Friday, September 30, 2022

The pulse-detonation scramjet engines can make the new type of hypersonic flight possible.

There are two versions of the pulse-detonation wave engines. The first one is the flap scramjet. 

That engine is the modified version of the flap jet engine. During WW2, Germans used that engine in a V-1 cruise missile. The flap scramjet is the scramjet engine that has a flap system. When the speed is too slow for ignition of the scramjet engine the system injects an oxygen fuel mixture into that engine. 

And that engine uses regular rocket mode until the aircraft is about Mach-6-7 when operators open the air intakes. Then the system can start to use air from the atmosphere. That thing makes the system very powerful and multi-use. 


The pistol shrimp has given an idea for PDWS systems. 

The idea of the Pulse-Detonation Wave System ( PDWS) is coming from the pistol shrimp. That small shrimp can create a low-pressure bubble in water. 

The temperature in that bubble rises to 5000 kelvins. And that thing causes a very strong sound. If an engine system can create a similar bubble in the rocket- or jet engine that thing can create pulses, that thing can increase the thrust of the engine for a short time. The simultaneously created bubbles can make the system give those punches or power impulses in series. 

The way how pistol shrimps can make those bubbles can model to nanomachines. And that thing can make it possible to create engines that use mechanical systems like fast-moving scissors, fast-moving membranes, or electric arcs to create engine systems that can operate without combustion. 

In some versions, the system can make the bubble by pulling the piston in a closed chamber that is filled with water backward. And then more water will inject into that chamber. The low pressure makes water vaporize. And then the injected water increases pressure. So this kind of system can make it possible to create flying machines or high-speed underwater systems that will need no propellers or combustion in their reaction engines. 


The main problem with hypersonic engines is that they are straight tubes. If the firefront moves too far away from the combustion chamber that will decrease the thrust. The system can eliminate that effect by creating a bubble in the exhaust tube. 

But there is another way to think about hypersonic engines. And one version of how to increase the thrust of the system is to put bubbles in the exhaust tube. That thing makes it possible to create a situation where the system can punch against the bubble. That bubble increases the force that punches forward of the engine.

In ion engines, the magnetic stick has the same polarity as the flowing ions that can make that kind of bubble. The idea is that the system can create the bubble or the front in an ion engine. That system will increase the thrust of that system.

There are two ways to make quantum systems exchange information.


The first method is to raise the energy level of the particles and make them resonate with the same frequency. Another method is to use two connector particles and use a very low energy level as a medium that transmits information between the systems. 

The problem with quantum communication is simple how to adjust those systems in the same frequency. Above this text is Maurits Escher's painting "Waterfall". And that thing can introduce one of the biggest problems with the quantum system. 

If we want to change information between two towers of that system, we must adjust those towers in the same frequency. And then make the quantum entanglement between those towers. 

Because those towers are part of the same quantum system, there is the possibility to make those crystals resonate and exchange information. But then we can think that the actor that sends information will throw the information from another tower to the next there is the possibility that the information transmitted will miss that receiver tower. 

There would be outcoming energy that destroys the resonation. And that thing makes information go somewhere else it should. 

We always think that information must travel through the system from upward. In that way, system operators would rise the energy level of the quantum participants of the communication. And that thing requires very high accuracy. 

The quantum entanglement and superposition are like a bridge between those towers. In that case, the energy level of those towers will rise to the same level. And then the material or elementary particles will put to resonate with the same frequency. Then the sender side of the superpositioned quantum entanglement will rise to a higher level. 

And that makes the information flow. When the energy level of quantum entanglement rises to the same level, the radiation that the sides of that quantum entanglement will break the entirety by pushing those superpositioned and entangled particles away. That's why the quantum entanglement can stay only a short time. 

The low-energy communication model. 

But there is another way to think about quantum communication. If the system wants to transmit information between those towers it can use four actors in that process. The first actor can drop the information to the second actor. 

That stands at the quantum structure's base floor or base energy level. Then that actor transfer information to the actor that is below the second tower. And the third actor will drop the wire and pull that message or information up to the second or receiving tower. 

Or airflow or energy that is driven behind (or below) that particle. Rises information to the particle at the top of receiving tower. 

There is needed two actors on the ground floor is simple. The system must drive information under the receiving tower. So that's why there needed two actors. And the receiving actor's energy level must be lower. 

This thing is called under-energetic communication. In that version of the communication, the system falls information to the lowest possible energy level. The system drives information to the Bose-Einstein condensate. 

Then that condensate will transfer information to the 2D quasiparticle. And then the laser ray will drive behind that quasiparticle and that makes the information travel from the quasiparticle to the top of the receiving tower to a particle that is waiting for the information. 

The thing that makes this process difficult is the complexity of the system. It's difficult to find the receiving tower in complex systems. Adjusting those systems is very hard. The information transporter must find the right route to the receiving tower. And that is very difficult. The route can be a series of particles that resonate with the same frequency but the energy level turns lower all the time.

Thursday, September 29, 2022

Let's talk about lasers.

There is a limit to how powerful the laser can be. The thing that causes this effect is the asymmetry in photon flow. Because, photons are traveling overlapping, that causes internal interaction in laser rays. 

There are always little differences in energy levels of photons that are in the different positions in laser rays. And that thing causes turbulence in the coherent light. In that case, the turbulence causes a lack of energy. 

There is a possibility to increase the power of the laser ray by putting photons traveling in lines. If photons are forming straight wall-looking structures they are not disturbing each other so much. And that thing makes it possible to increase the power of the laser ray. 

The thing that destroys the target is heat expansion. Or actually, the thing in the heat expansion destroys material is the end of the radiation. When energy stress ends, that thing causes the situation where the particle delivers its extra energy as the radiation impulse. That radiation impulse is the thing that destroys the bonds of the material. 

The power of the laser is not as important as people think. The more important thing is how much energy the laser will deliver to the target during the operation. 

The important thing is what kind of radiation it gives. Some lasers are giving short and high-energy pulses. That is knocking the target. 

And other lasers are giving long-term impulse, that suddenly ends. That kind of laser can deliver very much energy to the target even if their energy level is not maximum.  And they can be more devastating than high-power lasers that give only short-term pulses. 



Tuesday, September 27, 2022

There is an interesting thing in gravitation. Why it seems to act oppositely to other forces?

When we are thinking about three interactions, strong interaction or weak nuclear force, and electromagnetism the reason for their ability to interact only in short distances can be simpler than we ever thought. The reason for that short-distance interaction is that the particles that are interacting are so small. 

When the boson starts to transmit force it will turn to wave motion before it can start affecting the particle. The small size of those particles like quarks causes the wave motion cannot form a vacuum on the other side of the particle. 

But the thing about gravitation is that seems to interact the wrong way. Gravitation should travel away from the gravitational center. This is the reason why black holes send gravitational waves. But why that thing pulls objects together? When all other particles send energy they are oscillating. And that oscillation breaks the bonds between those particles. Why gravitation acts otherwise? 

