Sunday, October 15, 2023

The new technology can replace the GPS.

 The new technology can replace the GPS. 

The new quantum photonic chips that act based on Weak Value Amplification (WVA) technology can replace GPS. The problem with the GPS is that it sometimes loses its contact with satellites in tunnels and cases where it's jammed. 

If a drone operates over open ground-area. It can use DSMAC (Digital Scene-Matching Area Correlation). In that case, there is a satellite or aerial image of the route that the drone should follow on its computer. Then the system compiles those images with images, that the CCD camera takes. 

And if images match the drone is on the right route. In some cases the DSMAC uses Lidar but the problem is that especially in war zone things like houses can be destroyed and the land area might be turned different than it just were because of the use of fire. In cases where a drone must go to caves, it must use some other navigation tools than just GPS. The systems that replace the GPS must also be in cases where drones research things like Titan Moon or operate under the ice or highly radioactive areas.

"With a grant from the National Science Foundation, Rochester researchers are developing photonic chips that use a quantum technique called weak value amplification to replace the mechanical gyroscopes used in drones. Credit: University of Rochester / J. Adam Fenster" ( Beyond GPS: How Quantum Photonic Chips Can Revolutionize Drone Navigation)

The same systems that developers used in drones. Can operate in cell phones and nanomachines. The new photonic microchips or their nano-size successors can give nanomachines the ability to navigate in the human body without outside control. 

In those cases, the regular systems use gyroscopic navigation. But the problem with gyroscopes is moving parts and the size. The photonic microchip uses nano-lasers or photons. That is trapped between 100% reflecting mirrors. Those photonic microchips are more resistant to mechanical stress than gyroscopes. 

The idea is that in the quantum system select begin and end values that are not parallel. 

The new photonic chip measures how the kinetic energy interacts with trapped photons. And that thing can replace the gyroscopes. Those kinds of photonic microchips are smaller than gyroscopes. That means that those systems can also be in nanomachines. The nanomachines use similar networked, cloud-based data-processing architecture as bigger drones. 

But those small systems are smaller. There are a lot of expectations for that kind of system. But they require many new tools like new navigation systems. The nano-size robot drones can search the possible anomalies in machines and other systems. 

As I wrote earlier photonic microchips can give nanorobots the ability to navigate independently in the human body. And that thing is the new era for nanomachines and next-generation medicines. The small-size systems require small-size devices.

Could event horizon transform gravitational waves into electromagnetic wave movement?

 Could event horizon transform gravitational waves into electromagnetic wave movement? 

The event horizon of the black hole is the point where there is no return. After that, the particle must travel faster than the speed of light. And that thing is impossible. When we think that the event horizon is the extremely powerful Van Allen belt and the particles that fall through it interact with high-energy particles that are orbiting singularity in that point, we must understand that this point could be the X- and gamma-ray radiation source. 

Or if we think that the gravitational and magnetic fields look similar. But they are at different energy levels. That thing makes it possible. That there is a hole in the event horizon or black hole's gravitational field. 

The gravitational waves are interacting with each other. That interaction means that if there is a donut-shaped standing gravitational wave at the point of the event horizon. That standing gravitational wave can pull other gravitational waves out from the internal structures in the black hole's event horizon. 

"When black holes collide, they produce gravitational waves detectable on Earth. Although theorized by Einstein in 1916, they were not directly observed until 2015. Modern research contrasts older models with new data, revealing that these waves do interact. This knowledge refines our models and challenges the full scope of general relativity in explaining black hole properties". ( in Spacetime: Unraveling the Secrets of Gravitational Waves)

That means. There could be a stronger gravitational area at the black hole's event horizon's outer shell at the point where the acceleration disk falls in the black hole. At that point, the acceleration disk sends wave movement to the point of the event horizon. And that makes this hypothetical gravitational wheel possible. At that point particles that orbit singularity are at higher energy levels than other places in the event horizon. 

In that case, there is a possibility, that a black hole pulls wave movement and particles to impact course with particles. That is trapped in the event horizon or the point where escaping velocity reaches the speed of light. This impact can cause a similar effect with solar wind or particles that impact plasma trapped in the Van Allen belt.  

