Saturday, October 29, 2022

Could Newton be wrong about gravitation?

If Newton was wrong about gravitation. Everything that we learned in school about gravitation is wrong. During Newton's time, gravitation is the force that pulled an apple to the ground. Gravitation is interaction. And also apple pulls Earth to it. 

So in that interaction, both sides of gravitation are moving. But Earth's movement is so small that we cannot measure it. In normal life, that thing is meaningless, but if we would drop apples to a certain point on Earth, let's say, about a billion years that thing can change Earth's t trajectory.

There must be errors in Newton's calculations. The gravitational model was not complete when Newton lived. In his lifetime there was no knowledge about the thing called gravitational waves. Gravitational waves travel in the universe at the speed of light. We know that origin of those waves that are like all other radiation is in objects. The requirement of those gravitational waves is that object has mass. 

Why can gravitational waves form in a Black Hole? As we know that Black Hole is like all other balls. And there is a small point in that object where is no gravitation. So there is the possibility that two objects that are orbiting the center of the Black Hole would turn to superposition and entanglement. 

And if the quantum entanglement crosses the center of the Black Hole it starts to rotate like a propeller. In that case, that quantum entanglement starts to send radiation across the black hole. And sooner or later that radiation pushes gravitational sting out from the event horizon. The idea is that the energy level of that particle pair would increase so high that it can send radiation that can break itself out from the black hole. 

The thing is that these kinds of ideas cause the situation where we must re-estimate something that we thought was the absolute truth. In Newton's era things like gravitational waves was utopia. Also, the ability to make observations at the quantum level was not at the same level as they are now. 

Things like quantum entanglement, new telescopes, and supercomputers cause our knowledge of the universe to be on a different level than it was in Newton's time. Without complete information. Is not possible to make complete theories. We know that Newton was only human, so man might be wrong in many things.

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Is the first quark star found?

Image 1) 

Researchers found a strange star that can be made of quarks. 

If that thing is true, researchers found their first quark star. The quark star is the medium between a neutron star and a black hole. In that case, the star that is too massive for neutron stars but too light for a black hole turns into a quark star. The quark stars are extremely slight, and thick particles. And that means their magnetic and gravitational fields are even more powerful than a neutron star. 

In neutron stars, quarks are inside neutrons. And the still hypothetical quark stars are formed of free quarks. 

If that kinds of the star are possible, they can make a new portal to observe things like time dilation and dark matter. But in the most incredible visions quark stars are rotating in conditions that make so-called warp bubbles around them. And if the escaping velocity from quark stars is near the speed of light, and the rotation speed of that strange star is also very high. 

Image 2) 

There can be an effect where the star virtually crosses the speed of light, and that thing could make it possible that time will travel backward on its surface. In that case, the rotation speed along with escaping velocity, which is almost the speed of light causes the situation where time dilation turns time opposite. 

Escaping velocity+rotation speed can together make it possible that the virtual speed on the object's surface is higher than the speed of light. And that thing can turn time opposite. And even if that thing would not happen the quark star is giving an interesting platform to research time. This is one of the reasons why quark stars are very interesting things. 

Extreme fast rotation speed can cause the situation where a quark star throws photons around the universe. That thing can make quark stars so-called ghost stars or stealth stars. In that case, the photons would not reflect the observer. 

The system can work like when water hits the ball. The quark star will send the photons. That comes from the side of the observer. But the photon that impacts the quark star from the direction of the observer continues its journey in a different direction than in other cases.

Image 1)

Image 2)

Water can turn to hard as metal.

Water, like all other materials, has three forms. Those forms are gas, solid, and liquid. If we raise the temperature to enough high level. We can vaporize even iron or any other material. 

When water molecules can be locked stable enough they can form a structure that is hard as steel. And that thing can turn many things that seem like some SciFi possible. 

Researchers can make that thing by using low temperature, high pressure, or powerful magnetic fields. That means researchers can create merchandise by using ice. And then the magnetic field presses that thing in a certain form. 

The solid form of water is ice. Ice can form when the temperature decrease below zero degrees. This is how ice forms on Earth. But in some exoplanets, massive gravitation forms hot ice.

 In those cases, the planet's gravitation locks water molecules to ice. So, another term for ice is a form of water where water molecules are locked. In Jupiter's atmosphere is ice that is formed by pressure. And in those conditions. 

A powerful pressure can lock water molecules into the thing that is called ice. That pressure can create by using soundwaves. Those soundwaves can simply hover water above the layer. Then the pressure or electromagnetic field can press that water to solid form. After that, the laser system will make a certain form. 

But water can also have quantum properties. That quantum property is that magnetic fields affect the water. By using similar technology that is used in fusion is possible to make the ice that is hard as metal. 

Can the ice turn hard as metal? The answer is yes. If we will put water to a temperature that is near zero kelvin and gas bubbles are removed the ice can be hard as metal. Otherwise by using magnetic fields and pressure combinations is possible to stabilize water to form that is like ice, also at room temperature. 

That thing makes it possible to create new types of structures like covering spacecraft by using water layers. That thing is possible if the magnetic field that pulls water against the layer is powerful enough. Magnets can pull water against the layer. And that thing is turning into a heat shield. In some theories, the UFO is a hollow water bubble around the aircraft. 

The system requires that there are smaller crafts around the water bubble that makes the cross pull.  The system stabilizes that water layer over the craft. In that case, two magnetic fields are making that bubble. The magnetic fields must turn water molecules in a position where they can stabilize the water layer. And then the fields can just cross-pull the water layers.

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Can information escape from a black hole?

The superstrings are extremely thin energy fields. They are pieces of quantum fields. And the wave-particle duality can turn those superstrings into particles. 

When a black hole stretches material it turns it into a superstring-looking form. But in that case. There forms an electromagnetic vacuum in the middle of that particle. 

When the pull of the black hole ends, that thing would remove the stretch of that material. That means the material can take back its regular form because both ends of that "spaghetti" pull them back together. 

Can information escape from a black hole?

It seems that this thing is possible. The information can escape from the black hole. There is a piece of evidence that one black hole spat out a star that turned into spaghetti and ate it three years ago. But how a material or information can escape from a black hole? 

The answer can be in the whirl that pulls information inside the black hole. When a star closes to the event horizon it turns into a spaghetti-looking formation. So the black hole stretches the star. And when the star's remnant falls to singularity, it follows the trajectory that looks like a whirl. 

After the information crosses the event horizon or the point where escaping velocity turns higher than the speed of light, falling material continues to travel by following the spiral track to the center of the black hole. There is the possibility that the spaghetti or stretched material would hover near the event horizon. In that case, the material is forming a string-looking formation. 

If there is a small gravitational vacuum or gravitational shadow above that string it may start to flow inside the black hole. In that case, the hovering string is the stable object. And if a black hole moves a small part of that string can go outside the main singularity. That forms the quantum protuberance that conducts energy out from the black hole. 

The black hole is like a yarn ball. Inside the event horizon gravitation, itself forms the string-looking formations. The massive gravitation pulls gravitation that is like radiation to string-looking structures. And sometimes one of those strings would go outside the event horizon. That forms gravitational flares that bring energy out from the black hole. 