The gravitational effect acts opposite way to other forces. In regular quantum, systems energy flows to the lower energy level. But in gravitation. All objects travel to heavier objects. And because gravitation is radiation it's also energy. 

Black holes are pulling also wave motion inside it. And that means the black hole is at a lower energy level than other particles and objects in the universe. The fact is this in regular quantum systems the energy should travel away from the black hole. 

And if we want to take a simple example we can think about the tube and water as energy. The water flows to the lower energy level. But in nature the gravitation is energy. And that means gravitation should act otherwise. 

In the case of Earth, the planet is the gravitational center. And that means the level of gravitational energy should be higher on the Earth. So gravitation should travel away from earth. And that thing causes another interesting thing. 

Is a gravitation vacuum that forms ahead of the objects. And then that vacuum pulls the objects together? That thing means that gravitational wave motion travels to Earth. Not away from it. That thing explains why gravitation pulls objects together. 

In the case of wormholes, the more massive black hole would send gravitational waves to the smaller black hole. The reason for that is gravitation should act like all other forces. In quantum entanglement, or in the case where a wormhole connects two black holes, the system attempts to get energy stability. So the energy should travel from the higher energy black hole to the lower energy black hole. 

But the thing is that the supermassive black holes should have higher gravitational energy levels than other objects in the universe. And that energy should travel away from the black hole. Gravitation is energy or radiation like all other wave motions. Why that force is so different than all other forces? That thing is the key element to understanding the interactions in the universe.

Dart made its mission and impact on its target asteroid "Dimorphos"

Dart spacecraft impacted its target "Dimorphos"-asteroid. The NASA plan was to test planetary defense against asteroids. The biggest problem with planetary defense is that most of the asteroids that cause threats are quite small. 

The probe must use advanced AI for finding the right asteroid. Then it must find the position. That is the most effective for turning asteroids. And then impact in that precise target. 

The probe must use advanced AI for finding the right asteroid. Then it must find the position. That is the most effective for turning asteroids. And then impact in that precise target. 

That is also a lucky thing because turning the small asteroid away from its trajectory is easy. If that asteroid is located before impact. If that asteroid can push away from its trajectory that system doesn't need nuclear weapons. 

But if there is needed to use nuclear explosives the spacecraft can land on the surface of the asteroid. And then that system can drill the nuclear detonator to the center of the asteroid, where the heat expansion breaks its core. 

The images that the probe sends before impact are giving data of the gravitational field of "Dimorphos". There are small rocks on that asteroid. 

That tells there are no outside gravitational effects on that asteroid. That kind of gravitational effect could hover those rocks from the asteroid. Data that this probe sends could help to make models for microgravitational effects. 

A Swarm of miniature satellites can act as the ASAT weapons. 

If we are thinking of the Dart system as the base for the "Killer satellites" we can think that killer satellites are swarms of miniature satellites that are orbiting Earth. When those satellites see targets they activate their engines and impact their targets. 

Those satellite swarms can also soot to the trajectories. That the ICBM missiles are using. In that system, the idea is that the  ICBM impacts those miniature satellites. And those satellites can have guns that make them shoot warheads and MIRV-busses. 

That is a very simple way to make killer satellites. The idea of those systems is similar to drone swarms. A large number of simple satellites can shoot to the orbiter by using regular rockets. And then those swarms can take the trajectories there they can impact against their target.


Monday, September 26, 2022

Writing about systems

The universe is full of systems. And actually, it is the system itself. But if we want to make things like quantum computers, we must limit the number of participants. Or the system turns too hard to control. 

When you make systems, first you must separate the system's actors from another entirety. Or the system turns impossible to control. The participant of the quantum system is quantum particles and electromagnetic fields. 

Systems turn very complex easily if they are too big. In the system, every participant has a role. If some participants' energy level is too low. That means the other participants must deliver energy to it. And if one participant's energy level is too high, it shares energy with other participants. If all participants are at the same energy level. That means information cannot travel in the system. 

When you want to make some kind of system, you must separate the participants of systems from the environment. Otherwise, the communication with those participants will not be successful. In quantum systems, the separation can be done by using the energy level and then adjusting the oscillation of the participant with the same level. The base energy level is the thing that separates the entirety of the system from its environment. 

The quantum system is like a tree there are leaves around it. Those leaves are the particles that have similar oscillation and the tree is the thing that has a similar frequency but the energy level is higher. In that kinds of systems, the energy flows from the particles with a higher energy level to particles that have the same oscillation frequency but a lower energy level. 

That separation can raise or lower the energy level of those participants. Rising the energy level is easier to make. And the higher energy level is easier to control than the lower energy level. When we think about the quantum entanglement that plays a vital role in quantum computers we must realize one thing. The energy level between the ends of the quantum entanglements must be different. 

When the energy level on another side is higher. That allows the information travels longer in the quantum entanglement. The thing that destroys the entanglement is that the system reaches energy stability. When the energy level between those particles is the same the data is not traveling. 

So the solution for that problem can be in 2D quasiparticles or particles at the minimum energy level. In that case, the particle or the edge of the quantum entanglement can be on the quasiparticle or particle that is in the lowest energy level possible. That thing conducts energy away from the quantum entanglement. 

If energy can flow away from another side of the quantum entanglement. That thing means energy or information can travel a long time in the quantum computer. The reason for that is the adjusting of the quantum entanglement will remain for a longer period. And that thing makes this system more powerful than ever before. 

Image and sources. 


Leopards don't play chess.

Consciousness is not intelligence. When we are talking about consciousness, we must understand one thing. Almost all animals in the world have consciousness. That means things like leopards are defending themselves and their descendants if they are under attack. 

Those animals hunt for eating, but when we are looking at that thing more carefully, we can notice that those cats are making all things in the same way. Reflexes control every action of those animals. 

Reflexes are the things that are automatized actions. And those automatized actions cause animals like hedgehogs are dying under cars. The reason for that is those animals are defending themselves by using pikes. Those pikes not planned to stand against cars. And that causes death for those animals. 

Even bacteria can react to attack. It has a chemical brain in the form of the DNA plasmid. And when something damages the membrane of bacteria. It "knows" how to react to that thing. There are chemical marks in the proteins and if some of those marks are released in the bacteria's cell it turns the DNA plasmid in the position where orders for that kind of situation are. That means the bacteria know if the thing that causes the problem is some kind of acid or base. And that adjusts the metabolism to neutralize that chemical. 

Bacteria can work as a chemical quantum computer. 

There is one vision that might interest somebody. That is that it is possible. That bacteria can transform into a chemical quantum computer. In that case, the system stores data in the DNA. Then that DNA will be cut into pieces and sent to bacteria. In that case, the system can work like an electric quantum computer. Data will be cut into pieces and stored in qubits. 

In this chemical quantum computer data travels in the chemical form. And then those bacteria reconnect the DNA-based data to the new entirety. That chemical quantum computer is purely hypothetical. But that opens interesting visions to bacteria that can act as biorobots and make complicated missions. 