The event horizon could be like a more powerful version of the sonic whirl. In the event horizon, the speed of particles is the minimum speed of light. Below it, the photons and all other particles travel at the same speed, which is higher than the speed of light outside the event horizon. 

But if a particle orbits singularity precisely at the point of the event horizon the incoming gravitational waves may impact with particles or superstrings. And that thing loads energy to them. In that position, the speed and energy levels of the impacting particles are much higher than in sonic whirls or Van Allen plasma belts. 

So, could it be possible that the particle, trapped in the point of the event horizon can transform gravitational waves' wavelength into electromagnetic radiation? 

The position where gamma- and X-ray bursts leave from the black hole is interesting because it can open a route to the new world. Black holes can trap particles and superstrings in the event horizon. And it's possible that if some wave movement or superstring impacts with superstring or particle in the event horizon. That thing can turn the wave movements wave length from, for example, gravitational waves to electromagnetic waves. 

This means that. The event horizon or superstrings that travel in it could turn the gravitational waves straight to electromagnetic wave movement. The idea is that the superstrings that travel to the point of the event horizon will just jump up from that point when gravitational waves from inside the black hole impact it. That impact raises the superstring just out from the point of the event horizon.

Gravitation has been the thing that allows to transport of information between two quantum worlds.

Gravitation has been the thing that allows to transport of information between two quantum worlds. 

"Rice University physicists, in a study led by Qimiao Si, have bridged two quantum physics subfields by demonstrating that specific unchangeable topological states, crucial for quantum computing, can intertwine with alterable quantum states in certain materials. This discovery enables potential operations at significantly higher temperatures, offering immense functional promise." ( Unraveling Quantum Secrets: Physicists Bridge Two Quantum Worlds)


Could this be the model of quantum gravity? 

In that model, the quantum gravity forms when energy or wave movement is called "superstring". The reason why that superstring causes a gravitational effect is that it hits a particle. Two ways can make the pulling effect of that superstring. First, the superstring can form a lower energy area at the front of the particle. 

A) The superstring can transport energy into itself. That thing causes an effect where gravity pulls particles to the dominating center. 

B) The superstring can send energy waves to that quantum field. The energy travels over the particle's shell, and then it will travel backward of the particle. Then that wave movement acts like a rocket engine that pushes particles forward. 


Doubling or multiplying quantum fields or subfields makes it possible to transport information between two quantum worlds. 

A quantum field or quantum halo surrounds every single particle in the universe. The quantum gravity is the asymmetry in that halo. The thing that can make information exchange between two particles possible and determine the direction where information flows is the "brightness" or the quantum field's size. Information always travels from a higher-energy object to a lower-energy object. 

When wave movement like gravitational waves travel between particles they transport information. When we think of the quantum halo or quantum fields around particles they are not homogenous. That means there are layers in those quantum fields. Those layers are so-called subfields. The system can also double subfields. In that case, doubling happens from inside to outside. If the resonance in that subfield is strong enough, that shakes the particle's shell. 

And that allows to transport of information between two different size particles or quantum states or quantum worlds. The reason that thing is hard to make is this: the quantum field around the particle acts like an atmosphere. The most distant layers from the core are at the low energy level. Or they are "thin". That means it's hard to raise the energy level in that particle so high that the resonance travels from the primary particle. Through the other particle's quantum field and reach the particle's nucleus. 

The information is also one name for energy. Information is also wave movement.  In the theoretical particle model, the superstring is the smallest or thinnest part of wave movement. 

Material is the stretched or ball-shaped form of superstrings. The ability to transport information between two quantum worlds means that the system can transport information between two or more quantum layers. 

Four fundamental interactions, strong nuclear interaction, weak nuclear interaction, electromagnetism, and gravitation are wave movements with different wavelengths. The sender of those waves is the transportation particle that transports the fundamental force. The photon can turn flat. And that thing gives photon particle and wave movement forms. 

