Sunday, October 1, 2023

The technology behind noise-canceling headphones might be a more multipurpose system than we can imagine.

 The technology behind noise-canceling headphones might be a more multipurpose system than we can imagine. 

The noise-cancelling headphones are tools. That uses active counter noise to deny the sound reaching the person. Reseachers can also use similar acoustic denial systems to deny traffic and airplane noise to reach people around the roads and airfields. Engineers can use portable counternoise systems can be used to protect ears around those meetings. But the noise denial systems have so-called "serious purposes". 

Those systems can offer silent and peaceful rooms for people who require very good concentration.  In nanotechnology, active acoustic denial systems can deny pressure waves that impact the layer. That is important when the assembly system makes molecular-size components that require good stability. 

They can protect structures and people against acoustic weapons like infra- and ultrasound-based commands. The suspected reason for the so-called "Havana syndrome" is the infra-or ultrasound acoustic system. This kind of tool can command enemy soldiers and other targeted people or simply deny sleep and disturb concentration. 

"MIT physicists, inspired by noise-canceling headphones, have advanced the coherence time of quantum bits by 20-fold, marking significant progress for quantum computing. The team used an “unbalanced echo” technique to counteract system noise, and they believe further improvements are possible. This breakthrough has vast potential, from quantum sensors in biology to advancements in quantum memory". ( Noise: MIT’s Innovative Way To Boost Quantum Devices)

But the noise cancelling systems that are based on the counter sound waves that deny the noise from reaching the target can also installed in submarines and drone swarms. The noise denial systems can protect the men and systems against acoustic weapons. The counternoise systems surrounding the convoys can deny the engine noise from reaching the observers. 

The VTOL aircraft can also use drone swarms with acoustic denial systems to make them noiseless to their environment. The counter noise just makes regular helicopters and aircraft noiseless for people who are outside the ring of those systems. 

The drones that carry acoustic devices can be used as acoustic weapons. The acoustic weapons are the next-generation riot control and counter-violence systems. The high-power acoustic impulse can deny the person's ability to operate. 

Security personnel can use acoustic systems, like high-power loudspeakers to send well-aimed coherent soundwaves to make some areas a so-called "no-go" zone. The powerful sound denies people to go to those areas. 

Acoustic waves are pressure impulses that can make many things. They can clean layers or, in some visions, military personnel can use high-power acoustic systems to turn bullets or nanomachines out from their course. In history, there has been an idea that extremely powerful loudspeakers can make pressure waves in the atmosphere. 

In some visions, military personnel can use high-power acoustic systems to turn bullets or nanomachines out from their course. In history, there has been an idea that extremely powerful loudspeakers can make pressure waves in the atmosphere. 

Those pressure waves would turn the ICBM warheads out from their course. Those loudspeakers would made of metallic membrane. And they would use megawatt-class power. The pressure wave that those systems give would be harder than steel. 

In some visions that kind of system uses water. That is between two membranes. Then the laser beams will target that water which sends acoustic waves. 

Also, the counter noise systems can give submarines acoustic jammer abilities. The same technology that is used in counter noise or active acoustic denial systems can be used in AI-based ECM-jammer systems. Those intelligent ECM systems can extend the aircraft and other systems' stealth abilities. The AI-based jammers can deny the radar satellite to see targets like convoys. 

The acoustic denial systems use quite similar technology as the ECM jammers. The wavelength that this system uses is different. The active jammer system can make almost every single aircraft stealthier. This means that AI-based ECM systems can be very effective tools for increasing aircraft and ship survivability. The idea is that the Drones that fly around the stealth aircraft will detect the radar impulses. Then they send the data about those impulses to the aircraft where the artificial intelligence generates counter-algorithms against those radar signals.

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