In the most exciting models, the particle that orbits inside the event horizon could form quantum entanglement with another particle. That is deeper inside the black hole. The quantum entanglement is impossible to press to size. There is also no limit to quantum entanglement. 

So, when two particles are forming quantum entanglement through different layers inside black holes energy travels to the outer participant. Also, the energy channel between those particles acts like an antenna. If that energy channel forming by gravitational waves. 

Or gravitational radiation can push the other gravitational waves away. Gravitation acts like all other wave motions. And if the energy level of that kind of gravitational pillar is higher it repels other gravitational waves. If that gravitational or energy pillar forms from outside the event horizon, it conducts energy out from the black hole. 

That thing will extend the length of quantum entanglement. If that thing happens to a string-looking particle it can form an energy-low pressure above it. That thing can rise the particle through the black hole's event horizon.

Sunday, October 23, 2022

How are researchers using Type 1A supernovas in dark energy and dark matter research?

Artist’s Impression of Two White Dwarf Stars Merging and Creating a Type Ia Supernova. 

How Artificial intelligence researches dark energy and dark matter?

The Pantheon+ project collects data from the Type 1A supernovae, and then the data system makes a database about that collected data. Then artificial intelligence compares those data units with each other. In that case, every single Type 1A supernova is one data unit. And Partheon+ database contains data on over 1500 stellar explosions called Type 1A supernovas. 

The Type 1A supernova is happening in the binary star system. And if researchers are lucky they can capture the data about the impacts of two white dwarfs. That kind of impact makes it possible, that astronomers can observe so-called, cold or dark shockwaves. In that case, the brightness of exploding star doesn't cover the possible halo of dark matter. 

Type 1A supernovas happen in binary star systems where another pair is different than the brighter participant. And if the red giant explodes in that kind of system where another participant is a white dwarf or neutron star that explosion sends a shockwave that makes the smaller but thicker participant oscillate. Also material from the supernova falls to the small participant and that allows to give spectral information of material of the exploded star. 

The Type 1A supernova, like all other supernovas, is a radical and violent phenomenon. In the past, some cosmologists believed that those explosions are the reason for the universe's expansion. Maybe those extreme effects have some kind of role in that thing. But that role is not very big. 

When a supernova explodes it sends powerful shockwaves through the universe. And researchers wish that shockwave presses dark matter to the plate, which makes it visible. But that thing does not happen yet. But "new analysis holds that 66.2 percent of the universe manifests as dark energy, with the remaining 33.8 percent being a combination of dark matter and matter". ( Explosions Reveal Precise Details of Dark Energy and Dark Matter)

Artifact or non-calculated behavior uncovers the dark matter and dark energy. Artifact means a non-controlled participant in research. And in the case of supernovas, the artifact is missing part of the system. If model makers don't know all parts of the system, they cannot make a model that corresponds with reality. So, missing parts causes anomaly in calculations. In empiric research, anomaly means the difference between observations and calculations. 

By observing the direction of the shockwave and the changes in its energy level and comparing those observations with calculations the dataset shows if the shockwave interacts with something invisible. When a shockwave travels out from the supernova explosion, its energy level should decrease by following a straight line. 

If there are anomalies the reason for those anomalies like curves in energy level they are the reason for some unseen energy stress. In the universe, everything happens for some reason. The unknown is the reason that causes the difference between calculations and observations. When researchers make theoretical models. 

They must have all information about their object. If some part of the object is missing that thing causes the difference between the theoretical model and measured data. 

And if the same difference is repeating simultaneously, that means that the same thing is always missing. But confirming that thing is required information from multiple cases. The problem with Type 1A supernova is that thing happens so suddenly that researchers have no time to point telescopes at that object. 

If there is a binary star system where participants are white dwarfs computer can calculate the impact moment. And the researchers can point their telescopes at that system. The Type 1 A supernovas that are forming in white dwarfs impacts are easier to predict than other supernovas. 

Even in the best cases a couple of the first seconds of the explosion are missing. And the missing data contains information about where the shockwave is at the most powerful level. Another problem with the supernova is its luminosity is extremely high. 

But there is a small possibility that researchers can see the halo of dark matter at the edge of the shockwave just when it leaves the star. The impact of white dwarfs causes darker impact waves. And that means the brightness of the explosion doesn't cover the dark matter shockwave.

The interesting thing in quantum entanglement is the string that connects superpositioned particles.

The centripetal force acts in all particles. And if the rotation speed is high enough, that thing causes the situation where even elementary particles are forming the channel. 

Quantum entanglement is one of the most useful phenomena in the quantum world. In that "spooky effect of distance," the system puts the elementary particles (like photons, quarks, electrons, etc.) to oscillate in the same frequency. That means the same elementary particle is at the same time, in two different positions. 

Also, things like electromagnetic fields can put to superposition. When two elementary particles are superpositioned and entangled that thing happens by using electromagnetic fields like laser rays. Photon or electron clouds are also forming electromagnetic- or quantum fields. And those things can use to put even complicated quantum systems into superposition. 

Theoretically, superposition is possible also between quark groups. And theoretically, things like protons, neutrons, and other kinds of elementary particle groups can be superpositioned. So theoretically, also complicated quantum systems can put to superposition. 

But the thing that makes superposition interesting is that. There forms a string or wire between those superpositioned particles. And that string makes them act like some stick. When another particle at the end of that stick is moving the another will also move. 

But what is that string that connects those two particles? There is the possibility that the film where the water bubble spins and stays in its form illustrates that situation. 

Could there be a channel through black holes?

When a particle spins very fast that motion should form a channel through it. But if we want to make a channel through an electron. We must spin that particle at an extremely fast speed. So could black holes spin so fast that they can form a channel through the singularity? In that model, the fast spin of the object causes the situation where centripetal force pushes the superstrings away from its axle. The centripetal force could rip also quarks and leptons in pieces. 

But it requires an extremely fast spin. If those channels through elementary particles are true, they can offer limitless energy solutions. That means there is a quantum vacuum in the middle of particles that is acting like those bubbles in the water drop. And if there are small quantum lightning or strings between those particles those strings can collect energy from the quantum fields. 

When radiation or wave motion, which mission is to duplicate particles hits the primary particle it increases the spin of that particle. There is a possibility that there is a forming tunnel through that particle. And that tunnel forms a quantum tornado through space. When that quantum tornado impacts another particle, it will start to oscillate it. 

But is that string some kind of wormhole? That is an interesting question. If we think that there is a hypothetical transporter particle graviton, that transports gravitation, there is the possibility that the tunnel through electron or quark forms between hypothetical gravitons. If there is a graviton inside all particles, which have mass. The extremely fast spin will create a tunnel that unmasks the graviton. 

That thing causes interesting speculations of black holes. When we think about the possibility of the superposition of things like stars. We must understand that superposition is possible only between similar elementary particles. And superposition between quark stars is possible because those hypothetical stars consist only of quarks. 