But as you see, those things are not intelligent either. The bacteria answers to the threat by using preprogrammed methods. So also bacteria use reflexes. 

When we are thinking about intelligence there is the possibility that things like artificial intelligence are making things better than humans. The computer can play chess better than humans. The networked AI can make things better than humans in the R&D process. 

The R&D process has two main stages.

1) Research

2) Development

The research stage contains the ideas where the company or development team selects the product that started to develop. In the first stage, multiple people with different backgrounds are working with that thing. They must have diversity to make multiple ideas. And there is chosen one thing that seems the best. 

In the development stage, the diversity of the team will be terminated. And the team turns to mono-diverse. In the development process, the team got the goal. And people who continue with this solution must have the training to work with that thing. They might all be some software and avionics specialists if they are working on the aircraft project. 

At that point, the research turns to development. And only the people whose training is suitable for the development stage are continue with the project. 

The networked AI can look for information about certain and limited things. They might make aircraft if they have the certain values, that the system needs to accomplish the operation. They might have the ability to make virtual simulations by following certain parameters. But the fact is that this kind of system cannot make anything then make aircraft. 

Intelligence means that system has a flexible ability to make decisions. The flexibility means that system can make solutions and collect information outside a certain sector. 

Walking on streets and going shopping are more complicated things to AI than creating aircraft. The reason for that is walking on streets contains many surprising and unexpected elements. Making technical plans happens under certain rules. And in that process, there are no surprise elements. 

There is the possibility that the AI can operate as a military commander. But the problem with that thing is that the Ai will disregard losses. If something tells AI to make some things, the AI will not resist that thing. The only thing that AI cares about is the orders that it will get.

But are those intelligent systems conscious? The fact is they are not conscious. If somebody cuts electricity those systems are not understood to deny that thing. Of course, the system might connect to the surveillance camera. And if somebody touches the electric switch. The system can say that "please don't touch that switch". But that thing is the reflex.

Biotechnology is an ultimate tool for medicine.

When we are thinking about the case. Where the human blood cannot transport oxygen we can use genetically engineered bacteria to replace missing blood cells. Those bacteria can form oxygen inside them and then help the person whose blood cells are destroyed or unable to work as they should. 

The principle of those bacteria is similar to bacteria that turn carbon dioxide to fuel. But in that case, the bacteria can turn nutrients into useful things in the human body. Those genetically engineered bacteria can use in cases, where a person is injured in an accident. 

Or they can be used in other cases when the blood cannot transport enough oxygen. In cases like leukemia, the medical staff must destroy the entire bone marrow to remove cancer cells. So during that process, those genetically engineered bacteria can deliver oxygen to the person's body. 

There is also possible to change the DNA of the bacteria to the DNA. If that DNA is taken from the wealthy bone marrow cells. That allows the cloning of those cells by using the patient's cells. This thing means that there is no rejection. 

When we are developing technology, we should ask where this technology can also use. 

I have written the toothbrush nanomachines somewhere before. The nanomachines that can dish your teeth are marvelous systems. They can remove bacteria that are causing carries. But the same systems can also use for removing plaque from the blood vessels. And maybe someday in the future, those nanomachines can make it possible to remove plaque from the nervous system. 

And that thing could revolutionize the treatment of Altzheimers and cancer. The nanomachines that can remove organic and inorganic material from the layers are suitable almost for every purpose where is needed the cleaning. Those things can use for cleaning tubes under the cities. And this thing makes those systems interesting. 

Similar systems that are created for removing bacteria from teeth can be used for many other purposes. The nanomachines are awesome tools. They can remove things like non-wanted cells and bacteria from the places where regular workers,  antibiotics, and surgeons cannot operate. 


Vacuum energy is an unlimited energy source. If there is a system that can turn it into electricity.

Vacuum energy is an unlimited energy source. If there is a system that can turn it into electricity. And creating that system is quite difficult. The problem is that system must collect more energy than it uses. If we want to use it for energy production.

The perpetual motion machine is anyway useless because there should be some energy for delivering to wires. The perpetual motion machine just recycles energy. Because the system cannot create energy from nothingness. 

If the system just recycles energy, it cannot deliver electricity to an electric network. Perpetual motion machines are impossible on Earth because of friction. But there should be some kind of energy overload. That causes the system can conduct energy to the electric network. Otherwise, that system is useless. 

 The idea of that kind of hypothetical system is that they are not making energy from emptiness. They transform the energy from the original form to another form.  

The existence of something doesn't mean that the thing is useful. Vacuum energy is sometimes misunderstood only as dark energy. Most of that energy is "dark". But there are also things like radio- and other electromagnetic radiation. 

 Vacuum energy is much more than just dark energy. It means all radio and electromagnetic fields in the universe. From the point of view of energy production, the interest is in the radio and microwave fields. 

A big part of the visible vacuum energy comes from the material or particles that turn to wave motion because of cosmic inflation. 

When the universe's expansion continues. The power of the quantum fields that press material in its form turns weaker. And that causes the particles to turn to wave faster and faster. That thing means that cosmic inflation accelerates all the time. 

Vacuum energy is the name that means energy fields in the universe. That energy is everywhere in the universe. And theoretically, it's quite simple to use as an energy source. Theoretically, systems that use vacuum energy are very simple to make. But the practical solutions are more complicated than people think. 

Vacuum energy is an unlimited energy source. If we can use that energy. The idea of vacuum energy is simple. Energy always travels to the system that is a lower energy level. That means the difference between energy levels makes electrons or electricity flow on the wires. That's right. Electricity travels on the core of the wire. 

The system works like this: At first, the energy load will rise the energy level of the electrons at the point where electricity comes to the wire. And then it starts to flow between electrons that are at the higher energy level. The reason why electricity travels on the wire is that the beginning point of the wire is a higher energy level than the end of the wire. If we think that the point where electricity starts to flow is the beginning point of the wire. 

So the electrons are forming a thing called the energy hill. Energy travels in the wire because the energy level turns lower at the end of the wire. One thing that causes energy loss is that a little bit of electricity will miss the next electron. The oscillation of the electrons causes resistance. 

A theoretical "vacuum energy" system can use maser technology for making electricity. The idea is that when energy travels through the tube that collects radio waves from its environment. When electricity travels in from the outer core of that tube to energy flow it increases its power. 

There is a theoretical system that can collect vacuum energy. 

The simplest system is just a two-layer system. Where is the superconducting stick inside the superconducting tube? The stick will act as the radio antenna. And the electricity will travel on that stick. The outer layer will collect wave motion. Then wave motion can conduct to that stick inside it. 

The idea is that those two layers are acting as the maser system. The wave motion conducted from the outer tube increases the power of the electricity or wave motion that travels in the stick. 

That thing acts by using maser-emission (synthetic radiation emission)to increase electricity's power. The same system can use to increase the power of radio waves that travel through that collector tube. Radio waves can conduct to the electric network. 