So the ability to exchange information between quantum worlds makes it possible for the strong nuclear interaction can transform straight to electromagnetism. In that model, the strong nuclear interaction's wave movement will just transfer to the electromagnetic wave movement that has a longer wavelength than the strong nuclear interaction. 

In that model, the system connects electromagnetism with strong nuclear interaction. And theoretically, that can done by gluing the strong nuclear force's waves into electromagnetic waves.  However, practical solutions are more complicated than this model. 


The gravitational interaction is the only interaction that is common for all particles. 

In some models, quantum gravitation is the hole or pothole in those quantum fields. That pothole pulls the quantum field from another particle to it. And that thing forms the energy channel that sends wave movement from the dominating particle to the recessive particle. And that wave movement is what travels to the recessive particle and sends wave movement that causes resonation in that recessive particle. 

That resonation travels from the point. Where that energy string impacts with particles through its shell. Then that wave movement travels back to the particle and acts like a jet- or rocket engine that pushes the particle forward. That interaction is quantum gravity. And other ways we can say: that those dominating and recessive particles exchange information. The thing that determines is particle dominating, or recessive is the size of that particle and its quantum field. 

The ability to transport information between two quantum worlds is a useful phenomenon for quantum computing. But it's much more than just quantum computing. The ability to transform strong nuclear interaction straight to electromagnetism causes interesting visions for the energy production of tomorrow. 

And that thing can exchange information between two quantum states or quantum forms. That thing makes it possible to transport information between binary and quantum computers. But that thing can make much more. The ability to transport information between two quantum worlds forms in effect, that doubles the quantum fields around particles. Doubling quantum fields is the thing, that makes it possible to transport information between different types of particles. 

Sunday, October 1, 2023

The technology behind noise-canceling headphones might be a more multipurpose system than we can imagine.

 The technology behind noise-canceling headphones might be a more multipurpose system than we can imagine. 

The noise-cancelling headphones are tools. That uses active counter noise to deny the sound reaching the person. Reseachers can also use similar acoustic denial systems to deny traffic and airplane noise to reach people around the roads and airfields. Engineers can use portable counternoise systems can be used to protect ears around those meetings. But the noise denial systems have so-called "serious purposes". 

Those systems can offer silent and peaceful rooms for people who require very good concentration.  In nanotechnology, active acoustic denial systems can deny pressure waves that impact the layer. That is important when the assembly system makes molecular-size components that require good stability. 

They can protect structures and people against acoustic weapons like infra- and ultrasound-based commands. The suspected reason for the so-called "Havana syndrome" is the infra-or ultrasound acoustic system. This kind of tool can command enemy soldiers and other targeted people or simply deny sleep and disturb concentration. 

"MIT physicists, inspired by noise-canceling headphones, have advanced the coherence time of quantum bits by 20-fold, marking significant progress for quantum computing. The team used an “unbalanced echo” technique to counteract system noise, and they believe further improvements are possible. This breakthrough has vast potential, from quantum sensors in biology to advancements in quantum memory". ( Noise: MIT’s Innovative Way To Boost Quantum Devices)

But the noise cancelling systems that are based on the counter sound waves that deny the noise from reaching the target can also installed in submarines and drone swarms. The noise denial systems can protect the men and systems against acoustic weapons. The counternoise systems surrounding the convoys can deny the engine noise from reaching the observers. 

The VTOL aircraft can also use drone swarms with acoustic denial systems to make them noiseless to their environment. The counter noise just makes regular helicopters and aircraft noiseless for people who are outside the ring of those systems. 

The drones that carry acoustic devices can be used as acoustic weapons. The acoustic weapons are the next-generation riot control and counter-violence systems. The high-power acoustic impulse can deny the person's ability to operate. 

Security personnel can use acoustic systems, like high-power loudspeakers to send well-aimed coherent soundwaves to make some areas a so-called "no-go" zone. The powerful sound denies people to go to those areas. 

Acoustic waves are pressure impulses that can make many things. They can clean layers or, in some visions, military personnel can use high-power acoustic systems to turn bullets or nanomachines out from their course. In history, there has been an idea that extremely powerful loudspeakers can make pressure waves in the atmosphere. 