Also, the black holes can turn into superposition. The spin of black holes is extremely fast. And that thing can cause a situation where superstrings or gravitational channels. That forms a situation where singularity can turn to the side from the rotation axle. 

In that case, that thing could form a channel through the black hole. But that thing is only a hypothetical model. The thing behind this model is that centripetal force affects all systems. And theoretically, even elementary particles can break into bites by spinning them fast enough. 

Friday, October 21, 2022

The shocking fact is that our brain uses quantum computation.

The thing, that makes our brains so effective is that they use quantum computing. So in our brain, chemical qubits are traveling between neurons. And that thing with the ability to begin the operation makes our brain so effective that the best quantum computers are losers. Our brain is an extreme tool that uses at least two speeds in computing. 

Fast-speed computing is basing the electric phenomena that travel on the axons' cores. And another version of computing in the human brain is the slower model that uses chemical or electrochemical qubits called neurotransmitters. 

The brain uses the electric mode to send signals to neurons on how they should handle the qubit or neurotransmitters. That is coming after the electric signal. The purpose of faster computing is that brain can use it in fast reactions. And the slower mode is used to analyze the data. 

The brain uses electric computing to ask what neuron has certain information. And when that information is found, the neuron creates the neurotransmitter. Also, there is the possibility that electric computing is meant to tell neurons what kind of neurotransmitters they must create. And that allows the system to start the data-handling process. At the same moment in multiple points of the brain. 

By researching the brain neurologists and computer experts can create faster and more powerful computers that can learn things similarly to the human brain. Those neural quantum computers can drive the most complicated algorithms. But they are more flexible and suitable for autonomous robots than regular quantum computers. 

When researchers know how the brain operates, they can model that thing to quantum computers. 

The human brain could be a model for quantum computers that can revolutionize robotics. If we want to make a human-looking humanoid robot that can operate on Jupiter, Saturn, and other gas giants' moons' surfaces we must make a system that is more autonomous than any other robot before. The system can use a hybrid system where the electric signals are controlling quantum routers, switches, and gates. 

These kinds of the system require lightweight powerful quantum computers. In those lightweight but powerful systems, the electric impulse tells how the system should route the qubit. So, at the first, the electric impulse to quantum routers and gates, and then those gates can drive qubits anywhere where the system wants.

Long-lasting pulse of high energy radiation swept over Earth.

The extraordinarily long-lasting, record-breaking gamma-ray burst crossed the Earth's trajectory on Sunday, October 9, 2022. The source of that GRB could be just the born black hole that pulled the supernova remnants inside it. That kind of case where a black hole pulls the molecular cloud around the exploded star back into the black hole can form extraordinary long-term GRBs. The knowledge of the GRB is limited. 

Those eruptions remain for a very short time. And they can cause problems for probes and manned spacecraft. If those GRBs are impacting those things. On Earth magnetic field and atmosphere protect people and computers. But in space, there is not that kind of protection. And that means the GRB can be very dangerous. 

But another reason why researchers are researching that phenomenon is that it is the most high-energy reaction in the universe. If researchers can capture the GRB they could create energy for years. 

And there is another thing that can be possible in the future. That thing is the possibility to create synthetic GRB. The form of the GRB is in the material disk around the black hole. The main question is are black holes sending GRBs in one direction? Or are they sending two gamma-ray pikes in opposite directions? 

When that material starts to whirl around the black hole. Its temperature rises because of friction. And sooner or later, that whirl starts to send gamma- or X-rays. The problem is that the gamma rays are forming very close to the event horizon. That kind of whirl is theoretically possible to create by using two plasma rays. 

In the middle of the plasma, whirl will put the plasma pike. Then the plasma whirl will put to orbit that plasma pike. And that thing could increase the speed of the plasma to so high level that it can create the X- or even gamma rays. 

Aiming for those gamma rays is theoretically a very easy thing. A practical solution is not so easy. Shooting those gamma rays by using lasers that thing could make it possible to aim for the highest energy radiation in the universe. The system bases that system adjusts energy levels of the plasma around the gamma rays and aims that thing in a certain direction.

Thursday, October 20, 2022

The new honeycomb-like quantum material has new kind of abilities.

The image above introduces how the new honeycomb quantum material behaves. The text below the original image goes like this "By exposing a honeycomb-like material with a specific kind of magnetic field, yellow arrow, researchers can create order among the loop currents, light blue, within that material. Electrons, in green, can then pass through the material much more easily. Credit: Oak Ridge National Laboratory" ( Beehive: Physicists Probe “Astonishing” Morphing Properties of Honeycomb-Like Quantum Material)

The next generation of quantum materials can make layers invisible and allow them to make crafts that act like UFOs. And that thing makes quantum technology more powerful than we ever imagined. 

Quantum materials can also use in quantum computers where the quantum processor is connected to the core material. And that makes it possible to create long-distance probes where the entire craft is a quantum computer. That kind of system can operate at Kuiper Belt. 

The thing is that this kind of material can be key to even more astonishing materials where all electrons are in synchronized positions. But what happens, if all electrons on the material's core are precise at the same position comparing their atoms? 

That thing would create a new type of material that can conduct energy and light in a certain direction. The diagram of that material could be similar to the image above, but the blue arrows would be electrons that are orbiting their atoms synchronized. 

That thing makes it possible to conduct electromagnetic fields and photons through that kind of quantum version of the Gauss track. If that kind of structure is at the outer layer of the disk-shaped object that thing allows the creation of the system that makes the object invisible. 

The idea is that the system uses counterwaves to suspend the echoes from its core. And that kind of quantum stealth system can operate in the area of visible light. So that kinds of systems can make an object invisible. 

The quantum layer makes the new type of ion systems possible. 

But there is a possibility that this kind of system can operate as a quantum ion engine which can change the direction of ions wherever the system operator wants. That kind of system can pull ions over its layer. And that means the craft doesn't need traditional ion engines. The ion flow over the layer will make the craft move. 

That kind of technology makes undersea systems and flying machines more capable than ever before. The quantum layer can operate in both roles, stealth, and engine. 

That kind of futuristic technology can be possible someday in the future. But the fact is that quantum is the technology of tomorrow. It can change the game in every possible way. That kind of quantum material can revolutionize technology in both civil and military systems. And the only thing that limits innovation is the lack of imagination.


10 000 times quicker production speed will be a boost for medical nanorobots.

The 24-h process of stem cells attaching to the microrobot surface (top) and Cell staining results to identify cells attached to the microrobot surface (bottom). Credit: DGIST (Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology) (,000 Times Quicker: New Breakthrough Could Change the Field of Medical Microrobots)

Nanorobots are powerful tools. But the problem is how to control them and how to produce enough nanomachines. 

"There are many approaches to building microrobots with the goal of minimally invasive targeted precision treatment. The most popular of them is the ultra-fine 3D printing process known as the two-photon polymerization method, which triggers polymerization in synthetic resin by intersecting two lasers". (,000 Times Quicker: New Breakthrough Could Change the Field of Medical Microrobots)

New production methods can increase microrobot production. And that can make medical nanorobots more common and effective. When the number of times when the nanorobots increases. Researchers can get more data and experience how to control those things. Microrobots are extremely powerful tools. 

