeted to superpositioned and entangled photons can keep quantum entanglement in their form when the difference between energy levels is lower than usual. In that case, wave movement pushes photons in both directions. And the only problem is how to secure information in those superposed and entangled photons. "Researchers at CUNY ASRC h...

New types of simulations are used to develop neural networks.

 New types of simulations are used to develop neural networks. Researchers can use computer games to create accurate models of brainwaves in certain situations. Researchers "borrow" game algorithms for analyzing molecular interactions. Researchers used combat game algorithms to simulate molecular algorithms. That kind of thing opens new perspectives for predicting molecular interactions. The ability to follow molecular behavior and then connect certain algorithms to certain data storage makes it possible to make algorithms that predict molecular interactions. In this version, the system takes images of molecular interactions, and then the AI selects algorithms that have the best match for certain interaction series. And that thing allows us to create algorithms that simulate interactions in certain chemical and physiological environments. In certain chemical and physical environments, similar molecules are always interacting similarly. If some molecules interact differently, ...

The new algorithm can calculate qubits very accurately.

 The new algorithm can calculate qubits very accurately. But this algorithm and formulas can used in many other tools, like quantum chemistry and quantum engineering. A new algorithm can calculate qubits very accurately. Accurately calculated qubits are necessary tools for quantum computing. In that kind of calculation, the focus is on how to predict the levels or states of superposition of the qubit. When we think of superpositions, they are like potholes or dents on the qubit, which can be a photon or an electron. Or those potholes and dents are weaker points on the quantum field. There can also be stronger areas in those quantum fields. Those stronger areas are like mountains or hills. But the same algorithm can make a revolution, at least in quantum chemistry. That new algorithm can be used to calculate the depth of those potholes or the height of those hills. And in quantum chemistry, those potholes and hills are places where things like electrons connect each other. That mean...

Plasma turbulence can uncover hidden magnetic fields. But it also can form powerful magnetic fields.

 Plasma turbulence can uncover hidden magnetic fields. But it also can form powerful magnetic fields.  The turbulent plasma can explain some strongest magnetic fields and highest energy pulses in the universe. Turbulent plasma can uncover hidden magnetic fields in the universe. But whirling plasma also can create high-power magnetic fields. Those magnetic fields can cause strong maser emission at least in radio frequencies.  When things like radio waves travel through high-energy plasma. That plasma pumps energy to those radio waves. Or actually, magnetic fields in plasma are the things that transfer energy to radio waves that travel through those magnetic fields. Because plasma can increase radio waves' power far away from their source, that makes it hard to detect their origin.  When plasma starts to whirl it can form a structure that looks like a generator. Plasma whirls around black holes and neutron stars are one thing that makes those things so powerful. The in...

The demon particle is found inside the superconductor.

The demon particle is found inside the superconductor. What if we cover the metal layer with electrons? The demon particle solves a 67-year-old mystery. The particle is not a particle like a proton or an electron. It's a composite particle made of electrons. And the thing that this demon particle, or "super electron," does is make the electrons in metal act like massless waves. There is a possibility that this massless wave opens the road to room-temperature superconductors. The super electron, or Pine's demon, is massless because it hovers separately from the rest of the material. The problem with this quasiparticle is that it exists at very low temperatures. Pauli's exclusion principle might make it possible to create conditions where that quasiparticle can exist at room temperature. That principle means that there are no two identical fermions in a quantum system. So energy travels from a higher energy level to a lower energy level, and systems...

Researchers trapped photons inside magnets. And that could be the key to next-generation protective fields.

 Researchers trapped photons inside magnets. And that could be the key to next-generation protective fields. Researchers trapped photons inside magnetic crystals. But anyway, the magnetic field, or magnetic photonic interaction keeps those photons between crystal structures. So it's possible that magnetic fields. Or plasma-magnetic hybrid fields could trap photons in the same way in those fields. Fast-rotating magnetic fields can trap photons or light inside them. That thing can make many futuristic things possible. In that case, the magnetic dome where photons are whirling can protect photonic computers against outside radiation. Researchers  trapped photons inside magnets. But we can say that if magnetic fields spin fast enough they can trap photons. The magnetic field looks like a whisk. There are so-called powerlines. And if those powerlines spin fast enough they can trap photons inside that structure. Another way is to put plasma or ionized atoms, or subatomic particles l...

The model of antigravitation is simple.

The model of antigravitation is simple.  The model of antigravitation.  All objects are gravitational centers. Gravitation is an interaction where both participants are sending gravitational strings. If a thing like a standing gravitational wave or another energy field that is dense enough can cause that gravitational wave reflects the direction where it comes. In that case, the gravitational interaction between objects is gone. That thing makes the object hover.  If a gravitational string suddenly cuts the quantum field around the particle acts like a pulsed plasma engine. When the string is gone the quantum fields are impacted at that point. That causes the situation where that flash pushes the particle in the opposite direction.  Artist's impression of antigravity The thing that can break the gravitational string could be the strong standing gravitational wave that reflects gravitational waves in opposite directions. The reflecting gravitational waves form a situa...

MOND (Modified Newtonian Dynamics): when gravitation interacts differently at low acceleration.

 MOND (Modified Newtonian Dynamics): when gravitation interacts differently at low acceleration. The first evidence of the existence of MOND (Modified Newtonian Dynamics) is true. That means Einstein and Newton were wrong, and the acceleration determines the gravitational interaction. The gravitational interaction is weaker when particles have low acceleration. And the increase in acceleration makes gravitation stronger. That means the MOND can make us rethink the form of gravitation. Or it can make us fill out the gravitational interaction model. So the gravitational model goes like this: Gravitation is like string. Graviton or some other particle pulls the channel behind it. That channel is like a wormhole. There is low electromagnetic pressure in that channel. The size of a graviton would be so small that the only wave movement that could go through that channel would be gravitational radiation or gravitational waves. Or maybe there is no wave movement at all. When that string i...

Wormholes and theoretical antigravity

 Wormholes and theoretical antigravity This is writing about hypothetical technology.  Artist's impression of the saucer-shaped craft. That hovers above the swamp. There is a possibility that this kind of craft uses cathode tubes to shoot electrons and positrons into the engine of that craft. Those cathode rays are making it possible to create energy and make the craft hover unseen above the ground. There is also the possibility that those cathode rays will hit protons that are shot from the middle of the craft. But in the wildest visions, the saucer-shaped craft acts as a frame for the wormhole that makes it the teleportation machine. Maybe these kinds of systems will become a reality in the future. This kind of system requires the existence of wormholes. In the case of electromagnetic wormholes, the craft can travel in an electromagnetic channel. The low electromagnetic pressure at the front of the craft pulls it through the channel. And things like pulsed plasma systems tha...

The MIT researchers controlled quantum randomness.

The quantum randomness means that the system status is not preordered before measurement. And the problem with that thing is that measurement requires energy from the system. So every time we try to measure the system, we affect its status. We don't know the system status before measurement. And that makes this thing problematic. Quantum computing requires precise and full knowledge of the system. Because if there is some kind of random actor that affects qubits, The base of the qubit is in superposition with an elementary particle. When we think about quantum technology, that means there are dents in the elementary particle or its quantum field. The spin means that there is a possibility that the position of those dents is very hard to predict. And the quantum systems require full control of the qubits. If the system can control the positions of those small dents or potholes. The other thing is that we cannot measure the depth of those quantum potholes before measurement. If the s...