The idea is that the donut-shaped electric fields that travel in the tube. Those power fields will send to the tube simultaneously and the idea is during those breaks the electromagnetic fields drop between those energy fields. And the energy field that travels in the tube collects that falling wave motion with it. 

When an electron oscillates it pushes its quantum field against the incoming electric flow and forms the short-term standing wave motion. That thing causes oscillation in the wire which rises the temperature. 

The vacuum energy is not formed from emptiness. Its energy flows to an object that is a lower energy level than other objects. There is the possibility that the stick that is at a minimum energy level will be put in the tube. 

And electric fields travel between those layers. Then from the front of the tube will be shot the ring-shaped wave motion impulses. The idea is that this system will collect the wave motion that falls to the hole in the outer core. This kind of system can collect energy from electromagnetic fields. 

There is the possibility to create an electromagnetic vacuum by using quantum cathode rays. That quantum cathode ray will put electrons in a row. That system creates an electromagnetic vacuum between those electrons. And that causes the case where that thing pulls electromagnetic fields or wave motion between those electrons. 



Sunday, September 25, 2022

Fireflies can be the particles of the next-generation cyborg bug swarms.

Cyborg bugs or microchip-controlled bugs are a reality. Those things are normal insects that operate under the control of microchips. The cyborg insects are the next-generation tool for many things. The problem with mechanical drones is that their operational time is so short. 

But the living bug can eat nutrients, and their neurons can interact with nano-technical microchips. Microchip-controlled bugs like cyborg fireflies can make a swarm. That is very flexible and hard to destroy. The interaction between neurons of those bugs and microchips is making it possible to benefit those fireflies' light organs in the communication of those cyborg insects. 

The microchip will interact with the neurons of those insects, and it can be connected with the relay systems which can be helicopters, drones, or even satellites. If those microchips can control the flashes of the insects' light organs they can use optical communication at a longer distance. 

The system can decode the electric impulses of those fireflies. Or the microchip can equip with nano-size optical instruments that see those flashes. The problem with nano-drones is the communication with the controller. The reason for that is that nano-size microchips cannot create powerful electric signals. 

The microchip-neuron compilation is a powerful tool for the half-organic microsystems. 

Living neurons can give electricity to nano-size microchips. Feeding those neurons is easier than creating low-power electricity that will not destroy those microchips. That technology makes it possible to create powerful computers that don't need very much power. 

The data can transfer to neurons through those microchips. And then the decoder can transfer that data to computer screens. In some models, the neurons are between two layers of those extremely small microchips. But if those microchips are implanted in insects. 

They can create an extremely flexible intelligent drone swarm. That cyborg bugs are offering highly mobile platforms for AI-controlled entireties. 

The nanotechnical microchips can take their electricity from the nervous system of the insects. That thing will make it possible to create low-power electricity. That is needed for those microscopical systems. Living neurons are making it possible to create needed low-voltage electricity that will not jump over the switch. 

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Saturday, September 24, 2022

The compact electron accelerator is possible to make by using laser light.

"An image from a simulation in which a laser pulse (red) drives a plasma wave, accelerating electrons in its wake. The bright yellow spot is the area with the highest concentration of electrons. In an experiment, scientists used this technique to accelerate electrons to nearly the speed of light over a span of just 20 centimeters. Credit: Bo Miao/IREAP" ( electron accelerator reaches new speeds with nothing but light)

By pushing electrons by using laser light is possible to accelerate them to the 99.99999993% speed of light. That thing means that those laser-based accelerators can replace magnetic accelerators very fast. 

The laser accelerators can make it possible to accelerate particles by using photons. And that thing makes it easier to make compact accelerated systems. Which are not depending the magnetic field. 

The idea of the photon-electron accelerator comes from the futuristic interstellar photonic rocket. The specific impulse of a photon rocket same as the speed of light. But the thrust is very poor. The medium between photon and ion rockets is the cathode engine. 

In that system, the accelerator will accelerate electrons for making a better thrust. If researchers can make that acceleration by using photons. That thing makes those electron engines more compact than using traditional particle accelerators. 

The photonic accelerator is one of the most brilliant inventions in the world of quantum. The laser rays or photons can transport electrons through the air. And that thing makes those systems suitable for transporting data in quantum computers. 

The system that accelerated electrons used the most powerful X-ray bursts in the world. And this thing limits a little bit the use of that system. 

There is planned to create a one-kilometer long photonic accelerator that can rise the energy level of electrons to 13,5 gigaelectron volts. That thing can revolutionize many things like physics. 

Quantum tweezers are the tools that can revolutionize nanotechnology. 

Quantum lensing is quite a similar phenomenon to gravitational lensing. But in the quantum lens, quantum field as an example electrons turn the direction of light waves. So even if the image above this part of the text originally introduced gravitational lensing. But it also fits for introducing quantum lensing. That phenomenon can use for the thing called quantum tweezers. 

Laser says can act as the photonic billiard stick. That photonic billiard stick can move electrons and other particles in the vacuum chamber. But quantum lensing can make that thing more accurate. 

Quantum lensing is a phenomenon where the atoms or subatomic particles' quantum fields are turning the direction of photons. Chancing that photon's distance from the beginning point of those light tweezers is possible to change our tweezers open or are they closed. If those quantum tweezers work right, that makes it possible to manipulate bonds between atoms in molecules. That thing can revolutionize nanotechnology. 

Electrons at hyper-high energy levels can make the quantum version of gravitational lensing possible. In that version photons or light waves can be shot through the quantum field of that electron. That thing can make it possible to create quantum-light tweezers. This can use to move things like single protons.

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NASA's "Dart" mission and Pentagon's interest.

The "Dart" probe

NASA's "Dart" mission is the ultimate lab for AI. This mission's goal is to make a probe that can find the right asteroid independently and then shoot the penetrator against the selected asteroid by using an autonomously operating AI-based system. Similar technology can use against other satellites in military missions. NASA will test the "Dart" system very soon. 

When the "Dart" probe tries to turn an asteroid's trajectory it needs very complex artificial intelligence for that duty. The probe must travel far away from the Earth independently. The signal travels to that spacecraft for so long time, that direct control of the probe is impossible. 

The probe must travel to the right asteroid by following the coordinates stored in its computers. Then the "Dart" probe must recognize the right asteroid and shoot the penetrator against it. This is the thing that makes The "Dart" mission interesting. 

Modern technology makes it possible that killer satellites can be dangerous for people on the ground. 

The term "killer satellite" means a satellite that is equipped to destroy other satellites. Maybe, there are photo recon satellites that carry self-defense rockets. Or some other kind of weapon like machine guns. Those systems were planned to use against incoming anti-satellite weapons. But the same system can use against other satellites. 

There is the possibility that some killer satellites are dangerous even to individual people. If we think that the Chinese kilometer-long space station would be the spaceborne laser that system can destroy the entire city. 

Tiangong space station

When a laser weapon shoots a building. Heat expansion causes a similar effect to explosives. The detonation can destroy buildings and cause damage in large areas. 