They can carry medicals and things like stem cells to the right position in the human body. And they can also release medicines just at the right point in the human body. This thing makes it possible to create new types of medicals. Nanomachines can also remove tumors simply by cutting the cancer cells in pieces. But the problem is how to produce those systems. And another question is how to control those machines. 

DNA plasmids are a good tool for controlling organic nanomachines. When an organic nanorobot reaches the hostile cell there that system can simply push the enzyme fiber in that cell. And then that thing can destroy the targeted cells. In that kind of system, the fibers that it uses to move can equip by using some nutrients. That is only non-wanted cell use. The targeted cell will pull the nutrient inside it. 

And then that uncovers the enzyme that destroys the targeted cell. Or if the nanomachine is non-organic it can use kevlar fibers for that purpose. In that case, the kevlar fiber destroys the targeted cell. The abilities of nanomachines are limitless. But the problem is that they need new production methods. 

And another thing that is needed is a new thinking way. Building a large number of microchips and injecting them with bacteria is difficult. The DNA plasmid is a good tool for controlling the nano-size robot. But if somebody wants to create a chemical control code to control the miniature submarines that person must be careful. 

If there are some artifact base pairs. That thing can cause the nanorobot acts unexpectable. So researchers require more information so that they can make powerful and accurate tools for serving medical and other kinds of staff.


Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Researchers solved how bacteria move. And, that thing makes it possible to create new types of nanomachines.

Things like meat-eating bacteria are the most horrifying organisms on Earth. But what if researchers can control those bacteria? What if they can drive those bacteria to the tumors and give them order to begin eating in that precise place? This thing can make it possible to remove tumors by using extreme accuracy. 

Researchers can make that thing true, by using microchips that control the DNA plasmid. Those microchips are turning the DNA plasmid's position that controls the bacteria's functions. 

Bacteria have long fibers that are made of a single protein. By moving those fibers like screws. The bacteria use them as propellers. And that thing makes them move. What makes that thing interesting? Researchers can copy the bacteria's movement to nano- and miniature machines. 

If we are thinking of a miniature submarine that size is the same as some medical capsules that kind of miniature device can swim in the cooling water system of a nuclear reactor or a chemical plant's wastewater. And those systems can make measurements of radioactive material or toxic chemicals. Those miniature submarines can use kevlar fibers for movements. 

But when we are thinking about the nano-submarines that can operate inside the human body, we can mean genetically engineered bacteria whose surface antigens are the same as the human where researchers put them to swim. 

The idea is that bacteria will connect the genome that is taken from the person under research.  And that genome turns the surface antigen of bacteria similar to a person's blood cells. That denies the immune system can attack those miniature submarines. Researchers must remove those bacteria's ability to create descendants. 

But nanotechnology makes it possible to encode the DNA plasmid of that bacteria. And if that DNA plasmid is microchip-controlled it allows driving that bacteria to the right position. Then the controller can order bacteria to create pepsins that can destroy tumors and other non-wanted cells.  

The bacteria can transform into miniature submarines or "bio-submarine" by putting the microchip in it. The microchip can control the DNA plasmids. The movements and other kinds of things of bacteria are controlled through that DNA plasmid. 

 And that makes it possible to remote control those bio-subs wirelessly by using a remote controller. The miniature microchips can have miniaturized cameras. In those cameras, the retina cells of the small bug will interact with nano-size microchips. The DNA that makes bacteria split is destroyed because that thing removes their ability to create descendants.

The dwarf galaxies are the key to alternative gravitation theory.

"The dwarf galaxy NGC1427A flies through the Fornax galaxy cluster and undergoes disturbances that would not be possible if this galaxy were surrounded by a heavy and extended dark matter halo, as required by standard cosmology. Credit: ESO" ( Discovery Indicates an Alternative Gravity Theory)

The dwarf galaxies are interesting things. Dwarf galaxies are small star clusters, colder than giant galaxies and closer than ultra-diffuse galaxies or UDGs. That is very far from us. 

Conditions in dwarf galaxies are sometimes similar to the UDGs. That thing is true if there are lots of old stars in the dwarf galaxy. 

Some dwarf galaxies are following Milky Way. They are not as bright as Milky Way or Andromeda galaxy. And that allows for observing black holes in the middle of those small galaxies. In the cases of the Milky Way and Andromeda, the brightness of the dust hides the black hole behind them. 

Their lack of material is the result of larger galaxies' gravitational effect. Some dwarf galaxies or ball-shaped stellar clusters. Along with open stellar clusters are full of blue supergiants. And those stars are extremely hot and bright. 

That allows observing energy interactions inside those small galaxies. There is the possibility that there is star formation in dwarf galaxies. But the gravitational effect of the larger galaxies pulls dust and gas away from those star clusters. Also, a large number of blue supergiants can push material away from the galaxy. 

By observing galaxies is possible to research things, like how the bubble of dark matter that surrounds the dwarf galaxy interacts with visible material. And if the bubble of dark matter will pull material from both sides, that thing makes it possible that the shape of a dwarf galaxy turns into a disk. 

The difference between a star cluster and a dwarf galaxy is not very big. Sometimes is introduced that the star cluster is where new stars are forming. And that are separated from the galaxies are dwarf galaxies. 

The difference between dwarf galaxies and normal galaxies is their size. In dwarf galaxy is normally 1000 up to several billions of stars. There are 200-400 billion stars in Milky Way. 

In some dwarf galaxies is only young or old stars. 

The difference between open and other star clusters is that there is no dominating gravitational center in open star clusters. In other, ball-shaped star clusters is the gravitational center. And other stars are orbiting that gravitational center. 

In embedded star clusters there are forming stars all the time. Those star clusters are full of young stars. And the globular clusters are opposite to the embedded clusters. 

The oldest known stars are in the globular star clusters. And there is a possibility that the globular star clusters are sometimes the remnants of dwarf galaxies. 

In those cases, larger galaxies pulled the material away from the dwarf galaxy. And that thing turns the dwarf galaxy into a globular star cluster.  The age of the stars in that type of star cluster is almost the same as in the universe. So star clusters and dwarf galaxies are fascinating things.


Dream of 15 min. towns. Can we make everything in 15 minutes?

Everybody knows the dream of 15 min. towns. In those towns, every service is 15 minutes trip away from home. But can we escalate that dream? Could 15 minutes city or 15 minutes urban area involve the idea that every service will happen in 15 minutes?

How realistic this model that everything happens in 15 minutes is? And could the most modern technology turn the global environment into 15 minutes entirety, where people can reach everything on Earth in 15 minutes? 

That means we would go to the doctor in 15 minutes. We are waiting for the doctor for 15 minutes. And then we spent 15 minutes in the examination room. After the doctor, we go to the drugstore in 15 minutes and after 15 minutes. We have medicines in our hands. Could that thing be possible someday? We can call that vision the 15 minutes society. Everything happens in 15 minutes. 