In some visions, military personnel can use high-power acoustic systems to turn bullets or nanomachines out from their course. In history, there has been an idea that extremely powerful loudspeakers can make pressure waves in the atmosphere. 

Those pressure waves would turn the ICBM warheads out from their course. Those loudspeakers would made of metallic membrane. And they would use megawatt-class power. The pressure wave that those systems give would be harder than steel. 

In some visions that kind of system uses water. That is between two membranes. Then the laser beams will target that water which sends acoustic waves. 

Also, the counter noise systems can give submarines acoustic jammer abilities. The same technology that is used in counter noise or active acoustic denial systems can be used in AI-based ECM-jammer systems. Those intelligent ECM systems can extend the aircraft and other systems' stealth abilities. The AI-based jammers can deny the radar satellite to see targets like convoys. 

The acoustic denial systems use quite similar technology as the ECM jammers. The wavelength that this system uses is different. The active jammer system can make almost every single aircraft stealthier. This means that AI-based ECM systems can be very effective tools for increasing aircraft and ship survivability. The idea is that the Drones that fly around the stealth aircraft will detect the radar impulses. Then they send the data about those impulses to the aircraft where the artificial intelligence generates counter-algorithms against those radar signals.

Antimatter is mirror material that interacts similar way with material.

 Antimatter is mirror material that interacts similar way with material.

Antimatter is mirror material that interacts similar way with material. But it's harder to handle because even the small touch between material and antimatter turns both particles into energy. 

CERN proved that gravity affects antimatter the same way antimatter and matter. That means the antimatter levitation debunked. Or it is the virtual effect that caused the electromagnetic interaction. The antimatter is a highly reactive material. And that makes it very difficult to handle. Only one touch from antimatter particles mirror particles turns those things into energy. 

In some visions, the fast-spinning particles or magnetic monopoles can levitate. The reason for that is that there is the particle turns energy fields away from it. And that causes levitation. However, there are no observations about the magnetic monopoles. 

"This graphic shows antihydrogen atoms falling and annihilating inside a magnetic trap, part of the ALPHA-g experiment at CERN to measure the effect of gravity on antimatter. Credit: U.S. National Science Foundation" ( CERN Experiment Reveals: If You Dropped Antimatter, Would It Fall Down or Up?)

In some versions, the particle's structure could be some kind of step that aims radiation or quantum fields around it in a certain direction. And that keeps particles away from the layer. 

But that kind of thing is hard to detect. And here we must say that antimatter leviation is a magnetic phenomenon that we can make by using the same polarity with the hovering particle. So this kind of electromagnetic levitation works also with regular particles. 

The antimatter is a similar material to all other materials in our universe. But the difference is that antimatter is materia's mirror image. That means antiproton has a negative electric load. And the anti-electrons or positrons have a positive electric load. 

That thing causes a reaction, called annihilation when a particle and its antiparticles touch each other. In annihilation, both particles turned into energy. Here I must say that there are many other particle-antiparticle pairs than electrons-positron pairs and proton antiproton pairs. All quarks and other fermions have antiparticle pairs. And annihilation happens all the time between those particles. 

When we think about the use of antimatter there is a possibility that antimatter is used in some futuristic rockets. The problem with antimatter is it's so high a high-energy material that only a gram is enough to detonate the entire Earth.

In some other ideas, the positronium is a quasiparticle where electrons and positrons orbit each other. And researchers can use positronium in quantum entanglement. This system puts the positron and electron into the superposition and quantum entanglement. The problem is that positrons cause an explosion if they touch electrons.

The most feared weapon is the so-called Teller's bomb, which is the magnetic chamber where antimatter is stored. When that magnetic chamber will open. 

That makes antimatter react with material. And that causes detonation. The antimatter can also form ions so, in some SciFi books the space warriors shoot each other by using ion cannons that use antimatter ions.

Chaos is the thing that limits our range of view things.

The black hole's mathematical shape is a hyperbolic layer.  Chaos or entropy is what limits our view.  We cannot see the other side of t...