But that thing needs extremely high-power lasers. The laser ray must travel through the air that absorbs the radiation. And that's why people thought that killer satellites are harmless to people on the ground. Those laser weapons must be very large. 

So there is thought that shooting those systems to orbiter is impossible. But modular structures where lasers are sent in pieces to the orbiter. And then those bites will dock together. That allows one to make lasers that can collect oneself automatically. That means the laser system can look like regular satellites. Before, they get orders to go together. 

In the more conventional systems, the killer satellite can drop the killer drones through the atmosphere. Those drones can operate autonomously. Or controllers can operate them by using satellite communication. 

The "Dart" mission can be the living lab for that technology, where NASA tested the independently operating systems.

Similar technology and programming codes can use also be in killer satellites. Those satellites are planned to use against other satellites and suspected space weapons. The thing is that space is an important place for the military, because of many systems. Including smart weapons require GPS or high-resolution cameras that are in the orbiter. 

The photo recon satellite locates the targets. And for that purpose, the system uses a terrain contour matching system. The photo recon satellite has the 3D ma inside its memory. That system allows the satellite to locate its target and send that point to GPS. The GPS will send that data to GPS-guided weapons. 

Also, things like communication satellites are playing a vital role in the modern battlefield. There is a possibility that the systems. That is similar to what "Dart" can use against those satellites whose mission is to support combat troops. The "Dart" system will shoot kinetic warheads against targeted satellites. 

The problem with some o the communication satellites is that they are away from the kinetic energy ground and airborne anti-satellite or ASAT systems. Same way, larger optics are making it possible to rise the recon satellites to higher trajectories where they are safe from low-orbital ASAT systems. Those killer satellites require similar abilities, developed for the "Dart" mission.

Image 1)

Image 2)

Friday, September 23, 2022

Black holes are mysterious objects. And one interesting thing orbits every single black hole in the Universe.

Image: Pinterest

 Black holes are mysterious objects. And one interesting thing orbits every single black hole in the Universe. 

That thing is the photon ring. The photon ring is the photons that are orbiting the event horizon. Those photons might be the reason why we cannot see a black hole. There is a theory that some information falls into a black hole by following the half-elliptic trajectory. That means the nucleus of the black hole would act as the gravitational sling and makes it possible that some of those superstrings can escape inside the black hole. 

That photon ring has the ability that it will encrypt the information that is escaping from the black hole. When superstrings or flat photons that could be visible are traveling across that photon ring those photons are cutting it into pieces. Or it turns the information into a form that we cannot observe it. 

That thing gave interesting ideas for things like quantum computers and protective fields. If the photon whirl protects the quantum computer or its quantum entanglements. That photon whirl protects those quantum systems from the outcoming energy fields. The fact is that the energy itself will not break the quantum entanglement. The change in the energy level is the thing that destroys things. 

Or sharply saying decreasing the energy level causes the particle sends light quantum. That light quantum, energy burst, or wave motion is the thing that destroys molecular and other bonds. 

The protective field can protect the layer against incoming material objects. Or even laser rays. A photon whirl can act like a laser ray that whirls around the object. 

The photonic whirl has caused an idea of the protective field. In this case, there are two-layer quantum fields. That is made by expanding two different elementary particles or their quantum fields. That thing will happen by stressing those particles with energy. 

The photons are trapped between those two internal quantum fields and they are starting to whirl in that bubble. When something hits that photon whirl. It erases that incoming thing immediately. That thing would be the real-life protective field. When those photons are impacting things they would erase that immediately. 

There are plans that by using an extremely high power electric field there is the possibility to capture photons between electrons around the layer. The electricity travels at the core of the wire. And it rises electrons to the upper energy level.

So there is a possibility. That the electrons are acting like a photonic trap. And if those photons are whirling around the layer they would encrypt the information that humans cannot see in that layer. So that thing could be the key to the ultimate stealth and protective systems.

Einstein's General Relativity passes another test again.

Einstein's Theory of General relativity is the tool that ever failed. That theory passed another test with dark matter, and this means the mathematical skills of Albert Einstein we marvelous. There are no errors that quantum computers and the most powerful telescopes can find from those theories. 

There are a couple of errors that people are made when they are checking that theory. The first thing is that they forget that also object that encounters gravitational center in the gravitational pothole. So the curvature of the space happens around both objects. The second thing is people forget that there is no straight space. The universe is full of gravitational potholes. 

Or well, people are not always thinking that the gravitational pothole is the effect where the universe turns shorter. The gravitation pulls quantum fields to the gravitational center. That means that when a particle or object closes the gravitational center it passes those quantum fields more often than if it's far away from that object. 

That means the form of the event horizon is the "solid quantum fields" or "solid gravitational waves". The reason why particles can pass the event horizon is that the bottom of that gravitational structure falls into the black hole. But if the particle travels in straight space those quantum fields are forming the barrier that pulls energy away from the particle. 

Speed is an interaction where energy travels between an object and its environment. If energy travels into a particle its speed increases. But when energy starts to fly out of the object that thing causes its speed decreases. 

There is one way to make an object move faster than it should and that is to accelerate it to a speed that is as close as to the speed of light possible. Then against that particle will shoot the laser ray that increases its energy level. And rises its energy level so high that it loses its interaction with the particles that are at the same energy level as us.

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Are black holes that could transport information from the future to the past the source of dark energy?


There is the possibility that there are many sources of dark energy. And one of them could be the black holes that transport energy from the end of the universe to the Big Bang. 

One version of the theories of dark energy is that the energy level of the Big Bang was higher than researchers expected. And one of the reasons was that the black holes are time loops that take the material to the point of spacetime where black holes formed. 

So black holes' structure would be like a cosmic hurricane. And if we think that the black hole itself is the tube that transports material from the past the length of that tube determines the energy level of the material. So there is the possibility that some part of the energy that formed the Big Bang came from the future. And that thing can explain why there is too much energy in the universe. 

The thing that supports this theory is time dilation. When the escaping velocity crosses the speed of light time starts to move backward. And material should travel to the point where the black hole formed. The thing is that while traveling through that gravitational tornado material releases its energy. One of the reasons for that is that the black hole itself is an extremely "cold object". No material can interact straight with the other material. And almost all interaction between material inside the black hole and outside happens through the gravitational and photonic whirl. That whirl forms a transition disk around that object. 

That interaction rises the temperature or energy level of that material, causing a situation where a black hole brings little information from the past to the present. Image 2 is a diagram of a tropical hurricane. But also black holes are forming whirling around them. So that same diagram can use to introduce the energy flow in and around the black hole.  

Image 2:) Could the structure of the black hole look like a tropical hurricane? In the case, where this image portrays the black hole, it would be upside down. The past would be the upside and the present at the down of the storm's diagram.  

The shape or form of those phenomena could be the same. But in the case of black holes, the power of the whirl is more powerful. And there is also a photon ring that orbits the black hole. So the form of the tropic storm is similar to black holes. Except black hole is a more powerful phenomenon. In the image, the beginning of the black hole would be up and the present would be down. 