When we are building taller buildings. The reason for that is that price of land is high in urban areas. And we can make hybrid solutions for an environment where people are living in smaller areas. And shopping centers are connected to houses where people are living. That makes the use of time more effective. 

And when those complexes are ready that solution decreases emissions. But the problem is that people might not ever go outside. And in the most extreme dystopic visions, those shopping-center-home hydrides are turning to independent states. 

Maybe shopping centers are the service centers of tomorrow. And if the robots are making physical products people can work in the same building where they live and go shopping. There could also be things like public services like doctors. But of course, this kind of advancement means that people have fewer contacts with the outside world than ever before. 

If we have the internet. We can click ourselves to another side of the Earth. Of course, we are not physically in there. But we can use VR screens that are giving us a real-looking vision of the environment. But the problem is that we are selecting information. We must not read things that do not please us. And that means we are missing the information that can be vital.

But can we travel physically around the world in 15 minutes? Or travel to any place on Earth in less than an hour? 

When we think about things like hypersonic aircraft and hyperloop trains those things might transport us to any point on the Earth by using hypersonic transportation. New hypersonic systems use hydrogen fuel so they are not causing emissions. And the hypersonic VTOL (Vertical Take-Off and Landing) aircraft can take people to any location on the Earth in less than an hour. 

But the "magnet loop" train could be a more powerful and faster transportation system than any other transporter invented before. The magnet loop is a particle accelerator that transports the train inside the vacuum tube. 

The system uses magnetic levitation. And also magnets are pulling the train in that tube. Because there is a vacuum in the tube there is no friction. And that allows rising the speed of that system to be highly hypersonic. That kind of system can make it possible to make a new type of transportation that is faster than any atmospheric system before it.

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Can the dark energy be the reflection from the edge of the material ball called the universe?

The source of dark energy is unknown. There is the possibility that dark energy is reflection radiation that comes from the edge of the material that forms the universe. In this text, the material that is forming the universe is called the universe. And the space where that material is is the space. So the universe is a giant plasma ball where are galaxies and stars.

There is the possibility that dark energy is the reflected radiation that comes from the most out layer of that system. When that energy impacts that plasma it travels between those plasma particles. And then it starts to flow back into the universe. That thing makes the energy level of the universe higher than it should be. 

When did that reflection happen? And, does it happen all the time is a mystery. But the idea is that the dark energy reflects from something and that forms a similar effect to the mirror box that surrounds the candle. That thing reflects the energy inside the universe. And the reason why there is too much energy in our universe is that it reflects. In some other explanations, other universes are the source of that energy. 

There is no edge of space, where the universe is. But there is the most out edge of the material. When the Big Bang send a shockwave across space there was a total vacuum. Nothing limited the speed of that shockwave. Except for one thing gravitation. The gravitation slows the speed of that first shockwave. And then the incoming radiation reached that shockwave. Behind that shockwave, the superstrings followed it.

And then the incoming electromagnetic radiation reached that bubble. The form of that bubble could be electromagnetic wave motion or a giant group of superstrings or some kind of plate of quarks and gluons. That bubble sends wave motion also to the inside of the universe. That wave motion united in the focus of the center of the universe.

 So if the point where the Big Bang happened was some kind of black hole. That thing causes the increase of the energy level in the middle of that black hole. And there is the possibility that the black hole detonated. If there is radiation that travels to the most out plasma of the universe. That thing causes the reflection where all radiation impacts the same point in the middle of the universe. 

Why do some researchers believe that a black hole is in the middle of the universe?  The reason for that is that all galaxies in the universe seem to travel in the same direction. That thing is called cosmic fluid. But confirmation of the existence of that hypothetical black hole requires that researchers can detect the gamma-ray pillars of that object. And that thing is not seen yet. 

So if the hypothesis of the giant black hole or mass center in the middle of the universe is true that thing causes energy flow to the plasma. That should surround the most distant galaxies. And then energy flows across the entire plasma ball.


There are very odd dark matter halos in the just-found ultra-diffuse galaxies.

The Ultra Diffuse Galaxies (UDG:s) or extreme low luminosity galaxies are places where are two extremities of the dark matter should exist. So there are cold and hot dark matter if those things are real. Those galaxies are very old star cluster formations. And UDG:s are full of neutron stars, black holes, and white dwarfs. 

The material density of those galaxies is less than 1% of the Milky Way. But their mass can be the same as regular galaxies. That means most of the material that is inside those galaxies is in invisible form. Of course, lots of materials that are in those galaxies are in black holes and other objects that are not producing energy. 


Dark matter means gravitational effect. That is the second dominating thing in the universe. But the thing that is forming that effect is invisible. 

Dark matter is the gravitational effect that is one of the most mysterious things in the universe. There are a couple of theories. That is making possible why researchers cannot see that mysterious thing. 

1) Dark matter is a virtual particle. That forms when gravitational waves are impacting. So the standing gravitational waves can make it possible that the gravitation would have a similar effect on the material. 

2) If dark matter is not self-gravitating that thing can turn dark energy to gravitation. In that model, the dark matter forms a whirl of dark energy that acts like gravitation. 

The reason, why some researchers believe that dark matter is not self-gravitating is that UDG:s are spiral-shaped structures. So there is a fascinating model that dark matter is the thing that forms dark energy in a tornado. And that quantum tornado will pull particles. 

When that kind of quantum tornado forms. Energy travels from the higher energy level to the lower energy level. That thing acts like a vacuum that pulls wave motion inside it. And then the object starts to ride with that wave motion. In that case, dark matter is the spontaneous quantum tornado that acts like real particles. 

There is mentioned that if dark matter is self-gravitating those UDG:s should be ball-shaped. So dark matter should also pull visible material in that extremely thin plasma to ball-size form.  


Image 2) NGC 1052-DF2, an ultra diffuse galaxy. (Wikipedia)

A large part of the material is stored in black holes and neutron stars. 

If there are black holes in the UDG, that black holes will not send as powerful  X- and gamma rays as black holes that are in the Milky Way. Because UDG:s  is less material that can fall in those black holes. 

The fact is that in UDG:s there is the possibility to see the shadow of the halo of dark matter. And the thing that makes UDG:s very interesting is that they are not ball-shaped objects. 

But there is the possibility that the ball of dark matter that surrounds those galaxies pulls them to disk. In this model, UDG is in the equator of the invisible ball of dark matter. And gravitation pulls that disk from both sides. That symmetric gravitation effect turns the visible material of ultra-diffuse galaxy to disk-shaped. 

So there is a possibility that at least another type of dark matter is not self-gravitating. There is the possibility that the dark matter is the gravitational effect is virtual particles. If standing gravitational waves are possible. 

That explains why we cannot see dark matter. In that model impacting gravitational waves form standing wave motion or standing gravitational waves. Those short-living gravitational centers could explain why we cannot see dark matter. But if dark matter doesn't create its gravitational effect itself, that thing means that this thing can turn dark energy into gravitational waves.


Image 2)

Nanotechnology and artificial intelligence are the ultimate combinations in medical work.

