Sunday, October 1, 2023

Antimatter is mirror material that interacts similar way with material.

 Antimatter is mirror material that interacts similar way with material.

Antimatter is mirror material that interacts similar way with material. But it's harder to handle because even the small touch between material and antimatter turns both particles into energy. 

CERN proved that gravity affects antimatter the same way antimatter and matter. That means the antimatter levitation debunked. Or it is the virtual effect that caused the electromagnetic interaction. The antimatter is a highly reactive material. And that makes it very difficult to handle. Only one touch from antimatter particles mirror particles turns those things into energy. 

In some visions, the fast-spinning particles or magnetic monopoles can levitate. The reason for that is that there is the particle turns energy fields away from it. And that causes levitation. However, there are no observations about the magnetic monopoles. 

"This graphic shows antihydrogen atoms falling and annihilating inside a magnetic trap, part of the ALPHA-g experiment at CERN to measure the effect of gravity on antimatter. Credit: U.S. National Science Foundation" ( CERN Experiment Reveals: If You Dropped Antimatter, Would It Fall Down or Up?)

In some versions, the particle's structure could be some kind of step that aims radiation or quantum fields around it in a certain direction. And that keeps particles away from the layer. 

But that kind of thing is hard to detect. And here we must say that antimatter leviation is a magnetic phenomenon that we can make by using the same polarity with the hovering particle. So this kind of electromagnetic levitation works also with regular particles. 

The antimatter is a similar material to all other materials in our universe. But the difference is that antimatter is materia's mirror image. That means antiproton has a negative electric load. And the anti-electrons or positrons have a positive electric load. 

That thing causes a reaction, called annihilation when a particle and its antiparticles touch each other. In annihilation, both particles turned into energy. Here I must say that there are many other particle-antiparticle pairs than electrons-positron pairs and proton antiproton pairs. All quarks and other fermions have antiparticle pairs. And annihilation happens all the time between those particles. 

When we think about the use of antimatter there is a possibility that antimatter is used in some futuristic rockets. The problem with antimatter is it's so high a high-energy material that only a gram is enough to detonate the entire Earth.

In some other ideas, the positronium is a quasiparticle where electrons and positrons orbit each other. And researchers can use positronium in quantum entanglement. This system puts the positron and electron into the superposition and quantum entanglement. The problem is that positrons cause an explosion if they touch electrons.

The most feared weapon is the so-called Teller's bomb, which is the magnetic chamber where antimatter is stored. When that magnetic chamber will open. 

That makes antimatter react with material. And that causes detonation. The antimatter can also form ions so, in some SciFi books the space warriors shoot each other by using ion cannons that use antimatter ions.

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