Black hole forms when the supernova's shockwave creates an electromagnetic vacuum, and then that electromagnetic vacuum pulls the wave motion and particles to the entirety called the singularity. In that vacuum, those particles' speed rises so high that they melt together in the form called a singularity. Or in some other cases, the gravitation simply crushes the entire star into the black hole. Which one is the origin of each black hole depends is there some debris or other remnants around the black hole? 

Could the form of black holes explain the dark energy? There is the possibility that the tropic hurricane can be a similar, but much weaker phenomenon than the black hole. In the model where the black hole is the time loop that takes information to the point in spacetime where it formed could hide the secret of the dark energy. 

If information flows in a black hole by following a similar formula as the tropic storm. The black hole is the wormhole through time. That wormhole is like a pillar that collects energy from its journey. And then that means if there is a black hole. That exists in the beginning and at the end of the universe. 

It collects energy from the beginning to the end of the universe. That means the energy level of the particles that are traveling through the black hole depends on the time that the black hole exists. So long-living black holes are transporting more energy to the past than short living version. And we can say that supernovas were at a too high or higher energy level in the past than researchers calculated. 

When information falls into the black hole it falls into the past. But as we know that information or superstrings that are the thing that moves in wave motion will get energy from that falling material. So the black hole is like the eye of the storm. All material and information fall in that gravitational tornado. And then the particles around that whirl are jumping to an extremely high energy level. 

There is the possibility, that the particles that fall through the black hole are coming out from the supernova that formed the black hole. There is the possibility that the energy level of some particles is turning so high that the universe cannot keep them inside. So some of those particles are dropping back into the universe and form energy that should not be.

Monday, September 19, 2022

Universe, multiverse, and dark energy

"Starry night" by Vincent van Gogh (Wikipedia) 

Can external energy sources explain dark energy? But what is the energy source that can be outside the universe? 

The idea of a multiverse comes from dark energy. In quantum systems, the system cannot itself form energy. The universe is the largest known quantum system. And the dark energy means that universe is too warm. So the external energy source can simply explain the dark energy. 

The multiverse is not even a theory. It's philosophical conjecture that the next step from the supergroups of galaxies is another universe. Another universe could explain the dark energy. That thing means that energy flow from another universe brings energy from outside the system called the universe. 

That means the external energy source could explain why there is too much energy in the universe. The external energy source can explain why the energy level of particles is too high. And that rips the universe into pieces. 

Can the source of dark energy be some yet unknown particles? And could those particles be hypothetical gravitons? 

In that model, hypothetical gravitons that are the source of the gravitational waves are like monopolar particles. If gravitons are like magnetic monopoles that thing means that gravitons can repel each other. So that means that if there are clouds of "negative (or positive) gravitons". They push each other away. 

But then we can think that the source of dark energy can be internal. That means the missing particles that we don't yet know are the source of that mysterious radiation. Or is the answer so simple that we want to believe it? In the universe are empty bubbles like Böotes void, where the plasma has a lower density than other places. 

In those bubbles, the speed of light is higher than in other places in the universe. Maybe the particles that are flying across those bubbles are traveling at too high a speed. And the impacts with another quantum- or plasma fields are forming energy loads that are more powerful than researchers calculated. 

But there is a weakness in that theory. Energy cannot form from emptiness. That thing means that the kinetic energy is the case, where the object will travel across quantum fields. And then those energy fields transfer energy to that object. So that thing means that the Böotes void cannot and other cosmic bubbles cannot explain the dark energy. 

And then we can go to think about the speed and energy. Kinetic energy is the thing where energy moves to the object. When the object impacts the quantum field. That thing means the energy from those fields will transfer to that object. We are facing one interesting question. 

Is there speed or temperature outside the universe? 

Well, there is no limit to the universe. But we can say that the limit of the universe is the plasma ball that formed in the Big Bang. If there are no particles or no energy (or quantum fields) there is nothing that can limit the speed of the object. There is another remarkable thing. If there are no quantum fields. There is nothing that limits the vaporization of the particles. So the material turns to wave motion very fast because time dilation ends. 

In the regular universe, time dilation means the case where an increase in the energy level of the object causes the vaporization of the object turns slower. The quantum or energy fields are the thing that makes time dilation. When energy travels to the particle its speed increases. 

At the speed of light, the particle will not vaporize because energy will not travel out of the particle. Or energy travel between particles and environment is in balance. So crossing the speed of light requires that there is something that transfers energy to that particle. 

But if there is nothing that interacts with the particle it vaporizes immediately. Outside the universe, all particles, wave motion, and photons all travel at the same speed. The thing that can save the particle is that if it travels in the same direction as the wave motion that denies the vaporization or turning to energy. 

In that case, the wave motion denies that energy will not travel outside the particle. So if the particle travels in the photon capsule. That thing denies wave motion travel outside that particle. But there is nothing that can limit the speed of the particle. 

In black holes, the gravitational waves are so tight that they can transfer energy to particles. And that's why particles can cross the speed of light in the black hole. In that case, the gravitational waves can replace the energy that comes out from the objects. 


There are limits on energy that the system can keep inside.


Temperature cannot go below the minimum temperature of the system. Temperature is one version of energy. So energy level in the system cannot rise over the maximum or go below the minimum of that system. Or the system cannot keep that thing inside it. 

The base energy level in the system is individual. So that means that we would be creatures that are born on the planet Venus average temperature for us would be over 500 Celsius. On Earth, the climate average is about 13,5 degrees Celsius. But the Earth is separated from Venus.

Another thing is that the system itself cannot create energy. Energy must come outside of those systems.

Energy cannot form from emptiness. It requires a material that turns to energy. So when we are thinking about the Big Bang. All energy (we can call energy as well wave motion) and particles are released into the universe. But the thing that makes this thing interesting is that wave-particle duality requires that wave motion crosses another wave motion. 

Energy can turn into material. And the material can turn into energy. That mean. During the Big Bang, the universe got all energy it has. But again, where came crossing wave motion? For creating material the wave motion must turn into a ball. And that is impossible if all superstrings are moving in the same direction. Superstrings are the moving parts of wave motion. 

When we are thinking about systems their energy level can be individual. The problem is that we cannot observe the system where we belong. When we are inside the system we cannot observe its entirety. If we think that the room is the system where we are, we can see one corner or opposite wall. But there is always a part of the space behind us. 

In the system, energy travels from the higher energy level to the lower level. The zero Kelvin or absolute zero point is the temperature where motion ends. 

The zero Kelvin degrees is the temperature where Helium turns to ice. That temperature is -273,15 degrees Celsius. That thing means that it is impossible to reach the temperature below this point called absolute zero. But the temperature of the universe is four degrees over zero Kelvin. And that thing is called "cosmic background". 

But then we can think that there is a possibility to reach a temperature below that -273,15 degrees Celcius. In that zero Kelvin temperature, there is still motion. Electrons are orbiting atoms. And that thing means that if we can stop those electrons we could make a temperature that is below zero Kelvin. 