If medicines are equipped with nano-size sensors. That thing makes the system able to observe how chemicals are affecting cells. 

AI can follow the effect of medicine in real-time. That thing requires that researchers will inside put inside medicines the nano-size microchips that can measure things like the electric load of the cells. And those nano-size microchips can also search for things, like changes in the metabolism of the cells and other kinds of things. The nano-size submarines are even more powerful than those medicals. 

The UV-LED can destroy viruses. But it can also destroy bacteria. If the UV-LED slip into the cell it can give radiation to the DNA. And that thing can destroy bacteria as well as it destroys viruses. 

The nano-size submarines can take the miniature UV-LEDs near harmful cells. And those UV-LEDs can destroy the cell. There is the possibility that nano-size UV sources will put in the microchips that are slipping into the cells. And then the UV light will destroy the DNA of the targeted cell. That system can use a battery where iron and gold atoms are given electricity. 

That kind of system can make it possible to destroy bacteria and other harmful cells by using the WLAN or BlueTooth technology. But the nano-size submarines can also transmit images of the cells. And they can search how UV light affects cells that are under radiation. 

Or maybe the futuristic microtechnology can get its energy from the ion pumps. In that kind of system, the nanomachine will touch positive and negative ion pumps at the same time. And that thing can deliver energy to those machines. 

There is also the possibility that the nanomachine puts a small tube in the ion pumps. And that tube will lock those ion pumps open. Or nano-size robot can conduct all electricity from the surface of the targeted cell to itself. And that thing denies the ion pump's ability to work. There are billions of ways how the nanomachine can destroy its target. 

It can slip into the cell and destroy its internal organelles. The nanomachine can simply pull the internal organelles of the cell away. And that kills the cell immediately. Or it can pump the cell full of DNA or fibrine fiber. That thing can make the cell unable to operate.


Monday, October 17, 2022

Could the form of gravitation be a quantum-size tornado?

There is a possibility that the gluons that are rotating and same time orbit each other are forming quantum-size tornadoes. Those tornadoes are forming the channels between quarks in the hadrons. And those channels are pulling quarks together. But could those channels be a similar effect with gravitation?

There is suspicion that the gravitation is the quantum-size cavitation tunnel. In that case, the superstrings that form gravitation would form the tunnel where is a quantum vacuum in the structure. That means the quantum tornado or the quantum low pressure in that quantum tornado pulls objects together. But how that quantum tornado or quantum low pressure is forming? There are a couple of ideas about the origin of gravitation. 

In that model gravitation is three superstrings. And the graviton is a virtual particle that is forming in a quantum vacuum in the middle of two gluons that are orbiting each other. The outer superstrings are transferring energy out from those gluons that are orbiting each other and spin around their axle. 

The diagram of the system is this. 





()=Qauantum vacuum between gluons

>> or << =Direction of energy flow. 

Gravitation is the effect that is forming when two gluons between the quarks are orbiting each other. In that case, there are two gluons between quarks. And then those gluons orbit each other. That thing makes the situation those gluons are sending gravitational waves around them. Then there is a forming quantum low-pressure area in the middle of those two gluons. 

That low pressure pulls gluons and quarks to one entirety. In that model, energy travels in the middle of that system. And then those two gluons that are orbiting each other also spin with very high speed sending energy away from their poles. That thing forms two superstrings their energy travels outside the system. 

And then there is a center superstring that causes energy will fall in the middle of those gluons. When those two superstrings are orbiting the central superstring they are forming an effect that is like a maser. Because those superstrings are isolating the middle string outside the other radiation makes. That central string's energy level is lower than at the outer core of that channel. 

Three circles in image two are introducing how quantum fields of quarks cross each other in hadrons like protons and neutrons. There is the possibility that those quantum fields are forming virtual particles. 

There is also the possibility that fast-spinning quarks can create an electromagnetic tornado that acts like gravitation. The thing that makes gravitational waves that travel out from the hyper energy reactions could be that those superstrings are traveling over the area where is zero gravitation. Every balloon-shaped object is also a point where is no gravitation. 

That means that also inside black holes. And neutron stars are this kind of point. And when the superstring travels across that point, that thing forms gravitational waves. So gravitational waves are forming the opposite side of the object than the observer who sees them. This is one of the ideas about gravitational waves.

How hypothetical "Planet 9" could be invisible?

In this text, the focus is that if the planet is extremely cold. And there is not even volcanic activity. That thing could make the planet invisible. There is of course possible that "Planet 9" is some kind of glimpse of dark matter. But there is a possibility that it's the large object of Bose-Einstein condensate. Nobody has seen that planet yet, but it has given ideas to material researchers. On how to make material invisible. That answer could be in "Planet 9" if it exists. 

Researchers are interested in the mythic "Planet 9" because that kind of object would give information about the possibility to find ultra-cold planets and other objects. Which temperature would be near zero kelvin. Nobody found "Planet 9" yet. But there is suspicion that "Planet 9" is ultra-cold gas or water planet that has its origin in some other solar system. 

The thing explains why the planet is invisible. Is the possibility that this kind of object can be extremely large bites of Bose-Einstein condensate? And that means those atoms in that kind of planet would be at the minimum energy level.

So, the distance of those atoms would be maximum. That thing could make it possible that electrons. Or even quarks inside hadrons can turn into a straight line. So, there is an ultra-cold material that is different from the material that we know. 

Of course, we can create Bose-Einstein condensate in laboratories. But we cannot make a planet-size bite of that condensate. In extremely low temperatures is a possibility that low energetic electrons can be locked in stable positions. 

Image 2

If electrons on electron cores of atoms or quarks inside hadrons are turning to straight lines, that could turn material invisible. That form the energy channels in that hypothetical material. So those quantum pikes are acting like masers. And they can send the radiation back to impacting radiation. So that kind of thing can turn the incoming radiation away from the surface of that planet. 

And that thing makes it possible, that the extremely cold planet can drive light, and other electromagnetic radiations bypass the planet's denying the reflection from the planet's surface. So, those radiation pikes would make the light act like radiowaves that flow over the surface of the stealth bomber. 

That quantum system acts like an Earth's magnetic fields (Image 2), where radiation pike splits incoming radiation. Or reflection between particles that are standing between hypothetical planet 9 and the sun causes reflection that turns light away from the planet. 

So light acts like radio waves. The idea of plasma-stealth is coming from the planet's magnetic field. That plasma drives incoming radiation to pass the planet and if that thing is made over aircraft the plasma drives incoming radio impulses over the object. And that denies the radar echo. 

Same way if there is lots of particles or particle cloud between the observer and target. If in that cloud is a side-way reflection that radiation network can deny that radiation cannot pass that radiation field. And it covers the weak echo that forms by the backward-coming radiation. But the counter radiation denies incoming radiation reflection by turning the course of radiation by using counter radiation. 

And then the radiation or quantum pikes that are rising from that planet's core push the incoming radiation away from its core. So that thing makes radiation flow backward of that hypothetical planet. In those theories, Planet 9 is the roque planet that nova- or supernova eruption pushed away from its solar system. There is no radioactive material left. 

So it's the ice ball with a temperature of three kelvin. And there could be little difference between day and night side temperatures. That thing causes small energy flow over the core of that hypothetical strange world.

Image 1)

Image 2)

Mysteries of the universe hides under atoms' nucleus.


"When a star dies, the violent ending can lead to the birth of a neutron star. Neutron stars are real heavyweights in the universe – a teaspoon of the several-kilometer celestial body would weigh a billion tons. There is an unimaginable size difference between the atomic nucleus of the isotope lead-208 and a neutron star, but it is largely the same physics that describes their properties."

"Now researchers at Chalmers have developed a new computational model to study the atomic nucleus of lead. The 126 neutrons (red) in the nucleus form an outer envelope, which can be described as a skin. How thick the skin is, is linked to the strong force. By predicting the thickness of the neutron skin, knowledge can increase about how the strong force works – both in atomic nuclei and in neutron stars. Credit: JingChen | Chalmers University of Technology | Yen Strandqvist" ( of the Universe Revealed Under the Skin of an Atomic Nucleus)

The mystery of the universe is how the material or heavy elements form. All material, as we know it, formed in an event called the Big Bang that released all elementary particles into space. And then those elementary particles formed hadrons and atoms. 

The first atoms were hydrogen and then formed the first stars. Inside stars hydrogen turns to helium. And later helium fusion starts to form heavier elements. But when we are talking about the heaviest elements. There is a mystery with those heavy elements. Like gold, and finally uranium we must realize that only heaviest, and hottest stars can form those elements. 

But when are those elements forming? Are they forming in fusion reactions? Or is the supernova eruption the thing that forms those elements? There is of course possible that things like neutron star collisions can form elements like gold and uranium. 

The problem with that model is that neutron stars are homogeneous neutron balls. There are no protons at all. But if neutron star collisions are making the heaviest elements there are two ways how that thing can happen. 

The first model is that radiation or energy impact between colliding neutron stars turns another d (down)-quark into a u (up)-quark. That thing turns a neutron into a proton. Another version is that the radiation that the colliding neutron stars send causes fusion around those neutron stars. 

If researchers can prove that thing it will make it possible to create models of extremely high-energy reactions. When a supernova explodes it forms a neutron star or black hole. If the star's mass is so low that it cannot form gravitation that pulls light inside it, the remnant of the supernova is a neutron star. 

When a neutron star is forming massive gravitation turns all protons into neutrons. And the thing that keeps a neutron star in its form is the interaction between the neutron's poles. 

So we can say that the weak interaction is dominating in the neutron stars. The same force keeps the atom's nucleus in its form. But if there is a counter-reaction where neutrons turn to protons that thing would be fundamental.


Sunday, October 16, 2022

Transplanted lab-grown human neurons made a working network in rats' brains.

Next-step to creating medical care for people whose nervous system is damaged is to put the artificial or cloned neurons in damaged neural areas. The researchers successfully transferred lab-grown human neurons to rat brains. And those neurons are making networks. 

Skills are a series of memories. And this technology allows the transplant of memories between humans. That thing makes it possible to transplant memories and skills between people. The only necessary thing is that necessary skills are transferred to those neurons by stressing them by using the EEG. 

That thing makes it possible to hybridize the nervous systems of animals. The ability to create organisms that have a hybrid nervous system makes it possible to make intelligent pets. And increase the intelligence level of other species. 

Intelligent pets could be useful assistants for people who have limitations. But that technology is useful also in the hands of the military. 

But that kind of biotechnology have also threats. That kind of neural hybridization makes it possible to create the human-dogs or so-called "dog soldiers". If the neural structures that make wolves follow their leader and dogs loyal to their masters are transferred to human brains. That thing makes it possible to create people who always follow their orders. 

The idea of dog soldiers or "monkey soldiers" that are willing to follow their leaders always when they want without excuses is a dictator's mad dream. And there is a legend that mythic werewolves are the result of the hybridization of dogs and humans.  

The Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin ordered a man named Ilya Ivanovich Ivanov to research the possibility to create dog- or monkey soldiers. And Ivanov is the person who transplanted the heads of the dogs into another body. That research pleased Nazis and some SS doctors worked with experiments where humans tried to hybridize with dogs or wolves. 

But the success of those experiments was poor. But then researchers found the DNA. And then by using nanotechnology is possible to connect genomes over species. That thing causes things that were pure imagination in the 1940s to turn true. So by using modern technology is quite easy to make human-dog hybrids.


Cosmic antimatter mystery.

The antimatter is a mystery. At the beginning of the universe, the Schwinger-Effect created particle-antiparticle pairs. And one of the most interesting things in history is why only material remains. Why there was a little bit more material than antimatter? The interesting thing is could things like neutron stars form material from radiation. And could there be the Schwinger Effect in the modern universe? 

If there are magnetic fields in the universe that forms material, that thing could be one of the most revolutionary things in physics. And the principle of the Schwinger Effect is that when an electromagnetic field forms material, it forms particle-antiparticle pair. 

There is suspicion that some part of antimatter is forming during supernova explosions. In that case, the giant and extremely powerful shockwave travel through the universe. And there is a possibility that this effect turns the spin of electrons or even hadrons and forms antimatter. Or at least the supernova explosions are enough powerful that the radiation can make that thing. 

But an interesting thing is that also weaker magnetic fields like neutron stars and their radiation pikes can make that thing. Antimatter is forming in the atmosphere. When cosmic radiation turns the spin of some electrons. And that means also the atmospheres of other planets and plasma fields are the source of cosmic antimatter. 

Sometimes is introduced that some part of dark energy forms in an annihilation reaction where particle-antiparticle pairs are impacting each other. When we are talking about the annihilation and particle-antiparticle pairs we are not always talking about electron-positron pairs.

 Also, other elementary particles have anti-particle pairs. And maybe some part of dark energy forms when things like gluon-anti gluon (or boson-anti boson (or quark-anti quark)) pairs are annihilating. That thing is annihilation, similar way with the electron-positron pairs. 

But that kind of annihilation sends energy. That has a different wavelength than electron-positron annihilation. The fact is that also short-living bosons. And other high-energy particles that are short living can also make annihilation reactions. Maybe that kind of reaction is the source of dark energy, that rips the universe in pieces.


The star Wolf-Rayet 140 sends strange energy waves around the universe.

Above: Wolf-Rayet 140 with its material rings. 

There is a strange fingerprint around the star Wolf-Rayet 140. That star produces circles of shockwaves around it. Those shockwaves are visible in the James Webb-telescope images. 

The Wolf-Rayet 140 is a very hot star. Its surface temperature is about 20 000 Kelvin. And maybe that thing is the reason why that star sends those waves around the universe. The energy production in this star is very powerful. And there is the possibility that changes in energy production are more visible than in so-called "normal stars".

The Wolf-Rayet 140 is 5000 ly. away from Earth. That star is two stars that are orbiting each other. And there is the possibility that those dust rings are forming when the star that orbits the rare Wolf-Rayet star pulls material from the surface of the central star. Then that orbiting star impacts that material that increases its energy production. But there is another theory about the form of those rings. 