If we would pull all electrons very close to the atom or deny their motion some other way it's possible to reach a situation where even electrons are stable. That thing would be the temperature far below the magic absolute zero Kelvin degrees. 

So when we are in our universe the end of motion is zero Kelvin degrees. And here we must start to use our imagination. The absolute zero point of temperature would not be the same as a hypothetical organism that lived in the young universe where the temperature is about a million degrees of Celsius. 

In that universe, the absolute zero degrees is million degrees Celsius. The reason for that is the base energy level or temperature of that young universe was a million degrees Celsius. But for the organism that lived inside the system. That temperature would be the minimum in that universe. 

Sunday, September 18, 2022

The major problem with fusion experiments is, how to make plasma stay in its form.

The problem with fusion reaction is that the high-energy plasma will not keep its form. So when the energy pump to fusion ends the energy that comes inside will break the plasma. So what if the opposite polar particles will shoot at that plasma ball? 

That thing makes it possible that the fusion reaction begins from the plasma ball's core. The shockwave would travel inside that plasma ball. In regular cases, fusion starts from the middle of the fusion material. And that shockwave destroys the plasma ball. 


The "cannon device" ion-anion collider where opposite polar particles will shoot against each other could be suitable for some kind of fusion system. 

In some cases, researchers introduced to use of some kind of "cannon device" for solving problems of the fusion reactor. This kind of cannon device is quite a simple system. 

Two linear particle accelerators are shooting opposite polar particles against each other. That thing will collide with anions and ions together. And that kind of system is easier to create than Tokamak-type reactors. 

The system could use lithium ions and chloride anions. But the problem is that the system must create enough energy for a self-sustaining fusion reaction. Otherwise, an ion-anion collider would be suitable for the fusion system. 


So, when the electromagnetic radiation starts to grow temperature of the plasma causes a situation where the plasma particles start to repel each other. When the fusion ignition happens the energy that fusion forms break the plasma structure. 

In the case where fusion ignites the fusion material makes flash. It sends electromagnetic radiation around it. And that causes the electromagnetic vacuum, which pulls particles away from the plasma ball. In that case, electromagnetic overpressure breaks the structure. 

The plasma that is used in fusion experiments is monopolar. This means the electromagnetic force will push those particles away from each other. And the magnetic field that has the same polarity must push that plasma in one entirety. When the fusion ignites the energy level of the magnetic field that presses the particles must be higher than plasma. That helps to keep plasma in its form. 

The problem is that the fusion starts in the middle of the plasma.  where it starts the shockwave through that material. If the fusion can begin in the core of the plasma ball the impact wave would travel inside it. 

So the answer to the problems of the fusion could be that the opposite polar particles would shoot at that plasma ball. That can begin the fusion reaction at the core of the plasma ball. 

In that case, the magnets should press that plasma harder than the energy that forms in fusion pushes particles. If that thing is done there is the possibility to create a self-sustaining fusion reaction. 

Image and sources:

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Hunters of the lost graviton.


Graviton is the hypothetical source of gravitational waves. That particle is the thing that sends gravitational waves. Why researchers are looking for graviton? The answer is that gravitons can open the road to extreme energy sources. And antigravitation can revolutionize technology. 

Because gravitation is a neutral force it can use for many other purposes than just making the UFO hovering above the ground. The antigravitation would revolutionize nanotechnology. If that thing is possible. 

And the thing, that makes antigravitation possible is that gravitation is radiation or wave motion. So we can call gravitational waves gravitational radiation. The idea of antigravitation is that the gravitational waves or gravitational radiation are removed from that area. 

There are two ways to make antigravitation. Another is to make two clouds of gravitons. And that thing puts the object hover between them. 

In some versions, the whirl of electromagnetic wave motion or some particles like gravitons will push the gravitational waves away from the area. This denies the gravitational waves moving in the area. 

The second way is to pull gravitons away from each other. And that thing would make gravitational radiation or gravitational waves weaker. 

The idea of antigravitation is simple. When we are looking at the image above, we can think that every small spot in its entirety is the graviton. So the system must just pull those gravitons away from each other. And then that thing turns gravitational radiation weaker. This thing makes the antigravitational engines possible at least in theory. 

In this model, gravitons are the network of particles. They send wave motion like all other particles. And that wave motion is one reason why we cannot cross the speed of light. Whenever a particle touches the gravitational radiation it loses energy. 

The reason why gravitational waves pull energy away from the particle is their energy level is lower than the particle's energy level. In a black hole, gravitational waves are thick enough that they can start to transmit energy to the particle. When cosmic inflation pulls material or particles away from each other that means the gravitational effect in the universe turns weaker. 

But where we can find graviton? The thing is that graviton is in all particles which have mass. So the graviton is the thing that makes weight and mass for each particle. And that makes graviton so hard to find. The thing that makes graviton so common a particle makes it hard to detect it. Its small size makes that particle almost invisible and there is a possibility that it exists shorter time than the Higgs boson. 

When we are thinking about gravitational interaction the remarkable thing about this force is that it's so weak. That force seems to affect only between entireties. And the second thing is that force can turn the trajectory of photons. 

This means that there is the possibility that graviton has poles. In the same way, a weak nuclear force is an interaction between the north and south poles of the neutron. There is a possibility that gravitation is the interaction between graviton's poles. 

There is a possibility that graviton can turn in the energy channel. And then there is forming the beam of gravitational waves. The phenomenon could look a little bit like a black hole. There is a possibility that this gravitational ray will make the photon turn its road. 

Sometimes is introduced that graviton is some kind of magnetic monopole. That means that the gravitons could be pairs. In that model, the graviton is two particles that are together. 

Maybe someday we are finding that hypothetical or almost hypothetical particle. And that moment can be closer than we ever thought. There is a possibility that inside the Higgs boson is at least one yet unknown particle. Because the geometry of the Higgs boson is changing that thing might be true. And maybe some of those particles are missing graviton. 

The problem with that thing is this. If the graviton is inside the Higgs boson. And even getting the tip about the existence of that particle requires forming of Higgs boson the energy level for making a free graviton that exists long enough that researchers can measure it requires very much more energy than nobody even thought.

Friday, September 16, 2022

The form of the Big Bang is an interesting question.

The reason, why researchers and developers are interested in the Big Bang is that event is the gate to endless energy sources. There is a possibility, that the Big Bang was the interaction between superstrings or wave motion. So were the first particles formed when the gravitational waves impact each other? And was the extremely high energy level in that case formed when superstrings impacted each other? 

That means the superstring's curvature formed energy that formed the universe. But in that case, there should be some kind of quantum- or electromagnetic fields that are forming interaction. In that model particle-wave duality formed material or particles by wrapping superstrings. But there must be something, that puts superstrings turning into material or particles. 

In this model, there must be superstrings that are impacting each other. If there are no superstrings, there are no impacts and no material can form. In this text superstrings are the thing. That forms wave motion. 