Every star has a cyclic sequence. When a star produces energy that energy pushes its core or surface outward. And when the pressure in the nucleus of the star decreases. Its energy production decreases. And the surface of the star starts to fall to the middle of the star. 

 So whenever a star expands because of its energy production it stops that expansion. When the surface of the star turns to fall in. That effect can cause a situation where the cloud of ions would remain over the star. And when energy production in the star's nucleus increases. That radiation pushes those ions to a longer distance. 

That thing pushes radiation to that ion layer. When radiation decreases the ions send the radiation impulse. And then that ion layer will send energy impacts to the universe. So maybe that thing would explain why Wolf-Rayet 140 sends those energy waves to the universe. 

When we are thinking about extremely hot stars like Wolf-Rayet 140. There is a theory about the form of that kind of star. In that theory, the energy that comes from the nucleus of the star, along with its gravitational field makes it possible for the extremely hot and bright star locks the electrons in its plasma to a certain position. 

That thing would be an incredible thing if it's right or true. And that thing could be possible in cases where the radiation and gravitational fields of the star are much more powerful than regular giant stars. That thing turns those electrons and atoms' nuclei into the quantum-size antennas that are driving radiation away from the star differently than in smaller and cooler stars.


Saturday, October 15, 2022

Can we someday create a gravitational version of stealth?

Image 1) 

Maybe somewhere in the future, this kind of system is possible. 

Image one introduces the situation where plasma and electromagnetic radiation impacts Earth's magnetic field. That thing forms an interaction where it forms a standing impact front between Earth and the sun. 

That impact front forms the electromagnetic shield that drives plasma and electromagnetic wave motion away from the Earth. The idea is copied to the plasma stealth. In plasma stealth, the plasma would drive electromagnetic radiation over the object. And that thing denies the echo from the object.

The antigravitation or gravitational stealth would act similar way. But the thing that is put to slide over the object is the gravitational wave. Theoretically, this kind of system is simple to make. The system must only form the standing gravitational wave that moves the gravitation away from the object. 

But making that thing is not very easy to make in practice. In this system, the object or the craft would equip with a gravitational radiator. Then there would be the wave where electrons are anchored by using electromagnetic fields. The system turns those electrons into quantum-size black holes. 

At that point, the system forms the point where gravitational waves. That is coming from inside, and outcoming gravitational waves are impacting. And this thing makes a standing gravitational wave that can turn other gravitational waves away from the object. Or this hypothetical system makes them slide to one point behind the object. If the system can make the focus by using gravitational waves. 

It can make very impressive things. The hypothetical gravitational focus makes it possible to pull the material over the layer and that thing can make the real gravitational engine possible. 

Image 1:) Pinterest

Image 2) B-2 "Spirit" Stealth bomber

At first, we must understand that gravitation is wave motion or radiation. And theoretically, it's possible to put to move across the surface. The system would work like a stealth bomber but the frequency or wavelength of gravitation would be different. In stealth bombers, the soft curves of the aircraft's surface. Keep the standing air layer above the surface. 

The impacting radar impulses load the aircraft by using electricity. That electricity ionizes the air. And that layer makes the radar impulses or radio waves travel over the aircraft without making an echo. 

Theoretically, there is a possibility to make a form that pushes gravitational waves acting like the shape of a stealth bomber. But there is one problem. Creators of that kind of system require the wavelength of the gravitational waves. 

But if somewhere in the future is possible to make the form that makes gravitational waves act like radiowaves over stealth structures. That thing makes it possible to create the most incredible systems that humans can imagine. 

Making that kind of system is theoretically very easy. There must be only the ball-shaped cloud of particles around the craft. Then there must be some kind of gravitational radiator. That thing sends gravitational wave motion to the particles that are forming the front between the structure and the gravitational center. 

Then the energy waves that can come from the annihilation turn those particles into a quantum-size black hole. The idea is that those two structures are forming a standing gravitational wave that denies the gravitational wave to touch the craft. 

The idea is similar to plasma stealth which drives incoming radio waves away from the solar system. But the system must make a similar thing to the gravitational waves. 

Image 2:)

Change the sound of massive stars warn that they turn to supernova.

"An artist’s impression of Betelgeuse’s supernova. Credit: European Southern Observatory/L. Calçada" ( Imminent: Massive Stars Sound Warning They Are About To Go Supernova)

The new investigation shows that supernovas are not exploding without warning. That makes predicting those interesting and powerful phenomena more accurate. If there is the possibility to make the prediction when some star explodes. That thing opens new views to observe things like forming of neutron stars and black holes. 

The problem with supernovas is that they explode almost without warning. But making more accurate predictions makes it possible to turn telescopes into that exploding star and observe the entire explosion. 

On earth is a limited number of telescopes that can look at a certain point of the universe and find some useful data from that point. 

Observing an exploding supernova that explodes 3000 light years away from us requires extremely large telescopes. For making observations that have enough accuracy. 

Those powerful telescopes are always busy. And they are needed for many other observations. When those telescopes are following some star, they are away from something else. 

When supernovas are seen from Earth, they have already started their eruption. And that means that the beginning of that eruption is out of data. 

Certain signs give a tip that the star is going to explode. When a star loses its hydrogen fuel. It starts to burn helium. And in that process, it turns into a red giant. In those stars, helium is the main energy source. And helium fusion requires more energy than hydrogen fusion. When the fuel of the star is going to end it starts to pulsate faster and faster. 

The reason for that is that the energy that comes from fusion pushes the star's core outside. That thing decreases pressure and temperature in the nucleus of the star. When energy production turns lower the star will start to collapse until the new energy pulse pushes its core away. 

So when the fuel in the star will end that means the star is starting to pulsate faster and faster. Until the fusion material in the star ends. That causes the collapse of the star. During that collapse, the star's energy production increases to the level where it creates as much energy as it produced in its entire existence until it turned into a supernova. 

The massive energy production means that the shockwave starts to travel outside the star. The supernova always forms neutron stars or black holes, depending on its mass. A supernova is one of the most fascinating things in the universe. There is the possibility that those eruptions form warp bubbles. 

In that hypothesis, the powerful energy impact forms the situation where the supernova pushes all quantum fields from around it. Also, those extremely high-energy reactions are giving information about things like wave-particle duality. Can a high-power electromagnetic field turn the light element heavier?

Extremely large-size stars are also fascinating because they are forming also the heaviest elements of the universe. The thing that makes those stars interesting is that the supernovas can uncover when elements like uranium form.  The ability to predict the supernova explosion makes it possible to turn the observation instruments to that exploding star. 

Are those heaviest elements forming during the normal fusion reaction of the red supergiant? Or are those heaviest elements forming during the supernovas? That thing makes many very interesting thoughts in the minds of astronomers and physicists.


Chaos is the thing that limits our range of view things.

The black hole's mathematical shape is a hyperbolic layer.  Chaos or entropy is what limits our view.  We cannot see the other side of t...