So if impacting wave motions are forming the material there must be some source for those wave motions. In this model, the natural explanation for that impacting wave motion is that the universe or proto-universe where only wave motion was on the core of the giant bubble. 

Then on the opposite side of that bubble was something that send two groups of wave motion to journey. And that thing formed the universe. This is the most unbelievable model for the Big Bang theory. 

But we know that there must be some origin for that wave motion. So were there some other universes where those wave motions came? This is one interesting thing. We know that material or energy cannot come from emptiness. And also we know that there must be crossing wave motion that forms the conditions where wave-particle duality is possible. 

If wave motion travels in one direction there is no wave-particle duality. There must be some kind of disorder that puts wave motion or superstrings turn into yarn balls called elementary particles. 

The Big Bang was an event that caused the formation of the universe. In the past, people thought that it was some kind of explosion. Today we think, that the Big Bang was an event where the material or group of particles reached a certain energy level. 

And that energy level is the third dimension where we are living. In this third dimension, the particles have a certain size and a certain energy level. And that thing allows them to interact with each other. Without that interaction, we cannot observe those particles. 

And when the energy level of the particles turns different. That means the interaction between particles turns weaker. When we are talking about the size of the particles we should talk about their brightness. When the energy level of the particle turns extremely high the size or domination area of those particles turns larger.

Can gravitation turn inverse?


The old theory about the Big Bang as an event where gravitation turned inverse makes gravitational waves more interesting than nobody expected. The idea is that gravitational waves are wave motions that source is hypothetical gravitons. When gravitons send wave motion called gravitational waves those waves impact each other. 

If the energy level of those impacting waves is the same. They are forming the standing wave. The height of the waves is the energy level. And the energy level continues growing until the standing wave collapses. And that thing can explain why gravitation is so weak. 

So if we think like this, then antigravity or pushing gravity can be done by gravitational waves colliding with each other. They form a stagnant gravitational wave, which sooner or later collapses. And then those collapsing stagnant gravitational waves make a gravitational pushing effect. 

Was the Big Bang gravitational wave that collapsed? 

In some old theories, the Big Bang was a result of the case when gravitation turned inverse. So how can gravitation turn inverse? The idea is that gravitation is wave motion like radiowaves or visible light. 

The wave motion or superstrings that travel through space can impact each other. In those impacts, the stronger part of wave motion continues its journey. And the lower energy wave motion will melt to part of that stronger wave motion. 

When something turns wave motion around that turns inverse. That thing means that the wave motion's direction can change. There is the possibility that at the point of the Big Bang was a standing gravitational wave that just collapsed. 

And that collapsing gravitational wave motion would push the superstrings around it away from their direction. And if those superstrings existed before the big bang. That collapsing standing gravitational wave pushes those superstrings out from their direction. That thing causes impacts and the wave-particle duality affects those superstrings. 

In the case where the power of impacting wave motions is the same that thing forms the standing wave. The wave or energy level grows higher and higher. Until this standing wave collapses. Same way as other waves gravitation can form standing waves. So in the Big Bang, the thing could be that the gravitational wave collapsed. And that thing turned the direction of the gravitation waves.

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

The charm quark gives an idea for the theoretical "chameleon particle".

The chameleon particle is a theoretical particle that is at the same time fermion and boson. Fermions are forming atomic structures like atoms, their electron cores, protons, and neutrons. 

And things like gluons and quarks and electrons are fermions. The fermions are the main group that is separated into two subgroups quarks and leptons. So electrons are leptons. 

The bosons transmit some of the four nuclear forces. Transmitters of three nuclear forces strong interaction, weak interaction, and electromagnetic forces are known. The transmitter of gravitation is unknown. 

That hypothetical particle is named "graviton" and researchers made many models of that particle. They know that graviton exists because gravitation is wave motion. So wave-particle duality also belongs in gravitation. 

Those bosons are force carriers for three known forces. Gluons transmit a strong nuclear interaction or strong nuclear force. 

W and Z bosons transmit weak interaction or weak nuclear force. And that's why they are called "weak bosons". Photons transmit electromagnetic interaction or electromagnetism. And the transmitter of the gravitation is unknown. Every single fundamental force is interaction. 

The hypothetical chameleon practice would act as transmitter and element. The idea of the chameleon particle is simple. The same particle would form the atomic structures and transmit some nuclear forces. But the fact is that nobody has seen that chameleon particle yet. 

Somebody believed that the Higgs boson was the particle that transmits gravitation. But the problem is that the Higgs boson was not that particle. And this thing makes Higgs boson mysterious. There is no force that the Higgs boson transports.

But there is one rule in the universe. All particles have some kind of role in the entirety. When we are thinking about the shape of all particles and base forces all of those forces have particle and wave motion forms. The discovery of gravitational waves proves that thing. 

So could the Higgs boson be the chameleon particle? Could it transport the so-called hypothetical "Higgs force"? The thing is that the Higgs boson also has wave-particle duality. So Higgs boson acts like photons and other bosons. And if that particle will impact the universe that thing causes the wave motion cone. And that thing means that the Higgs boson can be the key to graviton and dark energy. 

Image and sources.

Maybe the c or charm quark plays a bigger role in the protons and neutrons than we expected.

C, or charm quark's energy level is extremely high. That means it acts like all other higher energy particles. So when the particle's energy level changes, its shape changes. And that means the energy flow out of the particle turns its shape into another particle. 

The forces that are forming protons and neutrons are repelling and pulling those particles at the same time. The cosmic inflation or expansion of the universe causes the pressure of quantum fields is turning weaker. And that causes the distance of quarks is increasing. 

When we are talking about the size of the particle, we mean the area where the particle affects. And that means the energy level or the "shine" determines the pool where the certain particle dominates. 

So when we are looking at high-energy particles like c quarks we must understand that this particle vaporizes or send wave motion to other quarks and gluons. When the particle turns to wave motion or vaporizes it forms an electromagnetic vacuum around it. 

Particles are not sending wave motion all the time. The wave motion comes out from a particle only when its energy level rises higher than its environment. When that energy level rises higher than the environment the particle sends the energy quantum that makes the electromagnetic vacuum around it. 

Also, other quarks are sending wave motion. If c quark will go to close enough to other quarks those electromagnetic vacuums are closing. And the quantum fields of those particles are melting together. 

In that case, the gluon will come from somewhere in that channel. The thing is that the force of the electromagnetic vacuum must be higher than the repelling effect. And that causes the quarks and gluons are making entirety called protons or neutrons.  

When the universe expands the quantum field that is pulling material to the form turns weaker. And that means the distance of the quarks increases. So the quarks are shining or vaporizing faster and faster. That means the repelling force of energy impulses coming from the turns is stronger. That increases the speed of cosmic inflation. And finally, all material turns to wave motion.

Chaos is the thing that limits our range of view things.

The black hole's mathematical shape is a hyperbolic layer.  Chaos or entropy is what limits our view.  We cannot see the other side of t...